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Grace's POV:

"You're sure about this?" Gabby asked as she ran her fingers through my natural, soft brown hair. I nodded.

"It's just hair dye." I shrugged it off easily without much thought.

"But why? You've never brought it up before." She mumbled, securing the ugly tan colored towel around my shoulders. There was two more set up on the floor, incase any dye accidentally drops off the ends of my hair.

Gabby took the Vaseline from my bathroom's drawer, rubbing a coat on the outer rim of my hair line and on my ears.
If we're going to dye my hair, we're going to dye it right.

"God, I'm so nervous." Gabrielle let out, shaking the dye in its bottle to make sure it was ready. She was wearing thick gloves from the kit that were far too big for her small hands. I laughed at her comment, shaking my head. "It's my hair, not yours."

She just nodded silently in reply, dipping her brush into the paste for a moment while she sorted my hair into four sections, insuring that she wouldn't miss any spots.

She began dabbing at my hair with the black mixture, getting used to the feeling as she continued. Often times she'd mutter things to herself as I played on my phone, such as you're really insane or hopefully you'll look good with black.

After waiting the required amount of time, she helped rinse my hair in the sink, checking it over if she missed a patch.

I pointed towards the door as I clutched the small bottle of conditioner in my hand, giving the impression I wanted to take a shower. She nodded, locking the door as she left.

We had safely waited an hour before I took a shower, as different instructions online recommended this.

I watched the water turn black from the dye as it rinsed off my hair, hopefully not staining the tub for good.

I slowly stepped out after ten minutes, rubbing the soft, dry towel against my hair. Once the mirror cleared from fog, I smiled at my outlook.

I walked into my room after examining myself, Gabby looking up immediately. Her jaw dropped a tad, swiftly moving off my bed to rush over.

"Wow, you look hot with black." She gaped, touching my hair. I grinned, pulling clothes out of the Hot Topic bag.

"No but really, why did you want to change all of the sudden?" She asked after a moment of watching me sort out the clothes.

"'M don't know..." My voice trailed off slightly, trying to shrug it off. She'll think you're insane if you tell her.

"Oh c'mon, yes you do. Tell ol' Gabs why." She applied a fake twist to her speech, trying to convince me.

I laughed lightly and then sighed, plotting a way to play my words. "I like to change it up every once in a while," I began, my attention turning to Gabby when she started to cut me off.

"You've had the same style since we met back in ninth grade. We're seniors now, there's another reason." She proved her point, staring at me again. "So, why the sudden change?"

"Becausemaybeshawnwilllikemebetter," I rambled, hoping she would pick out the words.

No, I was not changing so he'd fall in love with me. I changed my outlook to get back at him for being a jackass in the first place.
In all honestly, I'm not hating it. I kind of dig the black on black.

"Grace!" She exclaimed after a few minutes of sorting out the mushed sentence. "You should never change for a guy! That's like, part of the girl code."

I simply shrugged. "It's to make him realize what he does affects a person's mindset. We don't know how many people he's done this to, or if there's worse things." I reminded her, walking out of my room. She trailed behind, taking the Pepsi from my hand that I retrieved from our fridge.

"Argh, okay fine. You totally look hot, but everyone's gonna think you've gone crazy." She stated after she took a sip, setting it down on a coaster in my room.

I gulped down some of my Dr. Pepper, "Yeah, I've realized. But if I can pull this off, then it'll be worth it."

"Aren't your parent gonna be concerned?" I laughed lightly. "Already thought of that. I don't like to lie, but I'm just gonna say it's a social experiment and that the hair dye washes out."

"We used semi-permanent though." I nodded in agreement, "I can say I apply the hair dye every day because actually dying it damages my hair."

"You better hope you can do this."

Shawn, you've got a lot coming your way.


i forgot to update last week i'm so sorry
I was gone since it was Christmas Eve
Also happy new year :) last update of 2015
I'm going to try something new— thoughts on Grace changing her appearance?

remember to comment & vote xx

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