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Admittedly, life with Bill wasn't that bad. Not that Dipper would tell anyone, of course. He had decided to simply tell Wendy and Soos that Bill was the janitor he was looking for. They had readily accepted the demon, probably because one, they didn't know he was a demon, and two, they needed the extra help.

Three days had passed since Bill arrived, and Dipper was still on edge. I mean, come on. A demon living in your house. One that tried, many, many times to destroy you. Who wouldn't feel on edge? Still, he felt a bit guilty. So far, Bill hadn't tried to hurt Dipper or the others, and he was actually pretty helpful.

It was his idea to bring in some of the more harmless creatures in from the forest, which boosted sales by quite a bit. He even helped Dipper decipher some of the Journals.

And yet I'm still on edge. Probably because Bill was... Attached to Dipper? Though the demon had tried to explain it many times, it was still hard for him to understand. Because Drak used Dipper's mind to create Bill's body, Bill was forced into doing whatever Dipper told him. He was also very possessive of Dipper. The "contract" was a small triangle on Dipper's chest.

At least Bill couldn't read Dipper's mind anymore, which seemed to be the only good thing about the situation.

It was a relatively boring day, with Wendy working the cash register, Soos attempting to fix the sign, and Bill cleaning fingerprints off some snow globes. Dipper himself was reading Journal 2, trying to figure out how to heal a griffin. This one was very old and just wondered around the store, helping with security. It had gotten sick, and Wendy had said it probably couldn't take human medicine.

"Genies, Giants, Gnomes, Gorgons, Gremlins... Ugg!" Dipper shut the Journal in frustration. He rubbed in temples, trying to remember which book had griffins.

"Hiya Pine Tree! Why so upset?" He sighed and looked up. Bill was leaning on the table, his hands nearly touching Dipper's. "You look irritated." He slid his hands over Dipper's and squeezed them slightly. "Maybe you need some help."

Dipper jerked away. "What are you doing?" He snapped. Bill's face flashed with disbelief, then maybe a little hurt, but it quickly slid into his usual cocky grin. "Just wanted to see if you were okay!" He laughed. Dipper sighed again, gritting his teeth. "Stop messing around. Do you know what to give a sick griffin?"

Bill just laughed again. "Sure Pine Tree! I know just the gal. Let me call her up." Dipper felt an unexpected pang in his chest. Her? Who is he talking about?

Wait! Why am I upset?! This is Bill. Not some guy I like. I mean, ew.

Keep telling yourself that Dipper.


Bill was currently talking to a small blue flame in his hand. Dipper guessed it was what he considered "calling". He was just thankful Wendy and Soos were busy.

"Great Jo-jo! See ya in a minute!" The flame extinguished from Bill's hand as he turned to Dipper. "Good news! She'll see our griffin! Go grab him." Dipper rolled his eyes and walked out to find the magical creature.

Why can't Bill get the dumb bird himself?

He found the griffin and picked it up. It was surprisingly light for something so bulky. "Bill?" He called, walking into the back. A portal, the shape of a triangle, was waiting. "There you are Pine Tree!" Bill said, stepping closer to the portal.

"Let's go."


After falling through the portal - it was very uncomfortable, as he saw some... Strange dimensions involving him and Bill. He was a very awkward author in one, and he and Bill were way too close - Dipper opened his eyes to see he was face down in a very plush carpet.

Where on Earth? And he looked up to see the face of a concerned girl. A very beautiful concerned girl. Like, holy-shit-its-a-shame-I'm-gay beautiful. She had soft green eyes and waist-length white hair pulled into a braid.

She also had pointed ears. Definitely not human.

"Are you okay? Bill, I told you not to use a dimension portal. We have a Guardian, remember?" I could bearly understand what she was saying. Portal? Guardian? Pointed ears?

"Got it Jo-jo. So can you look at the griffin?" Dipper looked over at the bed, where he saw the lion-bird peacefully sleeping.

The girl sighed and walked over to it. "I suppose. It looks like he has collie. Leave him here. He's too old to be of any help. I'm Joelle, by the way." She waved the two men off dismissively. Bill laughed and turned to Dipper, who was still staring at the girl. At least now he was standing.

"Kid?" Bill's voice seemed a bit off to Dipper, but he was still paying attention to Joelle. He felt Bill's gloved hand on his shoulder, and turned to look at him.

"Let's go Pine Tree."

Dipper nodded, but looked back to Joelle, who was gently tending to the griffin. "Bye." He said shyly. She turned and gave him a smile. "Bye."

Bill snorted with impatience and tugged on Dipper's shoulder. "Let's go Pine Tree." The human nodded in a daze, following Bill into the portal.

A few minutes later - this portal wasn't as bad. Bill must have used a less dangerous one - they were standing in Dipper's room.

Dipper sat down on his bed with a sigh.

And was tackled by Bill.

"What the?! Bill what are you-!" Dipper was cut off as Bill pressed his lips against his. He just sat there stupidly, frozen.

Soon, too soon in Dipper's opinion, Bill pulled away. "You're mine, got that Pine Tree? Mine. You will be mine or no one will have you." Then he kissed Dipper's forehead and walked out of the room.

Dipper just sat, on his bed, trying to process what had just happened.

Bill had kissed him.

Bill kissed me.

And I liked it.

Holy hell I liked it.


Yay! The chapters in one day! I'm in a car, being bored.

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