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Jaxon's POV

She was thrashing all over the place groaning shouting "I'll be a good girl, I promise" I ran towards her bed, pressed the buzzer buzzing for help as I restrained her as she shouted on top of her lungs the words she has been saying for what felt like days but truly it has been several hours.

Where are the bloody nurses ??? I thought as I held her wrists trying to hold her down. I even tried to talk her out of it but she screamed and shouted even louder than before. Suddenly the nurse busted through the door and went straight to work as more nurses piled in trying to restrain her. 

I removed my hands as I was pushed backwards by the nurses trying to sedate her but she was just thrashing and screaming and with each scream it made my entirely dead heart skip a beat. It hurts like  a stab wound to the side seeing her in all this pain because of my selfish desires but I just had to have her for she was an unsolved jigsaw puzzle that I so desperately wanted to solve. 

I just stood there staring at the beautiful mess behaving in a manner that I had started and I could not help one bit making me feel worthless and weak something I vowed never to feel again after what happened back in high school.

I was ushered out of the room by a nurse telling me that they have everything under control and me being in there will only distract them from there jobs. I just nodded and stood right near the door hearing the cries of a beautiful woman crying for nothing but help. It felt like hours that I've been in the waiting room just in front of her door and I have been pasting and looking at my watch " What the fucking is taking them so long to sedate her !!!" I asked myself then the room went quiet.

When it did it felt as if my heart flat-lined and I stood still with my eyes widened but as the nurses piled out i breathed a breath of relief. A pretty blonde nurse walked out of my little princess' room and was heading towards me causing my heart to race, she said " Mr.Oscorp your wife is okay......" I relax breathing out the air I didn't know I didn't know I was holding as she continued.....

" but she almost slipped into coma it was a lucky thing that you buzzed in when you did or else she would be in a very bad state. Mr. Oscrop I don't  mean to pry but she kept on screaming 'I'll be a good girl I promise ' do you have any idea as to what she was talking about ???" I looked at her keenly examining her face before replying " Nurse umm..." Bailey I read her name tag the proceed to continue my sentence " Nurse Bailey I honestly don't  know as to why she was saying such things because I would NEVER hurt my wife in any way known to man" her only comment was "oh okay" before walking off.

I went inside my wife's hospital room, my wife Jamonique Oscorp it has a ring to it, snap out of it Jaxon you can't have her if she dies,  i opened the door only to see her laying peacefully on the bed with her hair sprawled out on her pillow looking like rays of sunshine hitting the earth's orbit for the first time. As i walked towards her bed I got a better look of needles and machines hooked up to her arms, chest and even tubes in her noses and mouth. The once vibrant colour of her face has been washed away, the once beautiful, sweet plump pink lips are now dry and pale and the once most beautiful eyes are now hidden away from man's sight.

I pulled up the chair that was in the far away dark corner and placed it by her bed side as I sat down i heard the continuous beeping telling me that she was still here. As I held her hand she let out a rigid breath which felt like music to my ears. I stared at her just hoping that she will suddenly awake by my touch but no such luck. My mind wondered as to what she was doing to me, what she meant from her babbling but then i'll figure it out just like I did before to get a better insight into her life.......

Her Diary 


Hey guys I am really trying to update fast so that you,my babies, will like, comment and furthermore share my story with others.

Please just remember to :




XOXO Nicodia

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