Assassin: Fallen Angel

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Ello. Surprise, I'm back! Oh; slight gore warning (Though it's not as bad as Scarlett)


The assassin sighed and pulled two long daggers out of her sleeves. "I hate torturing people, but those are my orders..." The wolves still held Dipper's arms down and his eyes widened as she sunk the daggers into his hands, pinning them down.

He screamed and twisted under her, blood beginning to dilute the water. "Tch. Hold still. It'll be over faster." The wolves moved away, standing in the clearing behind Fallen Angel.

Or is it Jay? Was Jay even real? And Indigo... Was he real? Dipper shuddered at the thought. "Who the hell are you?" He yelled. "What do you want? Who are-!"

He was cut off as pain erupted in his stomach. She has stabbed him with the claws! Dipper tasted blood and looked down, trembling. So much blood... How was he still conscious? Magic, probably.

The white-haired girl sighed and tapped his forehead, near his birthmark. "Honestly, it's a real damn shame. Bill is a good demon. But he's attached to you." She shrugged, standing. "Oh well... He'll get over you."

Fallen Angel stood, inspecting the blood soaked claws. "Huh. Only a quarter human. You're so weak, I thought you were a pure blood." Dipper blinked, not comprehending the words. Pure blood? Quarter human?

The girl reached back into her sleeve and pulled out a small glass bottle filled with a gold liquid. Dipper watched as she ripped it open and a small drop fell, landing on the open cut on his stomach. Burning pain sliced through him again. Smoke rose from where the golden liquid had fallen, and there was a foul smell.


The poisonous liquid made him shiver and thrash, his hands still held to the ground by the knives. Each movement caused the blades to rip into his skin even more, but he had lost too much blood to care.

Hours passed. The sun had long since gone, and Dipper had no idea when it would rise again. Fallen Angel would occasionally drip some more of the golden acid, making his cuts burn, or slice at the gash in his stomach. It was the size of a football now, and there was enough blood to feed a vampire for a year.

Then the girl was gone.

One second she was standing over Dipper, the next she was flung across the clearing. "Bill!" Dipper cried out. It was the real Bill! The demon fell to his knees and pulled the knives our of Dipper's hands.

"Dipper, I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have left you alone." He murmured, kissing the brunette's forehead.

"Once your done with the lovey-dovey crap." Fallen Angel snarled, ripping her claws across Bill's back. Dipper flinched. I didn't even see her move! What is she?

Well, other than an assassin and possibly a demon.

Bill growled, seeming unfazed by the blow. He stood and turned, facing the girl. Dipper gasped behind him. Blood poured out of the four gashes on his back.

The demon hissed when he got a good look at the girl's face. "You! What are you doing with the Reapers?" Fallen Angel growled and didn't answer, instead pulling the cloth over her nose and mouth and walking in a loop around Bill, trying to get in a blind spot.

He simply turned and warily watched her. Now Dipper could see his eye was a blazing red, and his canine teeth had sharpened into fangs. His hands had grown golden claws. The brunette felt fear spike in his chest. Bill may have acted like a human, but he couldn't forget the fact that his lover was a demon.

And right now he really looked like a demon.

"Listen Bill, it's just a job. Nothing personal. I know the kid is yours, but you will just find a new toy anyways." Fallen Angel said, still circling Bill and Dipper. The wolves, Dipper noticed, had slipped away.

Because it was a bad idea to be near two demons when they fight. But Dipper, of course couldn't do anything about it. So he was screwed.

Fallen Angel was standing up to her calves in water, and sneered. "Just give him up and find a new sex toy, dream demon."

Bill roared like an animal and lunged at the girl, tearing at her shirt. She snarled like a dog as it fell away, reduced to ribbons under his claws. Underneath was a black tank top, cut... Pretty damn low.

Both Bill and Dipper gasped. Not at the shirt, but at what it was hiding underneath.

Two beautiful pure white wings. They were massive, maybe six feet long each, and they looked powerful.

Oh. Fallen Angel. I suppose this fits.

Dipper shivered. Was this really what an angel was? A monster?

Bill was looking uncertain now, eying the wings warily. Fallen Angel laughed, but it cold, like ice. "Aww, didn't Bast tell you? Such a forgetful one, my mentor is."

The wings flexed and suddenly she had Bill pinned, his head under the water. The demon thrashed, trying to get above water. Demons didn't need to breathe, but demons in human bodies... That was another story.

Dipper stumbled to his feet and staggered closer, falling to his knees twenty feet away. Blood poured out of the gash in his stomach and the deep cuts through his hands. Black spots danced in his eyes and whatever acid Fallen Angel had given him had made most of his body numb.

"B-Bill." He murmured, reaching out. The demon's movements had gotten slower and more sluggish. Dipper slipped and landed face down in the water. He had no strength to get back up.

Its not supposed to end like this... He thought, warily watching Fallen Angel as she finished her morbid task. Bill and I were going to live together, at least until I died.

The sun was finally rising, turning the sky pink. Dipper looked over the his beloved demon, then back to the woods he had explored as a kid.

Mable... Oh Mable. I'm sorry. You were right. I should have never come back.

Now he was going to die, thousands of miles from his twin in an unmarked place in the forest.

"That's quiet enough." Dipper jerked, his strength fading too fast for him to react otherwise. A man walked over, looking bored. He had black hair and dark red eyes, and spoke with a strong British accent. "Lunima, you can stop. They paid the fee."

Who? Lunima? Fee?

Then Fallen Angel stood, releasing Bill. The demon gasped, getting back up and stumbling over to Dipper. "I'm sorry." The demon murmured, moving Dipper so that he was on his lap, head on his chest.

Dipper looked past Bill, to wear the British man was standing, talking with Fallen Angel. Behind them were ten people, all surrounded with the unnerving sense that they were not human.

A pale man with long pale green hair covering half of his face walked over to Bill and Dipper, a grin on his face. "Sorry we're late, Bill. It's hard to get all twelve of us together, you know."

"Ace." Bill spat, obviously not trusting the man. He held Dipper tighter, almost crushing the breath out of the brunette.

And that's when Dipper understood. Twelve people, all who are obviously not human. The way they so easily made Fallen Angel stop her attack...

The Reapers had arrived.

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