Part 24 The Chase

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Xavier POV

I told everyone about our new rules this evening before they all went home. From now on the doors will be locked so they won't be able to just come in anymore. It’s been a long day so we said our hellos and quickly followed up with goodbyes so we could get some sleep.

I carried my sleeping mate up to our room and laid her on the bed. Contemplating whether or not to undress her, I hovered over her sleeping form a little more than necessary before deciding to dress her the way she would usually sleep.

Tucking her in tightly, I undressed and slipped in beside her. She was smiling in her sleep. Somehow seeing her so happy only managed to bring up the Scalava issue even more prominently.

'Arr shit.' I thought as I rolled out of the bed again. I need to go see her father.

Looking back at my mate a final time I felt a tinge of guilt.

(We'll be back before she notices.)

‘We better be or I’m telling her this was all your idea.’

(Of course… Blame the wolf)

I shifted jumping through the bedroom window to the floor beneath it. I know exactly where Scalava lives. This ends sooner or later. If he knows what's go for him it won't be the latter.


'Well well, well.. If it isn't Alpha X.'

I didn't need to look to know who that voice came from. His stench was noticeable for miles. I strolled behind a nearby tree to shift and put my boxers back on.

'I wasn't expecting to see you this soon I must admit. 'the stench from the alcohol hit me hard as he stepped dangerously closer to my face.

'Joe you really should brush at least twice daily'.

His laughter roared through the forest trees. What was he doing all the way out here anyway? He lives a further 2 miles east of this place. I see some people just never change.

'That was cute what you did there' he stammered staggering backwards and crashing to the floor.

Jesus Christ... He's pathetic.

'I'm not here for the social activities Scalava.'

'You don't think I know that?!' his eyes squinted at me in anger. I couldn't help but laugh. 'What's funny fxxkboy?!'

'I see your still of clouded judgement so just listen carefully. Destroy that contract or I destroy you. Choose wisely. '

He laughed again this time almost choking on the mouthful of Whiskey he was throwing down his throat.

'We both know the answer to that. I'd make a great father figure for you. Much better than that dead one of yours could ever have...'

'You shut the hell up. RIGHT NOW! You have 24 hours before I find you, and KILL YOU! '

I didn't wait for his response. I turned away and shifted immediately racing in the direction of my home. I want to see Lexi so badly right now.

Alexis POV

When I woke up this morning Xavier still wasn't there.

I was pretty pissed. I had woken up a few hours before desperately needing to pee only to find he wasn't there. The fact that he wasn't there now just confirms he hadn't slept beside me at all. Our first night back and he left me in the house alone. This better be flipping important.

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