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A day had passed since Bill had kissed Dipper.

Dipper was, of course, still flustered and embarrased anytime Bill even got nearby. And of course Bill didn't even seem to remember it. He acted like he always did, cocky and mentally insane.

Dipper tried to put his mixed feelings about Bill out of his head. Bill was a demon. And one who likes to hurt himself.

He was currently seeing how long he could stick his hand in the toaster. What an idiot. Unfortunately, he is a cute idiot. Wait, what am I saying?!

Dipper shook the thought from his head. Bill was really messing him up. He decided to go clean up the Shack some more, as Bill was about to be a cripple if he kept his hand in that thing.

It was Sunday, so Wendy and Soos were taking their day off. Just me and Bill. Fan-freaking-tastic.

Sweeping, he noticed something unusual. Well, unusual for a Shack that was currently displaying a living goblin. A giant feather.

At first Dipper thought it was from the griffin, but too much was off about it.

It was on the counter, near the register. The thing that caught Dipper's attention was how perfect it was. Nearly the length of his entire arm, it was pure white and looked as if the light bent around it differently.

If Dipper didn't know any better he would have said it was an angel feather.

Maybe they do exist. After all, demons exist. Why shouldn't angels?

Deciding to ask Bill, Dipper picked up the feather. It was warm. Not in a soft-fur-coat kind of way, but in an animal-is-warm-when-I-pet-it kind of way.

"Cool." He muttered, staring at it. "Hey Bill, look what I found!" Dipper called, walking back to the kitchen. Bill's hand was currently smoking and he was laughing like a maniac. Which he was, of course.

"What kid I'm in the middle of - WHAT THE HELL DIPPER?!" Bill pulled his hand out of the toaster (it looked very burnt. Dipper wondered how Bill could stand it) and tackled Dipper to the floor.

"What the hell Bill? What are you-!?" He was interrupted when Bill ripped the feather out of his hand. "Oh no. This is bad. Real bad." He muttered, staring at the feather.

"What are you talking about?" Dipper snapped. Bill's unnatural golden eyes met his.

And Dipper suddenly realized Bill was still on top of him.

Thankfully, or maybe not, Dipper wasn't sure, Bill hadn't noticed. He was too preoccupied with the feather. Which, in hindsight, should have really tipped off Dipper. Bill more concerned with a giant feather than mercilessly teasing Dipper?

It couldn't end well.

"Uh, kid. When you saw that video, did you think about how it ended up in your room?" Bill asked, still freaking straddling Dipper. "Uh, no. I-I gu-guess not." Dipper stuttered, a bit flustered.

"This is really bad kid. This feather? It's a warning. I think I know which assassin killed the old guys... And he's after you, too."

Dipper just laid there in shock. An assassin? After him? What had he ever done to - oh right. Gideon.


"W-what can I do?" He asked Bill, who was still holding the feather. "I don't know, Pine Tree. I'll ask around, but no one has... Exactly escaped this particular assassin. He always hits his mark."

"Uh, Bill?"

"Yeah Pine Tree?"

"C-could you get off of me?"

Bill blinked, glancing down at Dipper. A smirk appeared on his face and he leaned closer to Dipper's face. He was sure the demon was going to kiss him, but he pulled away. "Sure Pine Tree."

And he got off. Just like that.

He actually listen to me. Holy shit.

This assassin must be terrifying.

Bill helped Dipper up and went to the living room. They had bought an actual couch, which sat four people. However, Bill decided to sit right beside Dipper.

"So this assassin is called Fallen Angel. He's part of some sort of assassin gang called the Reapers." He began, relaxing. As if he wasn't talking about the person who was going to kill Dipper.

"Fallen Angel is very expensive to hire. Well, any of the Reapers are, but this guy can kill anything. Vampires, humans, demons, gnomes. If you can pay for him, he can kill your target. In any way, actually. Gruesome murder, fake suicide, accidents. He can arrange anything."

Bill sighed and laid across the entire couch, putting his head in Dipper's lap. The brunette flinched slightly but shifted to make it comfortable.

"Pine Tree, I don't know what to do if you want honesty." Bill sighed. The sun was beginning to set and Dipper didn't want to get up.

The two went quiet, but it was a comfortable silence. Twenty minutes later Dipper was nodding off. Then he slipped into sleep, Bill's head cradled in his lap.


Dipper and Bill were walking hand and hand through the forest. It was dark, but Dipper trusted Bill to protect him. Despite the darkness, he could see further than ever. Everything was beautiful.

"Pine Tree." Bill murmured, pulling his hand, dragging him off the path and to a cabin. Dipper didn't question it, just followed, blissfully unaware of what was about to happen.

Once they were inside, Bill threw Dipper onto the bed and climbed on top of him. Dipper whined, unsure of what was happening, yet still liking it.

"Pine Tree, you have no idea how long I've been wanting to do this." He murmured. Dipper's heart pounded, and he stretched his head up, bringing their lips together.


Dipper awoke the next morning in his bed. Wondering how he got there, he rolled over, only to come face to face with Bill.

The demon wasn't even sleeping, just watching him with glazed eyes. He grinned at Dipper. "Hey Pine Tree!" He leaned closer, face inches from Dipper's.

"Have any interesting dreams?"


I've honestly written this faster than any of my other books. ;-; I have a shipping problem.

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