Cas's P.O.V

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I am straight right? I mean I like girls, but like...Dean is so...ugh I am so confused. Maybe I can like girls but, have an exception for Dean? So like...bisexual? like girls. No I like Dean. WATERMELON! Where did that come from? Hmm. Watermelon does sound good right does Dean. AH WHAT THE HECK! I am so confused. I need to talk to Gabe. No, he would laugh, then probably have this wierd story. Sam? No...he gave his answer. Dean? Oh yes Cas. That would work. Because going up to sombody and saying "I am straight, yet I think I like you...what do I do?" Is definitely a good option. Gah! Screw it. I'm going on tumblr for answers. Alright. Let's search up..."How to know if gay or straight", straight, Dean. Why did I put Dean in there? Oh well. Let's see. WTF! Sombody has a username Desteil_For_Life_Bitches! Desteil...Dean and Casteil?! Do I have a stalker? Hmm. Let's see their blog. What the heck! It's all Dean and Casteil stuff! And like "how to tell if gay or not." There is also a Gif of Gilmore Girls...what even. Okay Cas, you have had enough. I NEED TO GO TO SLEEP! Ugh. I'm not tired, but if I have to find another angel in the morning I need sleep. Sleep is wierd, like. I'm not a robot, I don't need to recharge. GAH screw it!


(That was Cas arguing with himself at like 3:00 in the morning.)

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