Chapter 14

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Jaxon's POV :

As I was about to ask her if my little boy is asleep her eyes closed immediately as the first part of her name rolled off my tongue so I slowly walked to her careful not to make a sound because I don't want to wake either of them up.

I picked her up bridal style only to have her smuggling closer to my chest and reluctantly sigh due to comfort which brought a little smirk to my lips. I walked back to the door and closed it using my left leg and walked towards the guestroom two doors down from mine.

When we arrived I slowly placed her on the pushed bed and heard a small whine due to more than likely the loss of physical contact.

I already came in this room to set up so that I she could sleep comfortably tonight.
"Jamonique ? " no reply "Jamonique ?" I began to shake her lightly and heard a little mumble " Mmmm" " Sit up for me please I need to change you" I rushed into the bathroom to remove the white T-shirt from toilet seat and rushed back only to see a sleepy girl sitting up wobbling from the lack of support from the respective body muscles.

I took her blouse and bra off the slid down my white T-shirt on her small frame and threw the damped clothing on the floor . I gently laid her down on Tue bed,took off her pants and pulled the sheet over her. She sighed in content.

I fouled her clothes neatly and placed them one the night table and walked towards the door existing the room.

It took around five minutes to reach my room. I walked in and immediately jumped on my bed and I felt contented by the firm fluffy cloud that my body laid upon as I am about to close my eyes a memory, a distinct memory from a phone call I received today was still fresh in my mind....


"Jaxon you need a wife to help you in running the business and to take care of both you and our little flea of joy when you aren't there." My dad said
" Dad I know but I don't think I can manage the woman stress at this point when the business is booming plus all I need is Kayson. All he needs is a nanny and for me a cook that's all. Problem solved" I replied only to get a response that shocked me to my very core
" Jaxon Phillp Oscorp haven't I been telling you this for what feel like centuries now ? 'Behind every good man is a good woman' and your a good man so it is either you find a good woman to take care of you and Kayson I will remove you from the head of Oscorp Industries and either manage it myself or ask you cousin Jerrold to run it for you. So make up your mind you have ten days, ten days to bring forth a good woman fit for both and Kayson and appeases us OR I remove you as the CEO of Oscorp Industries and take my one and only grandson from you for you won't be able to take good care of him. Ten days Jason, ten days " my father said before hanging up on me leaving me a hollow shell for I have to find a bride in ten days or else all I love will be taken from me.

End of flashback....

Not more than two hours ago did I receive that phone call but I also think that I've found a good woman, one that could take care of both me and Kayson and at the same time appease my parents, one that will never go even if I tell her to due to her stubbornness,style,body language,presence and class. That one girl is Jamonique Whyte,the girl that I want and I will have her at any cost because What I want I always get. I smiled at that fact and then faded to sleep with devilish ways running through my mind of how to have her when something pulled the breaks on the one called blackmail


Hello my babies I want to thank you for reading my book and commenting but please do me a favour if you have any bad comments keep them to yourself I don't need negative people reading my book it is my first book so it is either you like it or not k.


XOXO Nicodia

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