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I have no idea what I'm doing with my life anymore. Have a terrible, OTP-wreaking chapter. 


Dipper yawned, rubbing at his eyes. Sitting at his desk, he had the 3 Journal open and was flipping through it, unsure of what he was about to do. Can I really go through with this? But the whispered words of the mystery demon urged him on. 

He knew it was probably lying, and that he shouldn't listen to it. Still... I'll just take a look. It wont take long, and Bill will never find out. 

After a few more pages, he found it. The dimension portal. Ugg. It looked like it was going to be a lot of work.

Dipper sighed and pinned the book open so he wouldn't lose the page, then quickly wrote down the strange requirements.

Fairy Dust - How cliche.
Werewolf Fur - Under the bed.
Almonds - Weird.
A... Human sacrifice? WHAT THE HELL? WHAT AM I READIN- oh. Wrong portal.
Bumblebees - This is some weird shit...
Vampire Fangs - With the we're wolf fur...
Rat Teeth - Hell, I can find those under the baseboards somewhere...

Dipper clicked his tongue at the odd requirements, and, relieved the portal he needed didn't demand a sacrifice, he began gathering the items, thankful that Bill was in town getting groceries.

The Fairy Dust was with some of Mabel's things that she had left some years back, and the Werewolf Fur and Vampire Teeth were under his bed, among his collection of supernatural things. Dipper went and found the almonds from kitchen and the bees from a hive in the rafters. Which was a bad idea with no protection. As was fetching the rat teeth, as he had to actually go under the floors for them...

So, after getting some ointment for the scratches and stings, Dipper ground the ingredients together in Grunkle Ford's old lab. As he was working, Dipper found himself thinking of all the times he and Ford had been down here. Heh. The time with the dice, and the space rift... The space rift. Dipper clenched his teeth, remembering the time Bill tricked Mabel. Maybe he's tricking me too. It's not impossible...

Sighing, he finished up and started drawing on the floor with chalk, copying the design from the book. It was a bit sloppy, but it would do. Sprinkling the powdered ingredients over the complex circles, Dipper began chanting. 

Ego vocabo daemonium qui exterminabat me. Projice eam in gyro et illum ad me. Iubeo, et habebit domum. 

The symbol glowed a  blueish white and the circles began to spin. The air began to smell like sulfur and... Kind of like the forest.

A shape sat in the center, hidden with a veil of smoke. Green eyes glowed through the grey. They weren't human eyes, that's for sure. They had no whites, just a pure, bright, glowing green with black cat-like slits for pupils. 

"An bhfuil a fhios agat cé mé?" The voice was unnerving, smooth and kind, but cold and furious at the same time. Definitely not human. It was a whisper in his mind, like before. But now it was not speaking English. Fantastic. At least Bill had the decency to learn Dipper's language. A stab of unease coiled in his stomach. Should I really go through with this?

Yes, I have to.

"Féach ar an. Is dócha nach dtuigeann tú dom." The words were followed by laughter. "What are you saying?" Dipper snapped. A Cheshire-cat smile appeared in the smoke. 

"Uspokoysya , ya ne budu govorit' irlandtsev . Yavlyayetsya russkim normal'no ?"

The words were different now, but still completely foreign. Great. A bilingual demon that doesn't speak English.

"I can't understand you." He sighed. The laughter came again through the veil of smoke. "Na dann. Nein Russisch. Deutsche?"

Dipper sat down, gritting his teeth and waiting.




"Are you just fucking with me now?" He growled, balling his hands into fists.


"Great. So now you know French. Just speak English for the love of God!"

The demon laughed again. It was really getting on Dipper's nerves. "You could have just asked in the first place." He rolled his eyes. "You know what you're here for." The demon chuckled. "Indeed."

He stood. "So? Are you telling the truth? Does Bill really love me?" More laughing. God, that laugh was going  to drive Dipper insane. 

"I'll show you instead." Before he could ask what the demon meant, the smoke swirled and became a clean surface, like a T.V. screen. Images flickered, all of him and Bill, until they rested on one particular scene. Somewhere in the back of his mind Dipper realized this was another reality.

Dipper was looking at a tall, shirtless, black-haired man. No, demon. He had red eyes and sharp teeth. He couldn't hear anything, but the scene was abundantly clear. Bill was watching Dipper, obviously angry. He said something and turned away ever so slightly. Then the black-haired demon grabbed Dipper and the image faded away. Now Dipper was in a windowless room, completely naked, while he was being... Sexually harassed by the black-haired demon. Then the demon raised a whip, studded with glass and other sharp things, and whipped Dipper. Thirty times it came down, and thirty bloody lines criss-crossed his back. The Dipper in the smoke screamed while the real Dipper felt pure terror. It was so... Real. Even if there was no sound.

The image faded away into smoke, leaving Dipper trembling and the demon cackling. "Does that answer your question?" It sneered. "I told you. Would someone who cares for you do that?"  Dipper felt tears slip down his face. "I-I..." Then the demon laughed again. "Honestly, this is too easy." And, dragging the smoke with it, it lunged out of the circle and slashed white dragon-like claws over his chest.

Dipper cried out and fell backwards as the smoke dissipated, leaving the circle, torn and empty. T-that should be impossible... He gently touched the bleeding gashes. It should have stayed in the circle... 

Trembling, Dipper stood. "What is this?" He jumped and turned to the door. Damn! I left it open! Bill was standing there, looking furious. Dipper opened his mouth, then closed it, unsure what to say. "You summoned a demon? What kind of fool are you?" The blond hissed. "What were you doing?"

"I-I had to know something... And..." Dipper thought of the bloody images, of Bill's silent betrayal and the black-haired demon's beating. "I found it." But even as he said it, doubt began to flash through his mind. The circle didn't work on keeping the demon in... Why would it make him tell the truth?

Bill glared at the human. "I trusted you Dipper. And then you do this?" The brunette's heart shattered at the cold words. "I-I..." But he had nothing to say, and Bill knew it.


I am so sorry. ;-; Thanks to Caroline_Fangirl7 for allowing me to use that little scene. (Its from her book, Yes, Master William. I suggest you read it, it's really good.) Also, there is gonna be 5 more chapters at the most, but I might make a sequel. What do you guys think?

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