To Love A Demon

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Dipper and Bill spent the rest of the week together, doing nothing but cuddling and lying in bed. Dipper told Wendy and Soos that he was sick and Bill was simply taking care of him, but he was pretty sure Wendy guessed otherwise.

The rest of the week was pretty normal. If you count sleeping with a demon normal. Actually, half of you probably do. I'll shut up now.

"Come on Pine Tree!" It was mid afternoon and Bill refused to leave Dipper alone. "No Bill. I don't want to!" The human sighed, rolling over so his face was in his pillow.

The dream demon smirked. "That's not what you said last night." Dipper blushed a deep scarlet, suddenly glad his lover couldn't see his face. "B-Bill!" He stammered. He felt Bill's hands stroke his back like a cat. "Yeah, that's more what it sounded like."

Dipper groaned in exasperation and rolled back over to face the blond. "Stop relating everything I do to sex."

"To be fair, pretty much the only thing we've done lately is sex."


The demon chuckled and pecked him on the lips. "Are you sure you don't want to?" The brunette sighed. "They'll hear us downstairs Bill, and I don't want to explain what I'm doing naked in bed with a demon." 

Bill laughed and dropped down onto his human, putting his hands on either side of Dipper's head. "Well, if that's what it takes..." Bill's eye glowed faintly blue for a second and then he grinned down at his lover. "There. It's soundproof now." He lowered his face to Dipper's. "Now how about some fun?"


It was dusk when the window shattered. 

Dipper had been - very sorely - putting on his clothes when the only window in his attic room exploded, sending glass flying everywhere. Bill was up in an instant, pinning Dipper to the floor and protecting him.

Well. At least he put on his clothes.

Dipper didn't grasp the severity of the situation until Bill sagged against him, coughing. The human squirmed out from under the blond and looked at his back, gasping  at what he saw.

A thick piece of glass was buried in his flesh just below the shoulder, blood streaming out of the gash. Smaller cuts from other shards littered his back and arms.

"B-Bill!" Dipper cried, pulling the demon onto his lap. Bill cracked a smile. "I-It's okay. I-It'll heal in a m-minute. D-don't get yourself killed." Dipper still refused to let him go, instead gently removing the glass shards. 

"I've got you Bill. Stay awake, you hear? You may be a demon, but your body is human." Dipper's heart was still racing and he feared for Bill's safety. "I love you, so you can't leave me now."


An hour passed. Bill's back had healed, but little raised scars crisscrossed the skin. Wendy and Soos had closed the Shack for the night, leaving Dipper and Bill alone. They were currently cuddling on the couch in the living room, watching T.V. 

Dipper sighed, reluctantly standing up. "Hey, Pine Tree! What gives?" Bill whined. The brunette smiled down at the demon. "I gotta get some food. Wanna call in for a pizza?"

Bill sighed. "Whatever. Just don't put pepperoni on it."





"Nothing, nevermind." Dipper kissed Bill's forehead. "Love you." The demon rolled his eyes and sighed dramatically. The human ignored him and slipped on his shoes. "Call in the order for me, will you? I'll go pick it up." The blond demon sighed again. "I suppose." Dipper grinned at him. "Thank you, love."

Still laughing, Dipper walked out of the house. 

And that's when he began to hear the voice.

At first it was just really strange laughter, like someone was whispering. Then it started to say things that really hurt. 

What a loser. Dating a demon? He has no choice but to do what you  want him to. You think he really likes you? No. He doesn't. 

"Shut up." Dipper muttered. He got into the car but couldn't even start it. His head was pounding too bad. Aww. Does the little gay boy not like what I'm saying? Shame. You're nothing. Why would a demon even want you?

Dipper put his hands on his ears, trying to block it out.

You're nothing. And you're going to die soon. The angel will come, and you will die. There is no way to escape the fact.

"No! B-Bill's looking for a way to stop him." He cried out. "Bill will keep me safe!" The raspy laughing filled his head. A demon? He just wants your soul. He's like every other demon. He'll destroy you. The voice was filled with a venomous hate and bitterness. Dipper felt it eat away at his confidence.

The car door opened, but Dipper's vision had gone hazy and the world was spinning. "Dip...Are...What's...Dipper!" The voice was familiar, but muggy. Dipper's head hurt too much to understand most of the words. He felt someone pick him up and carry him inside than upstairs. 

The young brunette was put in bed and the covers were pulled over him. It was warm and comfortable, but he still hurt. His head was still swirling and the raspy laughter refused to go away.

Well well. I guess I'm too strong for you. Heh. I'll meet you soon, and then we'll finish this.

And then Dipper passed out, his mind finally giving way to the throbbing pain.


"Kid... Kid... Hey kid! Wake up!" 

Dipper jerked up in his bed, gasping. His migraine has disappeared but it felt as if his head was stuffed with cotton. Bill was sitting on the bed beside him, gently shaking his shoulders. The demon grinned when he saw Dipper awake. "Hey! Do you feel better? You passed out pretty hard, its been an entire day." The blond kissed his forehead.

The brunette smiled weakly. "H-hi. I feel... Like crap to be honest. Sorry for scaring you." His demon laughed, said it was okay, then left to get some food.

Dipper sighed and fell back against his bed. Fragments of yesterday flooded his mind. It seemed like an eternity ago. But his stomach was still churning from the words of that whispering voice. 

He doesn't love you.

You'll die soon.

We'll finish this later.

He knew, with Fallen Angel after him, he might die anyways. But what did the voice mean by he would see.. Whoever it was... Soon? Was it after him? It was no doubt Bill could defend him against this demon, if that's what it was. 

But... What did it mean by Bill didn't love him? 

Despite Bill's promises, despite his actions, despite everything, Dipper felt doubt and mistrust worm through his mind.

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