Sam's P.O.V.

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I sighed and sat down by the fire, resting my head against a tree stump. Sarah was watching over Tala, and I finally got to rest. Wait, where's Dean and Castiel? I bolted up and ran over to Sarah. "Sarah have you seen Dean? Or Castiel?" She looked up at me.

"No...but if they are together they will find their way back. I'm guessing you have never known Dean to get lost, and Cas is an angel. They will be fine. Oh speak of the devil." She tilted her head to somthing behind me and I whipped around. Cas was standing there, and he looked like shit.

"Cas? Are you okay? Where's Dean?" I asked. He didn't tilt his head to the side in his normal confused manor, Instead he looked away from us like he was cowering.

"I didn't think he actually followed me..." He muttered.

" Dean in the forest?" Sarah asked. He shrugged.

"I thought he was here, but if he isn't here then yes. He is in the forest." I shot a glance at Sarah and I could tell we were thinking the same thing.

"We need to find him. He has hypothermia, if he doesn't get treated soon he'll be dead. Cas and I will fly over the trees, Sam, stay here with Tala." Sarah said. I nodded and they took off, except Cas looked a little out of it. I waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And waited.

About a half an hour later they came back, and Dean wasn't with them.

"We looked everywhere, but then this snow started to fall and covered up everything. We couldn't see, we almost couldn't find our way back here. All we can do know is hope he finds his way back." Sarah reported. I nodded and looked at Cas. Both of us had tears in our eyes. Sarah went back over to Tala and Cas sat down by me.

"What happened?" I asked

"She told you"

"No before that, what made you vanish into the forest and Dean try to follow you?" He looked down at the ground

"...nothing. Just, You'll find out soon enough. I probably shouldn't be here when Dean comes back..." He sighed. I never noticed but soon Cas was asleep, and so was I.

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