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(the writing after the astrid is not meant to offend anyone! i love hot topic myself)
Grace's POV:

"Can I check my grades on your phone? I'm trying to save my data." I leaned over to scoot closer to Gabby in our seats after I finished my bite of sandwich, peering on the bright screen she was currently tapping rapidly on. She just nodded in reply, exiting the app she was in and pulling up Safari.

I went to our school's website, clicking on a link that brought me to the sign in. I entered my ID number, waiting as it loaded my updated statuses. I glanced up for a moment, seeing Gabby's expression was placed at a smirk for reasons I don't understand.

I slowly went through each subject, staring at the percentages.

Biology 96.3%
History 97.6%
Calligraphy 98.2%
Algebra 94.8%
English Language Arts 95.7%

I stopped for a moment upon seeing my language grade was bumped up from an eighty-four percentile. I viewed the assignments entered, checking each one to make sure they were correct.

Narrative poem- 100%

What? I thought I got a D+ on that since I accidentally turned in Shawn's stupid note...

I turned to Gabrielle, seeing a smile plastered upon on her face.

"Gabby," I started questionably, "Do you know why it's like this?" She nodded slowly, her gaze shifting to the lunch table.

"Will you tell me?" She replied quicker this time and shook her head no. I frowned slightly, looking her over for a moment. Why wasn't she telling me anything?

"Why not?"

"Because," I rolled my eyes.

"Because why?"

"Because I promised not to tell."

I huffed and groaned in annoyance, setting down the phone. Of course Gabby would promise not to tell.

"Please?" I pouted, knowing she always gives into my pleads when I need to know something.

"Fine," She remarked after debating her decision, swallowing a quick sip of her water before taking in a breath, making me wait longer on purpose.

"Shawn got your grade changed." My mouth dropped as the words spilled, turning to her immediately.

"Shawn? Really?" I asked in astonishment, pondering the information. Out of all people, he helped me?

"Yeah, I helped him with it. But, please don't tell him?" She asked after, hope in her eyes. It was now my turn to shake my head.

"I gotta tell him thank you.." My voice trailed off slightly towards the end, and she knew I was right.

"Just text him thank you for fixing your grade with Mrs. Larenti." She shrugged, taking a bite of her chicken sandwich that was served as today's hot lunch. I nodded, grabbing my own phone from my back pocket and typing in Shawn's number.

To: Shawn
Thank you for fixing my grade, it means a lot x

I turned it off as I continued to subtly devour the remainder of my food, surprised when a buzz shook the table after a few minutes.

From: Shawn
Don't talk to me ever again, got it freak?

I swallowed the lump in my throat and deleted over conversation quickly when Gabrielle tried to see what he replied with.


"He uh, said you're welcome and don't mention it." I slipped out lies easily, but the words in my head never went away.

"Aw, he's so nice."

"Yeah." Yeah, that's what he wants you to think.

"Hey, Gabby?"


"Can you take me to Hot Topic after school?" I looked up at her.

"Why would you ever want to go there? That store is like, for punk people."

"Just for a couple of things, don't worry about it."


Gabrielle seemed quite tense as we pulled up in a parking space outside the mall. She didn't press the random shopping spur further, but instead led me to the small shop inside the complex.

Hot Topic was definitely a place I have never thought of shopping at, for anything. It's not that I have anything against the store, it's simply because it wasn't my taste. Hence, wasn't.

I picked up several pairs of black skinny jeans, a few Metallica tees, bracelets, and a box of black hair dye.

Maybe it's time for change.

Change is good.

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