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I don't want this to end. ;-;
But it is
Just like Gravity Falls
I'll leave now


Dipper grinned as Bill wrapped his arms around him. It was August 31, his twenty third birthday.

Mabel was sleeping in the corner with her current boyfriend, Felix. She had taken to Bill rather well, and over the three years she had forgiven Dipper for not telling her about their relationship immediately.

His parents hadn't showed again, but Grenda, Wendy, Toby, and the others from town had shown up. Almost everyone had left by now, leaving the twins and their respective lovers alone.

"Happy birthday, Pine Tree." Bill murmured, his lips inches away from Dipper's ear.

Dipper kissed Bill's cheek and buried his face in the demon's shoulder. It had been three years, but Dipper was still smaller than Bill. Just how Bill liked it.

"Come on, I wanna show you something." Bill murmured, slipping and arm under his legs and picking the human up bridal style.

He carried Dipper outside, and into the forest. Dipper never got over his nervousness of the forest, but he trusted Bill to keep him safe.

The sky was full of brilliantly shining stars, nothing but blackness and bursts of silver. It was warm, but not as hot as Dipper expected for a August night. There were also no annoying bugs, probably because of Bill.

The two traveled a good ten minutes, wrapped in a comfortable silence, before they entered a clearing. In the center was a tall rock, maybe ten feet tall and just wide enough for the both of them to sit on. Bill, still carrying Dipper, leaped up, using one arm to climb while Dipper's head rested on the demon's chest. 

Once they got up top, Bill pulled Dipper onto his lap, even though there was plenty of room for them to sit side by side. The demon buried his face in his lover's shoulder, inhaling deeply.

"So what did you want to show me?" Dipper murmured, reaching back to wrap his arms around Bill's waist. The blond laughed at his impatience. "I wanted to come out here so we could be alone. With Shooting Star there, we never get any peace." He hugged Dipper close to his chest, as if afraid he would lose the brunette.

Dipper sighed in contentment and closed his eyes, wrapped in the warmth of Bill's arms. Then a crack of lightning interrupted the still silence. The two were thrown off the rock, and Bill twisted around so Dipper landed on him. 

Dipper looked around, bewildered, until four shapes emerged from where the lightning struck. Dipper grabbed Bill's hand, his heart pounding. All of them wore hoods, but there was something... Familiar...  About the one in front. Who on Earth could that be?

Bill was oddly calm, as if he was expecting this. He leaned forward, putting his lips near the human's ear. "It's okay Pine Tree."

"Well well, Bill. Been a long time. Well, long time for me. Not so sure how time passes in this dimension." 

Dipper got his answer.

Lunima pulled off her hood, grinning. Her face was mutilated by a thick black scar, but he would have known that voice anywhere.

"Alright Dipper. Ready to become a demon?"

Dipper glanced at Bill, wide eyed. The demon smiled back. "I wanted you to be like me, so I wouldn't have to watch you..." He faltered, looking troubled. "I didn't want to watch you die."

Dipper blinked, then looked back at Lunima, unsure of what to say. She simply stared back at him calmly. 

"I-I..." He stammered. Did he really want to become a demon? But, looking at Bill, he knew the answer.

"Yes, I'm ready."


Woo hoo! Bad ending! I suck at these... Oh well. To be clear, I will making a sequel to this, but not immediately. I don't want to get burned out or anything. 

Also: Holy shit I need to fix a ton of plot holes in those last few chapters. Uh, read them over? Like, what happened to Jay and why Lunima wasn't bound by that demon-circle.


I'm such an idiot.

Thanks for reading, the ten of you that are.

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