Chapter 26

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I am back guys !!! Like I know it has been like FOREVER but I'll try to make up for lost times. For those that have commented on my book I appreciate it a lot and to be honest you guys were the one that made me want to continue this book.

I also really want to thank you all for 660 views !!! Some people may think that it is not much but to me it means more than anything in this world.

As a reward for all your faithful views here are a few new chapters...


Listen to this chapter with the song above, you'll than me later


Jaxon's POV

At the cry of my name I sprinted in the room with the bulging eyes of doctors and nurses staring at me as though they had caught a glimpse of the real life Superman flying in to save his Louis Lane as I was on my knees at her bed side in an instant and she looked absolutely petrified of the new found crowd around her; suffocating her with their clinical touch, smell, needles and the frantic buzzing of the EKG. I touched her pale, cold and almost lifeless right hand and everything seemed to calm down in an instant and the sounds of ragged breath turned into a purr-soothing my rapidly beating heart- when she finally saw me with a sigh of relief released by everyone around us.

"Everything is okay babe. I'm right here with you. I'm not going anywhere" I said as I gently rubbed my thump over her knuckles and her chocolate brown eyes stared directly into mine before looking down at my hand that caressed hers then I saw her visually relax with the nurses and doctors slowly filed out of the room one by one. "Lean back" I said and as per usual she did as told but not before she asked questions that puzzled me as it was strange to ask such questions after being in an accident. " Where is the baby ?.... Is he okay? Is he here with you ? Are you ok.." but before she could finish her sentence I cut her off with the sweetest smile I could muster saying " He's okay princess. He's either with the nanny or his grandmother at the moment but he really misses you"

I watched as her face went from worry to happiness but then it went sour at the mention of my mother and nothing broke my heart more than seeing her sad. " Why are you here and why does my hand band say Mrs Oscorp?" she asked as she looked at her left hand which broke heart and turned my face to stone as quickly stood to my feet "I'm here because I don't know what possessed you to run of the middle of the street after such a wonderful night. I mean if you had a problem why didn't you say something rather than trying to commit suicide scaring me and my son half to death ?! And the reason why it says we are married is because I told them that we are married !! As the offer is still on the table" I said yelling at her.

"You have the audacity to stand there and accuse me of trying to commit suicide after what you said to your mother about me ?! You Mr Oscorp have no heart !! " She yelled as tears streamed down her face as she continued " I'm currently stuck in this situation that you caused as I was soooo happy because someone finally treated me good !! I thought that I was finally someone's main priority for once ! I...I held hopes that maybe, just maybe, you were not a cold and heartless man that everyone made you out to be but maybe it's my fault, I guess, I always look for the good in people and I thought that maybe if I tried hard enough and did what you said that you wouldn't expose me to the world and that I would be able to warm that frozen over heart that you façade to the world; you would change your ways but I guess that will never happen"

I felt a dead pang in my heart as she said those words, the words that many of my sluts would have said to me in the past but nothing compared to the pure hatred that laced throughout Jamonique's voice when she said it as hot tears poured even more down her beautiful face that was painted with sadness and heartbreak. " Baby I didn't mea.." I started but she cut me with something that I never though that I would ever hear from her sweet mouth and will forever resonate in my mind forever.

" You Mr Jaxon Oscorp is a DESPICABLE, HORRID and HEARTLESS man and I hope to NEVER see you again !! GET OUT OF MY ROOM !! " I felt like I've been stabbed in the heart repeatedly with her menacing words but the look in her eyes broke my heart even more as the eyes that stared at me once twinkled with light and hope for a brighter day which brought happiness not only to my life but to my son's life was now clouded with hatred and sadness beyond compare but when I attempted to get closer to soothe that only person I've ever really loved it seemed to only angered her even more and a bouquet of her favourite flowers hurdling towards my head that smashed on the wall near my head.

" I SAID GET OUT !! " she yelled over an over again before curling into a ball sobbing into the pillow. I opened my mind but decided against it. I just simply walked to the door and left the sobbing beauty that seemed to want nothing to do with me at all. I walked to the receptionist and told her to mail me the bill and to call me when she was being released.

As is walked down the path with my head held down the world seemed to be moving in slow motion and all I could hear was the shattering of my heart and the words of the world's most beautiful girl resonating in my head like a scratched record... With one finally thought I existed the hospital doors

"I finally broke her but I promise I'll fix if it's the last thing I do"


What did you guys think of this chapter ?

Was it worth the wait ?

XOXO Nicodia

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