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The next day Dipper had to explain everything to Soos and Wendy.

Bill, the assassin, the truth about Ford and Stan's deaths, everything.

Well, minus the part about how intimate they're relationship was.

They took it all pretty well (though Wendy nearly shot Bill when she found out he was a demon) and agreed to let Bill stay. Soos said that Bill made for good security, and Wendy said Dipper needed company.

Dipper was sure she guess how close he and Bill were, but at least he knew she wouldn't tell Mabel. That would be a nightmare.

Now the two men were walking through the woods, hand in hand. Dipper was still wary about the threat of the Reapers, but Bill was sure they wouldn't be back.

"If anything, they keep their word. Lunima will keep Bast and Nero in check, and everyone else is no problem." Dipper looked at his lover. "Why would those two be a problem?"

Bill smiled faintly. "Uh, well. Bast is her mentor and Nero thinks he owns her. When I, ah, attacked her, they were less then happy. You couldn't hear, but they were practically smothering her and threatening to kill me." Dipper raised an eyebrow. "Well, that's nothing new for you, is it? And... Owns her?" Bill smirked and leaned over, his lips brushing Dipper's ear. "In the way I own you, love."

Dipper stopped walking and blushed. "So they...?" Bill cackled like a teenager telling gossip.

Which he pretty much was.

"Yeah, though depending on who you ask, Bast is the one that really owns her." Dipper snorted, pulling Bill along as they began walking.

"You know, demons are really like a bunch of teenagers." He murmured, looking at the sky. The leaves were dotted with red and yellow here and there. Autumn is coming.

Bill laughed and pulled Dipper into a hug, successfully managing to drag the both of them to the ground. "Demons, you see, are like a big ass family. We fight, of course, but we all know each other, and sometimes we help each other."

He nuzzled Dipper's neck, making the human moan lightly and weave his hands through the demon's hair. In an instant, Bill had pinned the younger man down, nibbling on his ear.

"Bill." Dipper murmured as the demon slipped a hand up his shirt. "Bill." He sighed again, a bit louder this time, as the demon began kissing his neck.

"Bill!" He gently pushed the demon away. "Come on, not here." He stood, brushing the dirt off of his pants. Bill huffed like a four year old and stood as well, walking behind Dipper.

"You missed some." Bill said seductively. Before Dipper could ask what he meant, the demon trailed his hand down his backside.

He shivered at his lover's touch, but turned to face him. "Later." He promised. Bill huffed and glared. "Why not now." He whined. Dipper just smiled and kissed him. "Because we're on a romantic walk and I don't want to have sex in the place I almost died yesterday."

Though he was teasing, Bill became serious. "Dipper, I never want that to happen again." He laced his hand with Dipper's and began walking in the direction of the Shack.

"Can we make a deal?" He asked, pulling him closer. Dipper felt the old fear of Bill's deals rise in his stomach for the first time in ages.

"Not that kind of deal, Pine Tree." He laughed. "Just something that tells everyone that you're mine." The demon tugged Dipper along faster, like he was in a rush to get home.

On further thought, Dipper knew exactly why Bill wanted to get home. Not that he minded.

"It's just a little mark. It'll keep demons away from you." Dipper nodded, slightly out of breath from Bill's quick walk. "But don't I already have your mark?" The managed to say.

Bill suddenly slowed down, making Dipper smack straight into him. "Dipper. Have you seen your chest?" The brunette just blinked, unsure of what the demon meant.

The blond sighed and tugged the top of Dipper shirt down. The human squeaked in surprise. "I said not now!" Bill grinned. "Well, that's not what I'm showing you at the moment..." The demon tapped a finger on Dippers chest, and he looked down.

The mark! Dipper gasped and glanced up at Bill. "When did this happen?" The demon chucked. "When we, ah, had intercourse." Dipper blushed. "Uh, why?"

Bill grinned and slung his arm around Dipper, making him walk forward again. "Jeez kid. Don't you know Latin? The binding spell you used. You gave the emotion of love to bind me to you..."

Dipper blinked, realization flooding his mind. Ford. He knew about Vix, and he knew Dipper's hesitation about dating. The sly son of a bitch. Still, Dipper felt himself smile.

Even Grunkle Ford couldn't have seen Bill and Dipper's relationship coming.

Dipper realized the two had finally made it to the Shack. Bill wasted no time, quickly dragging the brunette upstairs. They got to the attic in record time, and Bill locked the door. "Just in case." He murmured, shoving Dipper against the wall and roughly kissing him. Dipper gave into the demon, and finally let Bill have his way with the human.




You don't think I'm going to write about that, are you? I have boundaries, you know. And much cringe. But anyways...

Two hours later the two were cuddling in Dipper's bed, blissfully exhausted. Bill was tracing the mark he had made on Dipper' back. It was a pyramid. Bill's pyramid. 

Dipper sighed, content, and rolled over to face Bill. "So... What do we do now? I mean, I wont stay young forever..." He trailed off as Bill kissed his forehead. "Don't worry. I'll figure something out. I always do, don't I?"

The brunette laughed and sleepily nuzzled his demon. "Sometimes." Bill scoffed and rolled over, pulling away from Dipper. "Sometimes? Well..." He put his hands on either side of Dipper's head. "I know what we have to do now..." Dipper's heartbeat sped up as the demon lowered his face until it was inches from his own. "We've..." The demon gently cupped Dipper's face and touched his nose to the human's forehead.

"We've gotta tell your sister!"

Bill cackled like a witch and ran out of the room, with his lover yelling curses behind him.

Dipper was still smiling though.

Maybe he's right. I should tell Mabel.

And with that, Dipper stood and walked over to his much-neglected phone.

"Mabel? Yeah, it's Dipper. I know, long time, no talk. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. But hey, we have a lot to talk about."


Holy shit I just cockblocked like eighty people.


Right... So I've got like a epilogue left of this book ;-; But I might make a sequel... 

I'm still surprised no one has caught the British red eyed black haired demon reference yet

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