Cas's P.O.V.

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Holy shit Dean is actually letting me take the car. Like what the actual Hell. I got into the car. Mm. It smells like Dean. The subconscious gay voice in my head thought as I immediately disagreed with it. No Cas you are straight! Anna will kick you straight to hell if your gay! I thought. Well at least that's the only thing that's straight with you... My subconscious thought again. I shook my head and started to drive. Dean of course had Led Zepplin in the CD player so I didn't bother to change it. Then a brilliant idea popped into my head that might possibly get me killed. I whipped out my phone. "GAAAAAABBBBBEEEE!" I yelled into the phone sounding like a two year old.

"What do you want at this early hour of the morning?" He asked sourly, with a hit of smile in his voice. I laughed.

"Because I have Dean's car and I want to pull a prank on him!" I laughed into the phone.


"What is it?" I asked.

"Go to the nearest family dollar! There should be a sticker that you can put on his windshield to make it look cracked." Gabe said laughing. Oh shit I am soooooo gonna pay for this one.

"Alright bye Gabe." I parked in front of coborns. Food. Okay. I walked into Coborns. I grabbed some more pop tarts for Sam, some pie for Dean. Then I found the pudding aisle and I grabbed about thirty packages. I turned around and boom. There she was. Awe shit why the hell do I have run into her now. I cautiously walked up to her.

"Sarah?" I asked. She whipped around.

"Who the hell are you?" She asked, more of a demand then a friendly question. I took a deep breath.

"I am a friend of your dads." I said quickly. The look in her eyes were defensive, but somewhat curious. She looked around before turning back to me.

"How do you know him?"

"I am friends with Dean and Sam,"

"The sons of bitches that left their step brother in Hell? "


"Well what the hell do you want with me?"

"I heard you killed a windingo."

"Yeah so?"

"We want to know if you will help us track down a...thing...that is in this surrounding area. You know the town better than we do." She paused for a minute thinking after I said that.

"What type of thing?"

"Um...we don't exactly know. All I know is that whatever it is, it's somehow controlling all spirits and demons around here." She recoiled as if  I punched her.

"Yeah I'll second." She pulled out her phone. "Mom? Yeah it's me. Hey I ran into Grace and she wants to know if I can go camping with them this week. Yeah I would leave now. Ya I'll be safe. Yes I love you too, bye." She closed her phone. I stared at her. "What?" She asked defensively.

"Your mom just lets you leave randomly like that?" I asked incredulously. She nodded. I quickly finished shopping.

"Damn! Who is obsessed with pudding and pie?" She asked staring at the cart. I chuckled.

"That would be Dean." I said. I started walking again.

"Hey Sarah are you good at pranks?" I asked. She nodded, smiling.

"Good cause I might need your help." We got in the car and I drove to Family dollar.

"Fuck!" Sarah said and crouched down in the passenger seat. I looked over at her.

"Wha-" I began

"Look straight ahead. See those kids?" I nodded. "Well they are actually Angels. And they are the most dick headed Angels I have ever met. Not to mention I might of, kind of ticked them off..." She trailed off. The light turned green and I turned into the parking lot. We both got out. "What are we getting here? " she asked.

"Somthing for a prank. And maybe a few hunting supplies." I said casually. I grabbed the sticker set off the shelf. I turned around to see Sarah walking back to me with Bobby pins, Salt, a hula hoop, a squirt gun, chalk, spray paint, rope, a glass jar, a wierd silver hair piece, and what looked to be the contents of the whole ATM. I stared at her. "What do we need those for?" I asked. She smirked.

"That's for me to know, and you to find out. There...a few tricks I learned...from an old friend." She grew sad at those last words. "And the money I got from my dad's account. About 7,500$" she added. I shrugged and we payed and walked out. "Um Castiel can we stop by my...friends house really quick?"

"Yeah sure. Where too?" I replied. She gave me the directions and we took off.

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