Living On Marshall Street

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Hey guys!

This is my first Wattpad story ever so please tell me what you think. Critism always helps improve, but please try not to make it too harsh. Well I hope you enjoy!


**Danny POV**

One hundred thirty one. One hundred thirty two. One hundred thirty three. Footsteps. Thats what I'm focusing on as I finish this run.

I'm pretty much running on caffeine right now.Thank God for Starbucks! After drinking a venti of the strongest coffee they had I started running. After the first twenty laps I was already feeling the exhaustion creeping in but one thought kept me going. Lena. How much I care for her. Nothing in the world would make me stop from reaching the finishing line. My thoughts were only of her and of course Jez. I had to be strong for them. I had to fight for them.

The sweat was stinging my eyes and my brain was half asleep. I was just so tired! It took everything for me not to just lay down and sleep right on the spot. But I know I'm doing this for a good cause and that's what is keeping the smile on my face. I concentrated on keeping my feet light and my breathing even. Another half hour passed and before I knew it I was running the last set of laps. Then I would be able to go home and see my family. I would see my sister's smiles as they told me how happy they were. Feel my father give me one of those bone crushing hugs of his as he told me how proud he was of the man I was becoming. I'm almost done! I told myself. Suck it up Knight! I kept my paste steady and forced my body not to slow down. And then a noise as loud as thunder captivated my attention. All I was able to comprehend was black smoke and grayness surrounding me as I flew backwards hitting my head against the pavement. That's all I could make out before the darkness overwhelmed me and I went down under.

**Jez POV**

Sweet. Honey. Syrup.

The smell of coffee and pancakes wakes me up early Friday morning. I'm starving! I think to myself as I make my way down the stairs to greet the beautiful day.

"Good morning sweetie," my mother says to me as I make my way to the table. I plop myself down on a chair and a plate of pancakes and scrambled eggs is placed in front me. " Thank you, " I mumble still not fully awake.

" You better hurry, if you want to make it to school on time, " my mother said. "Rough night?"

"Yea, couldn't sleep I had a bad dream and I was shaken up a little by it". I say while taking a sip of my coffee.

"Want to talk about it?" She asked.

"No, it was just a bad dream mom. I'm pretty sure I won't have it again." I wasn't lying completely. I did have a bad dream last night, however this isn't the first time this dream has haunted me. It's always the same. There are people running and screaming, but from what? Then there is a giant BOOM! And I wake up in my bed sweating as if I had been running myself. It all happens so quickly. And the worst part of it all is that I can't do anything to stop it from happening. Having these types of dreams make me feel useless. I try to push them away from my mind , but they keep coming back. I try to change the scenerio by running up to people and warning them that something horrible is going to happen, but nothing I do seems to change anthing. At the end its always the same outcome. The big BOOM and then blackness.

Shaking these thoughts away from my head I run upstairs. I step into my room and turn on some music before stepping into the shower.

"Jezebel! Ten more minutes!" my mother yells, as I'm jamming to "Heart Attack". I quickly change into the faded blue jeans and cute yellow top I had picked out the night before. I make my way to the bathroom ,brush my teeth, and pull up my hair into a messy ponytail with a few strands of hair left down to frame my face. I grab my purse, keys, and phone and rush downstairs and into my white Mini Cooper. I make my way to Jose J. Marti Senior High and park in one of the student parking spaces and walk to my locker.

Getting her books from the locker next to me is my best friend Aleah or "A" as I like to call her. Aleah and I have been best friends since grade school and she always has a smile that can brighten up your day. She quickly spots me and stays waiting for me by her locker while I make my way over.

"Someone was almost late today," she smiles at me.

"Yea, I was just a little tired," I reply to her practically yawning.

"Same dream again?" Her smile turns into a frown full of concern.

"Yup, but I don't want to talk about that right now, lets just get to class," I grab her arm and pull her away from the lockers and into our first period math class.

I take a seat in one of the middle row desks and Aleah sits on the desk right next to mine.

"Hey Jez?"Aleah whispers to me.


"I think someone is...," she was quickly cut off by the bell and then by our math teacher Mrs. Lee.

"Boys and girls, please take your seats! Class is starting." She makes her way over to the board and starts writing down notes. As I'm taking them a paper airplane hits me in the arm. I look over to see that the note came from Aleah. It read:

A certain boy keeps giving you the eye. DON'T TURN AROUND! It will make it obvious.

I quickly scribble down on the note:

Who cares we graduate in like six months! Then we will be out of the school, many of us moving to other cities to attend college! But just out of curiosity, who?

She takes the note reads it over, rolls her eyes and then mouths at me: Your unbelievable.

I give her a short, sweet smile and before she could do anything... "Ms. Knight, care to share the conversation that is so much more important than today's lesson?" Mrs. Lee says furiously.

" Ummm no thank you. Sorry Mrs. Lee, it won't happen again." I say not making eye contact with her.

"It better not," she quickly snapped as she turned back around to continue today's lesson.

The rest of the day went by quickly and I didn't have any other classes with Aleah until lunch, so I spent most of my day wondering who this person could be. When the lunch bell finally rings, I rush to the cafeteria and surely enough Aleah was there waiting for me.

" You going to keep me in the dark forever?" I nudge her.

"Oh, I thought you didn't care."

"I don't, I'm just curious."

"Sure, whatever you say. It was Michael Rodriguez," she says smirking.

Great! I had had a crush on him in middle school, but he never gave me the time of day. So now when we were seniors in high school he wanted to get my attention? Sorry, but I don't work that way. "He was probably trying to copy my homework while I took my notes," I say not really caring.

"Maybe... or maybe not!" she hip bumps me, almost causing me to drop my food tray on the floor.

"A, drop it! I don't want to talk about this," I snap quickly ending the conversation.

"Fine," she grumbles. "But, you know I'm right."

"Jezebel, I need you to come to the kitchen!" My mom yells as I shut the front door and leave my bag by the staircase.

"What's going on?"

" Your father called," she says with worry lines on her face. "Angelina is sick".

Angelina is my ten year old sister and she lives with my older brother, Daniel and my dad in Boston, Massachussetts. Once my parents were divorced three years ago we were seperated. My mom brought me here to Miami and my father went to move up north with both of my siblings. The distance though doesn't matter. I Skype Lena everyday and talk to Danny often. We were all super close. We told each other everything.

"What do you mean she is sick?" I nearly yelled.


Hey everyone,

So what do you think? Please continue to read the story, there is so much more in store for you guys! Give it a try :)

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Sorry for any mistakes!

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