Chapter 17

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Jamonique's POV

Who can that be at this time of the morning ? I wondered while Jaxon got up to open the door. I heard murmurs and chatting coming down the hallway then I saw glimpses of faces of both a man and a woman but they went straight upstairs with a question being asked from a feminine voice " Who is that girl in the kitchen ? " and a voice replied sounding like Jaxon's " No-one of importance right now. Let us just go upstairs and discuss business shall we ? ".

That broke my heart into smaller fragments than how they were broken and tears began to stream down my cheeks, I lost my appetite so I just emptied the rest of my food in the grinder,washed the dishes and ran upstairs to find the room I slept in from my memory.

As I walked up the stairs with trying my best to keep numerous tears at bay. I knew he was going to hurt me. He treated me so good lastnight, he treated like I was all that mattered but he was just like all the men in my life. To all of them I am just a puppet in their hands. I thought to myself.

When I reached the room I slept in I looked around trying to find my clothes and saw it on the lamp stand. I grabbed it and went to bathroom to change quickly.

After I was done I tried my best to fix the room to its original state then I franticly scanned the room for my bag but then I remembered that I left it in the living. I briskly out the room,down the stairs and then to the living room and found it hanging from the coat holder. I took out a piece of paper and wrote a note
"Dear Mr.Oscorp,
I am sorry if I over stayed my welcome at your house seeing that I am no one of importance to you sir.
I'll see you Monday morning bright and early as usual and thanks for comforting me when I needed it.
Your employee,
Jamonique's Whyte. "

I gently placed it on the center table and walked out without looking back even though Kayson cried for me to come back.

I walked to the taxi stand and got a taxi immediately that was going my way. After an hour or so I arrived home, I paid the taxi driver, opened my front door and slammed it with a vengeance with a blurry vision formed by tears. I went directly to the bathroom, had a bath,put on my pyjamas and went directly into bed; I pulled my diary and began to write with tears paladin the page as I write
" Dear diary;
Yesterday I slept over Mr.Oscorp's house and took care of his cute baby boy, Kayson, who is an exact replica of him. It's been years since I've taken care of a baby, it brings back so many memories but I had a nightmare and Mr.Oscorp comforted me made me feel like I was special then today visitor came to his house and when he was asked who I was do you know what he said ? He said that I'm no one of importance.

Why do all the men I've e end met in my entire life time always hurt me in the end, am I not to be loved too ? "

At the end I placed my diary on my night table and cried myself to sleep.

" Why can't I be loved too. Am I not worthy of such gratitude ? " I said falling deeply in darkness.


Three chapters in one day.
I'm so tired but I hope that me sacrifice was not in vain and to make sure of that guys please...


XOXO Nicodia ❤❤

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