Back To Gravity Falls

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Dipper Pines sighed as the bus finally rolled to a stop. Here we are. Back to Gravity Falls. Home.

After eight mind-numbing years stuck in Piedmont, he was finally back. He had gotten the call as he was trying to figure what college he was going to.


"Is this Dipper Pines?"

"Uh, yes. Who am I talking to?"

"I'm Nick. Stanley and Stanford's lawyer."

He sighed. Of course. Probably needed bail money.

"There... Has been an accident."

Dipper couldn't breathe.

Both his Grunkles had been killed in a car wreck. They had left the Shack to him. He was supposed to come take care of it. Mabel was so distraught she refused to come, instead taking a job near her college in Louisiana.

Dipper shook his head, clearing the bad memories. After all, he was back. In Gravity Falls! So many good times happened here! He couldn't help but smile.

Grabbing his bags, he walked out of the bus. Dust billowed around him as it drove away. Grinning, he raced off to the Shack.


Wendy and Soos were waiting for him. Wendy had cut her hair into a shaggy boy-cut, but she was more or less the same. Soos too, but he was married to Melody now. He was still the repair man, but Dipper had already decided to give him a raise to support his family.

"Hey guys!" Dipper said, hugging each of them. They weren't the only ones who had changed. Dipper was now taller than Wendy, and not so noodle-armed.

"Sup dude! You've grown!" Wendy laughed. "Heh. Not such a little dude now." Soos added.

The day went on. Dipper cleaned the Shack up, dusting off cobwebs and straightening the shelves. The place had gotten rather shabby in the weeks that his Grunkles had died, so it was quite a task. Using a rag, he cleaned the grime off the store wares, making them shine. He also got Soos to sweep and get the cobwebs off the ceiling. Wendy was outside, picking up the trash in the yard.

Next he cleaned up the house part of the Shack. He had decided to stay in the attic. Stan's room was just too painful to live in. Maybe I should get a janitor. They could live here, after all, it will be lonely when Wendy and Soos go home. He quickly decided he could put fliers up tomorrow. Well. As soon as I find a printer. Stan's is all busted, and there's no way in hell I'm using the copier downstairs.

The kitchen was a mess and any trace of food seemed to have disappeared. Great. I'll have to go shopping. At least he could buy some decent food, now that Stan wasn't here to be all stingy with the money. "Heh. I bet the old man has billions hidden around here."

And as he was cleaning up the living room, Dipper found he was right. As he was dusting off he TV, he noticed something was off about the wall. He slid his hand across it and found a tiny latch. When the young man pulled on it, a small door swung open. Dollar bills literally exploded out. Mostly twenties and hundreds. What on Earth was the old man doing to get this kind of cash?! Actually, I don't want to know...

Straightening up the cash, Dipper slid the little door shut. "Well. At least I know where all the repair money went." He muttered, standing up. It looked like he was set, even if the Shack didn't bring in enough money.

The rest of the day went by uneventfully. Toby Determined, Old Man McGucket, and some others stopped by to see Dipper and talk about Stan and Ford. Apparently, neither had been feeling to well. Manly Dan mentioned that they were paranoid about something when he came to pick up Wendy.

Those two? Paranoid? Ha! Unless a demon shows up, I won't believe it. Besides, Bill is locked away. Hopefully for good. Who else? Tad Strange? Nah, why would he bother? Manly Dan must have been mistaken.

Soon it was nighttime. Soos had gone home, and Dipper finished cleaning up alone. He sighed, tapping away at his laptop. He wasn't tired, but there was nothing else to clean. Too much coffee in his system kept him awake. At least its not Mabel Juice... He smiled at the thought of his twin's insane drinks. She was happy in Louisiana, but he missed her already. Jeez. I make it sound like we're one of those cheesy couples. Ew.

Once while playing Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons, (This time without the dice that almost killed him last time, of course) Pacifica had dared him to open a portal. What they saw was pretty disturbing... After that, it made sense why Bill was so messed up... Yikes. I'm just glad I'm in my normal, non-incest world. And it could be worse. Like that... Rather descriptive one about me and, ick, Tad Strange. As if I'd date a demon.

"Whatever." Dipper muttered, standing and shutting his laptop. It was late, and he really needed to get some sleep. Or bleach my mind. He trudged up the stairs and into the attic. All his clothes were put away neatly, and the beds were made. Dipper, was, after all, the cleaner, tidier twin. No Mabel to make everything messy. He sighed and flopped on his head.

Hitting his head on something metal.

"What the...?" Reaching under the pillows, Dipper pulled out small tablet. The screen flickered to life at his touch. Creepy. Wait, what the?! On the screen were two people Dipper had thought he would never see again. Stan and Ford?!

Indeed, his late grand uncles were on the screen, though Ford was pacing in the background. Stan was facing the screen, mouth open mid-sentence. They were in... The forest? It was a recording, and once he was over his shock, Dipper hit play.

"Hey kid. Sorry for not telling you in person. If you get this, we're dead." Oh really? I couldn't tell. "Now for the bad part. The thing that got us? Really bad. Like, Satan-Would-Be-Scared kind of bad. An assassin. Sent by Gideon." Isn't he in jail? And how on Earth did he get an assassin like that? "Listen kid, I know you'll be asking a ton of questions. There's unfortunately only one person we know who can tell you. Bill." Bill?! "Yeah, we know. But he is a last resort. Ford found a special summoning spell to get him out of that prison. The rest is up to..."

Suddenly the camera was thrown back. It hit a tree, which propped it up. Dipper could only watch in horror as Stan was thrown off his feet. Someone dressed in all black was there, giving him something with a needle. Ford was already unconscious. When Stan stopped struggling, the person in black snapped his fingers and a car appeared. He knows magic! The person threw the two old men into the car and slammed the door. A terrible screeching noise exploded from the car and it jumped to life, racing away. The screen cut off.

Dipper sat there, his heart pounding. What? Stan and Ford had been killed in a car crash... Which is probably what it looked like, after that guy put them in that car. Who ever it was, they were a professional.

There was only one person who could tell Dipper what to do now. Well, demon. Bill Cipher.


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