Part 13 First Date

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That's my beautiful Xenara at the top :)

Alexis POV

Today's weather forecast? Total lie.

The weather woman claimed it would rain but there's been nothing but sunny skies all day. I'm currently walking hand in hand with Xavier down South Dixon Beach. I love it here and I knew he did too (Hunter coughed up the details) so I thought what better a place to end our date. I smiled to myself looking up at his blissful expression.

At least I got him to take his mind off of my disappearance. The one thing we cannot figure out is how I was able to withhold my scent.

I had packed a picnic basket that I refused to let him carry. I don't want him doing anything. I kept reminding him that I was taking HIM out, not the other way around. It wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be to get him to surrender his Alpha tendencies and let me have my way jus this once. We all know by now he's not the only one that can put on a good tease. I giggled out loud kneeling down to the spot he pointed out to lay our blanket down.

'What's so funny?' he asked tilting his head almost like a curious puppy.

'Nothing.' I responded and giggled some more at my dog reference.

He took a seat on the blanket leaning back on his elbows observing my every move. I proceeded to unpack the basket laying out all my labor of love for him to ogle at. It was just after 6pm right now. I took all morning to make all this food so we decided to come down in time for dinner and the sunset. We had gone ice-skating just before this as a method of keeping cool in this weather. Plus both Xavier and I loved winter and all it entails.

I wanted to be an Olympic ice-skater growing up. The sparkling outfits, the music, how gracefully the girls seemed to move as they completely captured their entire audiences.. It all appealed to me. I used to watch them for hours with my mom. It was kind of our thing. But when she died my dream died with her. Dad never approved of the 'tiny little outfits'.

'Oh my God!' Xavier's voice brought me back to reality. I snapped my head in his direction as I saw him reaching for one of my triple chocolate brownies. Swatting away his hand I moved them closer to myself and passing a plate to him.

'Not before dinner.'

I had made my 할머니  [hal-mo-ni]'s favorite bibimbap recipe, triple chocolate brownies, my secret lemonade and who could forget the ever so famous chocolate covered strawberries with edible gold and champagne. We even drew little suits and faces on the strawberries with the chocolate together. We talked as we ate and before we knew it the sun was minutes away from resting on the seabed before us.

There's so many things I learned about him that I would never have known had I not asked. Like for example; he still sleeps with his baby blanket underneath his pillow, he has teenage mutant ninja turtle boxers and he's a huge boy fan of BTS and Bieber. Someone's not as tough as he likes to make out after all...

I think it's sweet. It makes him that much more relatable now that I know he doesn't chew bricks for breakfast. I giggled out loud again causing him to glare at me as though he knew exactly what I was thinking.

'That brick comment isn't funny at all.'

I placed my hand over my mouth to stifle the laughter. I'm still not used to the whole mind barrier thing after all.

He past me a glass of the champagne as we sat facing the sunset. I'll remember this moment forever. The red and yellow slices of color that mingle with each other in the sky light up the top of the now blackened waters extended before us.

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