Lunima and The Reapers

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It goes downhill from here...


A black haired girl walked over to the two lovers, and Bill hugged Dipper tighter, scooting back in the water.

"I'm just gonna heal him." The girl snapped. Bill reluctantly let her come near, though Dipper still felt uneasy about the Reaper getting close to him.

She touched his forehead and a warm, tingling feeling raced down his arms and rested in his hands, like two kittens were sleeping his his palms. Then another wave focused on his stomach, and Dipper watched as his flesh knitted itself together.

Oh, that's just gross. I'm gonna barf.

A flash of black caught his eye, and he looked over her shoulder. Black feathery wings. They weren't one color like Fallen Angel's, they were speckled with silver and red. The girl shifted, finished with her work,  and he found himself looking in dark black eyes.

"Hey kid, you've lost a lot of blood. You might not want to run anytime soon." She held out a hand. "I'm Ribbon. Nice to meet ya." Dipper hesitantly shook her hand, then felt Bill pull him away.

The demon stood the human up, protectively hugging him to his chest. Now Dipper could see all the Reapers, and it made the hair on the back of his neck rise. Six girls, six men.

Two of them, Ribbon and Fallen Angel, had wings. Two of the men were tall, with shaggy black hair. Brothers, if Dipper had to guess. Then there was Ace, and beside him was a massive man with dark brown hair. He was built like a football player, and Dipper was pretty sure he wasn't naturally human.

The other six hung back, too far away from them for Dipper to see. He wasn't sure he even wanted to see them.

Fallen Angel had walked over, the two black haired men beside her. Dipper tensed, but Bill released him and stood in front of the brunette, lowering his head respectfully.

"Lunima. Bast. Nero. It's been a while." Bill said. Dipper blinked, unsure of what to think. Bill knew these people? Why was he calling the Fallen Angel... Oh. That's her name. Moron.

"Bill. Sorry about Lunima. It's just a job." The taller one, the one that had stopped Lunima earlier, stepped forward, looking at Dipper, unimpressed. "This was the one you were fighting her for? Really?"

The shorter one snickered. "Love makes you do crazy things, brother." He stepped around Bill, holding a hand out to Dipper. The human noticed he had bright, golden eyes, like Bill. "Hey kid. Names Nero."

Bill growled slightly and stepped in between them. Dipper realized he had shifted back into the human. When did that happen...

"Back away, you golden-eyed freak." Bill spat. The black haired man narrowed his eyes and slapped him angrily. "Little dream demon, don't forget who you're talking to."

"Nero." Lunima walked up and grabbed his arm, pulling him away. "Leave him alone." Nero sighed but backed off, still glaring slightly. He slung an arm around her shoulders. "Fine." He muttered.

Ace chose that moment to walk over. Dipper could see he was built like a gymnast, all lean muscle and sinew.

"Ah, Bill. Long time no see, eh? Now, about the fee..." Dipper tensed. Fee? What fee? Did Bill make a deal? Was it like that image Lunima had showed him while hidden behind smoke?

Dipper felt himself begin to shake a little, but Bill simply glared and pulled something out of his tail coat pocket. "Here." He tossed the item and Ace caught it, holding it up to the light. It was a red and silver ring, dragon-shaped, with a ruby held between the muzzle and tail.

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