Sam's P.O.V

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I grabbed all my stuff and threw it in the back of the Impala. Dean hopped in the drivers seat and I slammed the trunk. I walked around the car and got in the passengers seat.

"So, Wisconsin to Minnesota, should only take us 3-4 hours. Hey, what town am I driving too exactly?" Dean asked after about 15 minutes of silence. I rubbed my eyes in concentration.

"Some little town. It only has a population of like 9,000. The closest big city it's near is like Monticello or somthing."

"Righty then. Let's get this show on the road!" Dean yellowed as he cranked up the radio. I listened to the song and smirked. Dean shrieked and almost got into a head on collision while trying to get the CD out of the player. I tried so hard not to burst out laughing.

"SERIOUSLY SAM! That music probably contaminated my ears! It's fatal to anybody who listens to it! And yet you decided to still, while knowing what pain it would cause me and Baby, put a onE FREAKING DIRECTION CD IN MY CAR!" I couldn't take it anymore. I burst out laughing, tears in my eyes I was laughing so hard.

"Remember-the-prank-war-from-along-time-ago?" I managed to get out between convulsions of laughter and gasps of air. Dean narrowed his eyes, a small smile forming around the corners of his mouth.

"Oh, it's on like donkey kong!" He yelled.

"I don't understand that refrence." A voice from the backseat called. I nearly had a heart attack, but Dean just sighed.

"Cas, donkey kong is an only video game. I'll show it to you sometime." Dean explained. Cas smiled at that, his blue eyes lighting up.

"I'd like that." He replied.

Ah great. Now I have to deal with these two unofficial love birds?

"Cas, you need to stop showing up in random places. It's scaring the Hell out of me." I said. Cas frowned.

"But Hell is a place, how could it be IN you?" He asked. Dean chuckled, I sighed.

"It's a figure of speech Cas." I called back.

"I do not get that also. How could you arrange speech into a figure? Figures are tangible things. Unless you mean a math figure, but that is not speech then." Cas stated confused.

"Cas okay so..." I started to explain this when I saw Dean wink at Cas in the rear view mirror. I folded my arms.

"Very funny. I'm laughing sooooooo hard right now." I muttered sarcastically. Dean smiled.

"Awe, is Sammy-Wammy just mad because he got tricked by an angel that wasn't Gabe? Awe," Dean said in a baby voice making a gushy face at me.

"Don't make me superglue another beer bottle to your hand again Mr. Angels Boy." I retorted, smirking when Dean started blushing.

"Shut up." He muttered playfully.

"Now I actually do not understand that refrence..."

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