Jay and Indigo

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Dipper yelped and jerked away from Bill. "What the hell?! Have you been messing with my dreams?!" The dream demon blinked, confusion flashing in his eyes.

"What's wrong Pine Tree? I know you liked it. Why are you mad?"

Dipper huffed in anger and shoved Bill off his bed. The blond fell and just stared up at the younger man. "You don't mess with dreams Bill! It's wrong!"

The human stood and stomped over to his dresser. Pulling out blue jeans and a red shirt, he ran out of the room and into the bathroom. He was changing when he heard knocking at the door.

"Hey Pine Tree? Listen kid, I didn't expect you to be so mad... You know, it was your dream at first. I only altered the end a little bit."

Dipper rolled his eyes as he finished putting on his clothes. Throwing his pajamas in the hamper, he slammed the door open, hitting Bill in the process.

"Leave me alone!" He hissed, going downstairs.

"Pine Tree, I-" Dipper turned and glared at Bill, who looked very confused.

"You can't just mess with my dreams like that! Quit trying to make me fall in love with you! After what you did, pretending to be Vix, I hate you! You destroyed my life!"

Panting in anger, Dipper realized it was true. He hated Bill for what he had done.

The demon blinked, opening his mouth but closing it again. You can't think of anything to say, can you?

Why did I trust you?

"Bill, just leave me alone." He muttered, walking out if the room and into the store part of the Shack. It was time to set up for the day.


Three hours later and the store was full of people. Wendy stood at the counter with Dipper, both of them checking the customers out.

Soos was fixing a shelf that had fallen when a young kid threw a rock at it, and the noise of the hammer mixed with the yelling if the people was giving Dipper a headache.

"Hey Dip, I can deal by myself if you need to get out of here." Wendy said, obviously seeing his growing irritation. Nodding, Dipper slipped out from behind the counter.

He almost went for a walk in the forest as he'd done a million times before. It was his way to destress after long day, but Bill knew that. He would probably guess that's where the human had gone, and Dipper didn't want to see the demon.

Instead, he went for a drive. His ride was a rusty little red truck he had bought the year before. Mabel had gotten a car for their 18th birthday, and their parents hadn't had enough to buy him a car.

Dipper had always knew his parents liked Mabel better. After all, she was bright, happy, and likable. He was reserved, quiet, and people didn't like him as much. Maybe it because she wasn't openly gay.

Actually, that was probably it.

Dipper sighed and started his truck, the engine sputtering to life. The drive to the town was short, and five minutes later Dipper parked his car in Greasy's Diner.

Ordering a cheeseburger and fries, Dipper drummed his fingers on the table as he waited.

"Hey, you're Dipper, right?" He glanced over, vaguely surprised someone knew his name. Two kids, a girl about his age and a boy about seventeen, stood at the end of the table.

They both had platinum blond hair, so Dipper assumed they were siblings. The boy had soft blue eyes and a rather feminine face. He was wearing a black hoodie and black jeans, complete with black tennis shoes.

The girl, however, really caught Dipper's attention. She looked like Joelle. He was sure of it. Her hair wasn't white, but her eyes were green. He thought that's what it was at first, but quickly found out it wasn't.

Her eyes were harder, less kind. It was her face. It was a near replica of Joelle's, all muscle and no fat. A small scar cut over the left side of her lip.

She was wearing black jeans and a black tank top with black combat boots. She also wore a black leather jacket and a leather choker.

"Yeah, I'm Dipper." He finally said. The girl slid into the booth across from him, the boy following her.

"Cool. I'm Jay and this is my bro Indigo. We call him Diago." Th girl said. Dipper guessed she was used to doing whatever she wanted.

With her looks, she probably could. She wasn't unworldly beautiful like Joelle. Jay was sexy in a way few could resist.

"Hi. I haven't seen you around before. Do you live in Gravity Falls?" Dipper asked. "Nah man. We're here with our aunt while our mom is off in Alaska. She's one of those hippies, ya know. All save the animals this, and save the trees that."

"Sounds difficult." He commented. At least his parents weren't hippies. Homophonic, maybe, but not crazy.

"Not really." Indigo muttered. Dipper glances at the teenager, slightly surprised. He didn't expect the shy boy to speak at all. Indigo didn't either, apparently. He blushed and looked down.

Jay laughed and slung her arm around her brother. "Aww, don't be shy Diago. You've only got a crush on him." The pale boys face got even redder and he jerked his hood over his head.

Dipper felt his face heat up as well. Jay noticed and laughed again. "Oh look, Di! He likes you back!" The girl pulled a piece of paper out of her jacket and wrote something on it.

"Here. This is Diago's number. Meet him here tomorrow and go see a movie at that new cinema down the street. 8:00 PM sharp. Don't be late."

Then she pushed her brother out of the booth and practically dragged him out. "S-sorry Dipper! See you tomorrow!" Indigo called behind him.
Dipper just sat there in shock. What on Earth just happened?

I have a date tomorrow.

Oh man. Bill's gonna be pissed.

But maybe Dipper wanted that.


Glitch here! This probably doesn't make much sense yet, but just roll with it for now.

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