Cipher Returns

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I read too much fan fiction. To everyone waiting for The White Demon, I'm so sorry. I'm not inspired for it today.


Dipper clenched his teeth, trying not to think about what he was about to do. I can't believe I'm summoning Bill. Bill! Why him? Tad Strange would have been a better choice! Well, after that dimension, maybe not...

He shook his head. This was crazy. He was in the forest, a summoning circle spread out around him. He carefully stepped out of the center, making sure he didn't mess up any of the runes. Half an hour of drawing in red chalk. Dipper was covered in it. He tried not to wonder what it was made of.

"Where was that paper?" He muttered, looking around. He found it in his pants pocket. He had decided to wear a pair of khaki cargo pants and a purple shirt. Of course, he still had his hat. I wonder if he remembers that stupid nickname? Damn. What a stupid question. Bill didn't think of Dipper as anything but a body with a mortal soul. Why would he remember the person he almost destroyed?

Three years ago. Back in Piedmont. Mabel had gone out with her friends. Dipper had been dumped by his first and only boyfriend, Vix. He hid in his room, not talking to his parents. He refused to cry. Not over Vix. Never. But then Vix showed up at his house. Dipper, unsure what to do, let him in. It was a mistake. Vix kissed him and said he was sorry, and that he wanted him back.

And Dipper believed him.

Things got heated between the two of them, and soon Vix had Dipper pinned to the bed. Then he started laughing. "Well well Pine Tree. I didn't know you were into this kind of stuff. Shame I'm not an actual human." Dipper froze. Bill. Vix's normally brown eyes had gone bright yellow. "Ha! Ha ha ha! You think this human actually wanted you? You've got some mental issues kiddo."

Dipper shoved Bill-Vix away. Why had he trusted him? Of course no one wanted him! Then Vix disappeared, leaving Dipper a sobbing mess. No one else knew the truth. Not even his twin sister. He fell apart after that. He focused more on solving the supernatural, ignoring his studies and friends. They all drifted away. Even Mabel grew distant. Dipper was an outcast. All because of Bill and his sick mind games.

Dipper forced himself from the memory. He wont remember that. It was just a game to him. He glanced at the paper, wrestling his sadness away. Psycho killer that killed Stan and Ford. That is what I need to worry about. He began chanting the Latin words. The spell said to repeat it three times.

"Ego vocabo Bill Cipher. Vitam suam obligat se tantum cum praesens sum apud me fugiunt debilissimus. Affectus amoris et evocant. Sed ego pono eam. Iterum repperi, dimittam dæmonio liberarem." Dipper only understood part of the chant. Something about weaknesses and demons. Will it show me Bill's weaknesses? As if he was that lucky.

The world went grayscale. Dipper's heart jumped. You're twenty Dipper! Get a hold of yourself! You're not a kid anymore! It was still difficult not to scream, however, when a bright glowy triangle flew straight into his face. "Hiya kid! I didn't expect you to summon me! What's up?" Dipper took a breath, but Bill kept on talking. "Oh man! You're sure a lot different than when we fought in Stan's mind, eh? Still jumpy, but you can't change everything. At least you don't have that squeak little voice anymore." I forgot he was this annoying. "Hey! I heard that!" Bill said, pretending to be hurt.

"Stan and Ford sent me." Dipper said quickly, already irritated with this damn Dorito. The triangle floated, tapping where his mouth would have been. "Oh, them? What, are they so scared they sent a kid to do their work for them?" Bill started laughing.
Dipper clenched his fists and took a breath so he didn't start yelling. "I hope not, Bill. They're dead." Bill flew closer, nearly face to face with Dipper. "Really? What are you doing here then? Man, I really miss a lot when I'm stuck in this mindscape."

"They told me to get your help." He snapped, his anger rising. "So help me you stupid Dorito." Bill dramatically sighed and floated backwards a bit. "Fine Pine Tree. I suppose I'll help you. With that stupid spell you used to summon me, I'm have to help you. But now you have to come with me."

"Wha-?!" Dipper was suddenly violently shoved from the mindscape. Now he was standing in a... Coffee shop? No. It was a little Japanese-style tea shop. So what was he doing here? There was only one person, a guy with shaggy black hair. He was sitting at a table.

Then Dipper realized something.

Everything was grayscale.

"Good job kid. You've noticed the obvious." Dipper jumped as Bill appeared right beside him. "Now that we're here, hey Drak!"

The guy at the table sighed and moved. Dipper flinched. He hadn't realized the man was in the mindscape with them. The man looked over, his irritation plain on his face. "Bill Cipher. I thought Soul told you I no longer want to deal with you."

Bill chuckled nervously. Bill? Nervous? Who is this guy?! The guy, Drak, glanced over at him. He had dark red eyes. "I'm Drak kid, and I can hear your thoughts. You're loud. Please shut up."

Dipper blinked. Terrific. Another mind reading demon. Bill laughed. "Trust me, Pine Tree. This guy isn't like me at all." Frustrated, Dipper decided to get a song stuck in his head so he wouldn't think. Unfortunately, the song turned into What Does The Fox say. Which was pretty annoying.

The two demons were talking in hushed voices as Dipper hummed along to the song.

"So it's a deal?" Bill asked. Dipper stiffened at the words. A deal? With Bill? Drak nodded. "I'll do it, but you have to look for my sister. You understand? Of you don't..." He trailed off, his red eyes narrowed into a glare.

"Of course, you'll kill me, take it back, yada yada. It's a deal." Bill stuck out his hand to Drak, a blue flame surrounding their hands as they shook.

Drak jerked his head at Dipper. "Come here kid." He hesitantly walked over, cautiously guarding his thoughts. The red eyed demon grabbed Dipper's hand and there was a black flash that Dipper recognized as magic.

Then everything faded away as he fell unconscious.


Dipper groaned, slowly waking up. He vaguely remembered Bill and Drak making a deal, but that was it. Wait. How am I here?! He was back in the Shack, laying down in his bed. His head felt like the time he fell down the stairs.

"You okay?" Dipper jumped at the voice and turned to look at Mabel's bed. Sitting there was a man. Holy hell he's gorgeous.

And he was. Tall, lean, and handsome. His hair was a shaggy gold and they matched his eyes. Eye. One of them had a nasty scar where it wasn't hidden by an eyepatch. He was dressed formally, with a gold trench coat, white button up, black boots, and black slacks. He also had a... Top hat? A cane was on the bed beside him.

"By the way you're staring, I guess you like it, Pine Tree." Dipper flinched. "BILL?!" Did he steal another body? "Whoa, calm down there kid. Yes, it's me." Bill stood and walked over to Dipper's bed, leaning closer to him. He flinched and moved back, pressing his back to the wall.

"Did you steal that body?" He growled, trying to push Bill away. Bill smiled and leaned even closer. "Pine Tree, we pulled this body from your imagination." Dipper finally shoved Bill away and stood up, a little unsteady on his feet.

"What are you talking about Bill?" The demon had a smug, mocking grin. "Why, Pine Tree! That's what I needed you for! Drak gave me this body, but we had to use your blood for it!"

Dipper felt sick. Have I been tricked? Is he going to leave without helping me? Bill laughed, reading his mind. "Kid, you're stuck with me until you release me from your stupid spell. I'm here to stay."

Well. This couldn't get any worse for Dipper.

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