Dean's P.O.V.

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Crowley appeared at the door, looking super depressed, like even for the king of Hell it was bad. The four of us just kind of watched him as he sat down on a chair and sighed. I sat down on the couch, curled up next to Cas, and Sarah and Sam were sitting on two other chairs. Sarah cleared her throat.

"So, um....could you like....explain this to us?" She asked quietly, handing the picture to him. He looked at it sadly.

"I remember those days..." He whispered.

"So it is Tala? Sam asked. Crowley nodded. "How?" Sam questioned. Crowley let out an audible sigh before talking.

"She was but wasn't born in 2003, she had...sort of three lives, I guess? When she was first alive in the mid 80's she died along with her mother. She was an unborn child. We found her wandering in Hell because her mothers spirit stayed on earth, but the baby didn't know where to go. Lucifer agreed that we would raise her in hell and train her to heir shall you say? We trained her for 20 years...then in the year 2003 your dad and you started annoying us Dean. Exercising demons and such. So we sent her to earth to stop you two...but she had a plan. She said "instead of showing up, kicking ass, and leaving....why don't I go to earth and ... Spy?" We agreed and created a human form to match her now. We had some old friends of mine take care of her for a while, and then we sent her to Big Lake to keep an eye on Adam's kid. You see, Tala had her body changed to match her age on earth, but her mind stayed the same. When she was 8 we finally reappeared, and realized we had done somthing horrible. Tala had two personalities. One was of an 8 year old who saw good in the world and had a best friend named Sarah, the other was of a 28 year old spirit that only saw the evil. We brought her back to Hell and tried to help her but it was too late, she escaped, and ran. I don't even know where she is now." Crowley explained. It was so quiet you could here a pin drop, until Sarah spoke.

"Wait, the voices? That was her two personalities?" Sarah asked. Crowley nodded. "She always spoke of going to a place that would make the voices stop, somewhere in Kansas. She said 'They can help make the voices stop. They will help me.' And she rambled on about it." Sarah thought out loud. I looked at Sam. Somewhere in Kansas...? Hm. Oh let me guess... I thought. Cas went to stand up but I grabbed his arm and cuddled closer to him. Sam whispered somthing to Sarah.

"So one personality right now is 13, and the other is 32-33?" Sam stated. Crowley nodded.

"Imagine. Teenagers always freak out thinking that they are older than they are, but then realizing that you are? And it's not like it's completely two personalitys. At first it was, with the voices, but now it is Tala...with full access to memories. It's like both personalities combined." Crowley said. Cas tried to say somthing but then shut his mouth.

"What's with the wings?" I asked.

"Ah about that...she is confusing. She is human, raised a demon, yet has angels wings. Actually scratch that, not Angels wings. She can conceal them, but her wings are viewable to all. They are also bullet proof, and are stronger than any other wings." He explained.

"Sounds like Maleficent..." I muttered. Cas smiled.

"That was a good movie." He stated. Sam looked at me.

"You two went to see Maleficent without me? Oh come on, so that's what you two do when I'm studying cases. You go on dates." He said, teasing us. I was about to say no it's not a date but Cas just nodded his head.

"Yeah...?" Cas replied. My internal 13 year old girl flipped out. Oh my gosh he likes me! No he doesn't he didn't understand what dates ment! GAHH!
Sam smirked at me then turned around. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Cute," Crowley said sarcastically.


I made the most inhuman noise today in Swimming during gym. Okay one my crush is like my best friend and he as like great abs. Two after swimming he was talking to me and his friend was like "I got great abs." And then my crush lifted up his shirt and said "oh yeah?" And they were arguing over who had better abs and then they turned to me and said. "You vote." And the 13 year old girl in me squealed and I almost died. The end.

BTW I voted for my crush. Lol.


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