The Four Horsemen

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A week had passed since Dipper and Bill's confrontation, and he had fallen into a deep depression. Everyone had noticed, but no one knew what to do. Wendy and Soos knew only that him and Bill's split was sudden, not the betrayal that went with it.

Bill had also started using his own room again, avoiding Dipper at all costs. The others followed suit, as Dipper snapped or yelled at anyone who tried talking to them.

It all added into Dipper's depression. 

He had retreated into his room, rarely leaving, even to eat or bathe. His only company was the ceaseless voice in his head, whispering cruel things to him. It constantly told him he wasn't worth it, or that no one cared for him. One day it finally told him why.

He was curled up on his bed, staring at the wall and trying to forget the world. The voice refused to leave him alone.

You know you are beaten. It snickered. Conquest, Dipper. Conquest is what I've done. You're defeated. Dipper shook it off. It was just something else the voice could taunt him with.

Listen closely, Dipper. What is after you?

"You." He snapped. The brunette had stopped caring if someone heard him talking aloud. They already thought he was crazy.

The voice sighed. Honestly. Think again, Dipper. What is really after you? 

"The Fallen Angel." Dipper muttered. Indeed. Have you ever heard of the Four Horsemen? The human rolled his eyes. "A stupid fairy tale from the Bible."

The demon hissed quietly in Dipper's head, sending cold shivers up his spine. Fairy tale? Think again. War, Conquest, Famine, Death. It's happening to you, Dipper. The Four Horsemen heralded by an angel. You think you can escape? Think again. 

"It's not happening. There's been no war, and I'm not in a famine." He growled. The terrible laughing filled his head again. War? What do you think you're doing, with Bill avoiding you like the plague. You're at war with him, even if you're not truly fighting. And Famine? When was the last time you ate? 

I'm dragging you straight towards that Fallen Angel. You're just too blind to see.


After his rather ominous talk with the voice, Dipper cleaned himself, ate, and steeled himself to do something he really didn't want to do.

He went to talk to Bill.

To be fair, it wasn't just Bill that was avoiding a confrontation. Dipper went out of his way to not run into the demon. Now he was going to force Bill to talk to him. 

He really, really didn't want to do this.

The brunette found the blond demon cleaning up the Shack. It was 6:49 and everyone else had left.

"Bill." Dipper's voice was hoarse and scratchy from not using it. The demon looked over, obviously surprised. The human was shocked from the state Bill was in. Dark circles under his rather dull eyes, his hair was unkempt, and his tie was loose and crooked. Hope flashed in the demon's eyes, only to be replaced by wariness. 

"What is it?" Bill snapped harshly. "You gonna summon another demon?" Dipper winced, the four barely healed gashes on his chest beginning to sting. Then irritation took hold and he turned away.

"You know what? Never mind. I'll figure it out myself." He muttered, walking out. In a small burst of golden light, Bill was behind Dipper, his gloved hands holding the young man's shoulders. 

"Wait. I'm sorry." The blond muttered, suddenly burying his face in Dipper's back. The brunette blushed and grabbed one of Bill's hands, lacing their fingers together. "I'm sorry too, Bill. It was my fault..." Then the images of Bill giving Dipper to that... Other demon flashed through his mind and he stiffened.

Bill felt it and pulled away, clearing his throat awkwardly. "S-so what is it that you wanted to talk about, Pine Tree?" Dipper sighed. "You might want to sit down so I can explain..."


And so, thirty minutes later, as they were sitting on opposite sides of the couch, Dipper had finished telling Bill everything, from the voice beginning in the car to the voice telling him about the Horsemen. He had expected Bill to make a joke or  something. But he was silent, staring off into space. It made things so much worse.

Dipper stared at the dream demon, waiting for any reaction whatsoever, until Bill sighed and put his head in his gloved hands. 

"Pine Tree, this is bad. I... Well I've been doing research on this Fallen Angel guy, and... Well, there is only one way to stop him." Dipper looked up at Bill, eyes widening in hope. The demon winced. "Don't start thinking this will be easy, kid. First we have to get in touch with his boss." The human nodded in silence. If Fallen Angel was as bad as everyone said, he really didn't want to meet his boss.

"Once we find his boss, we'll have to make a deal... Usually I love to make deals." The ghost of a smile appeared on Bill's face, but left just as quickly. "But we have to find something they want. Usually expensive relics or magic items. But we have to do it before Fallen Angel chooses to strike..."

Dipper felt nauseous and flopped down, laying on the couch face-down. Before this, the Fallen Angel seemed like a joke, something that wasn't real. Even with that stupid video it seemed like a hoax. Now... Now Dipper couldn't ignore the fact that this guy was real, and after him.

Dipper felt Bill run his fingers through the brunette's hair and sighed, content to be in the demon's presence. "I missed you Pine Tree." The demon whispered, kissing the back of his head. At least Bill forgave him. Even if he died, Dipper knew that he would die happy. 

And Dipper was pretty sure he would die.


This is such a filler, I'm sorry. ;-; But it contains very important information and I felt bad after violently forcing Bill and Dipper to break up, so here you go. Its slightly shorter than most chapters, but... Deal with it I posted yesterday too.

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