Dean's P.O.V

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Thank Chuck Cas sometimes couldn't understand our refrences. I mean come one Sam, Mr. Angels boy? How more "Subtle" could he put it. Might as well have slapped a sign on my back that says "IM GAY FOR CAS!" I don't even want to talk about how Sam found out. I checked the time. 9:15. Sam and Cas were both asleep, and I had the radio on quietly. All of a sudden a hand shot out making me have a heart attack.

"Sam what was that for?" I asked hyperventilating because the sudden movement made me swerve into the other lane again.

"I hate that song." He replied simply, sitting upright and stretching.

"What song was it? Taylor Swift?" I asked teasingly.

"No. Carry on my wayward son by Kansas." He replied again.

"Oh," I said simply. Sam's eyes glanced out the window.

"Turn right up here by Walgreens." He said. I turned right and we were w a bridge over a river. The Mississippi River as the sign told me. We reached the other side and made our way into a little town called Big Lake. It was a decent town, mainly surrounding two lakes. We made our way to the American Inn and I put Baby in park.

"Cas, wake up," I said nudging him. He didn't move a muscle. Ah whatever. I thought.

"I'll go get a room." Sam offered.

"Two queens, I'll sleep on the couch. " I said. He smirked.

"Good thing too. I don't want you and Cas keeping me up all night," he said with a wink and walked into the motel. Really Sam? Really? Well guess who is getting their luggage stolen tomarow? I thought. I unloaded the trunk and brought everything inside, except for Cas, he was still sleeping. Hell with it! I picked him up bridal style and carried him up to the room. Which was up 3 flights of stairs. I got to the room, opened the door, and set him down on his bed. I glanced over at Sam and I saw he was holding his phone.

"Did you just?" I asked

"Take a picture? Yup. And I sent it to Bobby" He answered. Sam crawled into his bed and I flopped down on the couch. I couldn't fall asleep so I layed there with my eyes closed for a while. As I was drifting of I heard Cas.

"Sam?" Cas asked whispering.

"What?" Sam replied, also whispering.

"Is Dean asleep?"


"Can I tell you somthing?"

"Yeah sure"

"I never was asleep, I just wanted him to carry me inside." I heard Sam giggle a little bit.

"Casteil Novak, you are probably the smoothest and laziest angel I have ever met."

"But I don't know why I did it, I mean, I'm straight."

"Cas, you and Dean are both straight as two unicorns playing with slinkys while sliding down a rainbow and singing the my little pony theme song. Get your ass out of the closet, and go to sleep." Sam said.


"No buts. Goodnight Cas."  Sam said.

"Goodnight Sam." Cas said.

Goodnight guys I thought as o drifted off to sleep.

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