A Date. Without Bill?

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Dipper sighed, pulling the comb through his hair. "I told you, you don't own me." Bill growled from the doorway. "I do own you Pine Tree." He grabbed Dipper's arm and turned him around so that they were face to face.

"Go away Bill." He muttered, shrugging him off. The demon was really annoying him. "You don't own me. Actually, this stupid mark on my chest says the opposite."

Bill sighed and stood back, baring his teeth like an animal. "Fine, Pine Tree. Have fun." He sneered walking out. For some reason, this stung Dipper more than it would have if Bill had slapped him.

Sighing, Dipper glanced at himself in the mirror. His brown hair was stylishly messy, and he wore a pair of black skinny jeans with a white muscle shirt and black tennis shoes.

He had to admit, maybe he was going a bit over the top. After all, that kid, Indigo was three years younger. But he was cute. Maybe this won't b so bad. My first date since Vix and I broke up...

And Dipper suddenly remembered why he was mad at Bill. Damn sexy triangle demon.


Twenty minutes later and Dipper was driving into town. He parked his truck at Greasy's Diner and checked his watch. 5:56. Cutting it close. Dipper smiled to himself ad got out of the car. It was better than being late. 

Indigo was waiting inside, looking rather bored with his head in his hand, staring at the window. Dipper slid in across from him, waiting for the teen's reaction. The pale boy caught sight of him and blushed. "H-hey Dipper." He muttered. "Hey Diago." The blue-eyed boy blushed even more and Dipper smirked to himself. 

Indigo wasn't his type really, but he had an innocence that was hard to resist. Usually Dipper crushed on the tall-dark-and-handsome types. Or demon Doritos... Dipper shook the thought from his head. He came on this date to forget about Bill. And because Jay gave him no choice, but he tried to ignore that part.

"H-here. Jay said I should give this to you. She said it would help us stay awake for the movie." The pale boy handed Dipper a small vial of a pinkish liquid. It looked vaguely familiar, but he drank it anyway. What harm could it do?

"Um, should we go now?" Indigo asked, standing up. Dipper got a good look at him. He might have been young, but damn, he looked good. He wore black jeans like Dipper, but with a black sleeveless shirt and black boots. He also wore dog tags. 

The teenager must have seen Dipper checking him out, because his face got even redder. He sure is cute when he blushes... And that's when Dipper realized he had been spending too much time with a certain dream demon.

"Yeah, lets go." They walked out of the diner and down the street to the movie theater, which was surprisingly empty. In fact, the particular movie they were watching, it was only Dipper and Indigo.

Dipper took advantage of the fact and nabbed the middle seats. Not too far, not too close. The two talked, Indigo slowly losing his shy, for about fifteen minutes until the lights began to dim. They had decided on a hack-and-slash movie, and six minutes in and Indigo was clinging to Dipper on his lap, terrified. After all the horrors he had seen in the forest, the brunette wasn't scared, but he was interested in the fact that Indigo was so scared.

In the back of his mind, Dipper was questioning why the pale teen had enthralled him so fast, but something was pushing the thought away. He let it slip out of his mind, instead focusing on Indigo.

"Hey." He murmured into the pale boy's ear. "We can leave if you want to. My house isn't too far away." Whoa. Where had that idea come from? But Indigo nodded and climbed off his lap, still looking a bit traumatized. 

Once they were in the truck in the Greasy's Diner parking lot, Dipper lost it. 

He pulled Indigo onto his lap and kissed him. The blond teen stiffened, seeming shocked, then melted into the kiss. Dipper once more had that question about the quick attraction, but it was pushed out of his head again.

"Ng... D-Dipper wait." Indigo said, pulling away. The brunette frowned, a bit disappointed. Why had he stopped?

Then the teen, his face getting redder by the second, climbed back into his seat. "M-maybe I can stay at your  house for the night." He muttered.

Dipper was sure he hadn't heard him right, but he smirked and started the car anyways. Why not have a little fun?

Still, there was something urging him to stop, to tell Indigo to leave. Dipper was sure of it. But his mind was focused on the teenager.

Soon they were at the Shack, with Dipper practically dragging Indigo up the stairs. Once they reached Dipper's room, he pushed the blond onto the bed, kissing him.

They might have gotten farther if Bill hadn't shown up.

The demon ripped the brunette away from the teenager, his eye a burning red. Dipper couldn't figure out why Bill was ruining his fun, but that little voice in the back of his head was chanting danger, danger.

So of course he ignored it.

"Diago! What the hell Bill?!" Dipper snapped, grabbing the demon's shirt collar. It only seemed to anger him more, and he shoved Dipper away.

He then pulled something black out and threw it on the ground. A puff of black smoke and Dipper suddenly felt dizzy. What the hell just happened?

When his head cleared, Indigo was gone and Bill was watching him, his face cold and expressionless.

"W-what was that, B-Bill?" Dipper said, his voice too shaky to sound rude. The demon's face softened as he walked over and hugged him. "He gave you a love potion, Dipper. I could smell it on you."

Dipper was stunned. Indigo? Shy little Indigo gave him a love potion. No. It was Jay. Of course it was. She probably didn't want Dipper to break her brother's heart.

"I saw you kissing that... Human, and I lost it. I don't know what came over me, Pine Tree." Bill muttered, his face still buried in Dipper's hair.

"It's okay Bill." Dipper whispered back. He felt the demon smile and slip his head into the crook of his neck.

"You know I care about you, Dipper. That business with that Vix kid, I didn't really want to do that. But I wanted to make sure you would only be mine." Dipper whimpered at the mention of his ex. Was that really why Bill messed with him three years ago?

Bill suddenly pulled on Dipper's belt loops, tugging him onto the bed. "Pine Tree." He murmured. His voice sent shivers down Dipper's spine. "What you were about to do with that guy..." Bill's hands slid up to his shirt, slowly sliding it off Dipper. "You can only do with me. Got it?"

Dipper felt a blush rise to his cheeks as the demon slowly undressed him.

And the rest, dear reader, is a secret between the two.


I'm evil, I know. I also can't write fluff, much less smut. This is such a cringe worthy chapter.

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