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Dipper grunted as he lifted up a heavy rock. It had been two days since he and Bill had talked, and Dipper felt better than he had in weeks. True, they hadn't done anything... Physical... But that come with more trust. Bill wasn't avoiding Dipper anymore, and they were civil, if not friendly.

It was Soos who had the idea of a petting zoo featuring some of the less harmful creatures of the forest, like cervituars. There were actually three cervitaurs who came to get away from hunters, and one was simply too young to live by itself.

Now Dipper and the two adults cervitaurs were cleaning up the clearing behind the house. The other two, one juvenile and the other just a kid, were inside helping Wendy. Soos had taken the day off, sick, and Bill was in another dimension, trying to contact the Reapers.The sun was beginning to set, making the sky a blood-red. Most of the customers had left, and it was peaceful.

Until a gunshot rang out.

The ground beside Dipper exploded, throwing him off his feet. What the?! A shape came from the woods calmly, like she didn't have a shotgun in her hands or she didn't just shoot at Dipper.


The girl was grinning sadistically, her pale blonde hair turned a pink in the light. She was wearing odd clothing, nothing like the cool clothes she had those weeks ago. Instead of the tank top and jeans, she was wearing old fashioned clothes, black tights tucked into knee-high black boots and a long-sleeved black shirt that clung tightly to her torso. Cloth hung loosely around her neck, and he could just make out a hood hanging on her back.

"I was getting tired of this cat-and-mouse game." She called, standing on one of the larger rocks Dipper had yet to move. "I decided to finish it now." Dipper reeled in confusion. What was she talking about? Was she really this upset?

You have a lot to learn. The voice. Dipper hadn't heard from it since it told him of the Horsemen. Too bad you wont be alive much longer to learn.

Another gunshot and pain exploded into Dipper's shoulder. He screamed and fell backwards, then scrambled to his feet. The cervitaurs, who had been standing in shock, charged at Jay, but she glared at them, and they stumbled. They stared at the girl and began to tremble, then dipped their heads in a sign of respect.

What?! What are they doing? The two cervitaurs broke into a gallop, racing back into the forest. Seconds later the other two followed.

While Jay was distracted with the cervitaurs, Dipper ran into the Shack, tears pricking his eyes as every heartbeat sent another wave of pain through his arm. Wendy was slumped on the counter and Dipper feared for the worst, but her chest rose with faint breaths and a sickly-sweet smell filled the air. Chloroform.

Jay was smart.

Dipper was terrified. First the Fallen Angel guy, now the psycho sister of Indigo. What was next? Hell hounds? Actually, it was probably better not to jinx it, with the way his life had been going lately.

"Stop trying to hide Dipper." Jay called from outside. "I will catch you. It makes no difference if you run or not."

Dipper would be damned if he just rolled over and died. Instead, he raced to the vending machine and opened the passage to the underground laboratory. But just as he was going to run down, a hand, surprisingly strong, yanked him back. The brunette was thrown to the floor and Jay stood over him.

She had left the shotgun behind and now had strange metal contraptions on her hands. They reminded Dipper of Wolverine claws, as four razor-sharp claw-like blades slid out on each hand with a quiet snik.

Dipper's heart pounded as Jay knelt down beside him. "You should've stayed with Indigo, the poor boy. It would've made my life so much easier. As it is, you've simply made it harder to kill you." Jay sighed, irritation flickering through her eyes. "That damned demon of yours kept on getting in my way."

Bill had known Jay was trying to kill Dipper? Why didn't he warn him? The now-familiar rush of betrayal and distrust blew through Dipper and his gritted his teeth. He shoved Jay, who fell back n surprise, and ran straight into the kitchen to grab a knife.

Jay followed him, the irritation now very clear on her face. "Give it up, Dipper Pines." The brunette glared at her and raised his knife warily. "Not likely, bitch." Then he lunged at her, trying to stab her.

Of course, he missed.

He was aiming towards her chest, but she slapped hit hand, causing the knife to jerk up. It slashed her face, barely missing the little scar on her lip. Jay snarled in anger and slashed the claws at him, grazing his arm, ripping through his gray sweater.

Dipper gritted his teeth and shoved her, nearly pushing her to the floor. He slipped past the girl and ran out the door and into the forest.

Heart pounding, he kept running until he came to a stream. Did I throw her off? I'm not that fast, but maybe...

A gunshot rang in the distance. Definitely still after him. "Where the hell is Bill?" He muttered, sitting down on a rock to breathe. Not the best idea, sure, but Jay sounded too far off to catch him in time.

The lack of oxygen from his brief run began to play tricks on his eyes. Shapes flickered in the edge of the forest, and a wolf stalked out of the bushes and sat down ten feet away from him.

Maybe he had sniffed some of that Chloroform on his way out.

But more wolves came, and he could hear their breathing and soft growls. Not hallucinations.

"Dipper!" The brunette jumped, thinking it was Jay, but cried out in relief once he saw it was a familiar blond haired demon.

He walked calmly out of the forest, ignoring the wolves as if they were nothing.

"Bill!" The man jumped up and threw his arms around him. The demon laughed, but it seemed off.

"What a fool." The human released Bill and backed away until he was mere inches from the water.

"B-Bill?" The demon smiled, but the color was rapidly fading away. Hair lengthened, eyes flashed, and almost instantly Jay was standing in front of him.

She was different now, less human. Her ears were pointed, and her hair was white... "J-Joelle?" He stuttered. The girl laughed. "Oh, so you've met her, eh? No, I fear I'm far worse than my sister."

Before Dipper even have time to wonder what she meant, two wolves sprang up and each snagged and arm, dragging him down. He fell into the shallows of the water, the blow knocking the breath out of him.

Jay walked over, looking rather bored. "I can believe I have to do this.
Ribbon likes to do this..." She was talking to herself. Weirdo.

"Weird, eh?" She grinned and walked over, kneeling beside him.

Dipper flinched, realizing she had read his mind. The only one who had done that since Bill had lost the ability was...

Correct, Dipper.

The brunette jumped, but the wolves still held him firmly on the ground.

"It's taken a long time for you to figure out." She snickered, baring her teeth like an animal. You're not Jay, are you?

Fallen Angel, tipped his head up with two fingers. "It's time to die, Dipper Pines."

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