Chapter 2: Packing Up Sunshine

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She has type one diabetes. I can't believe it, I think to myself. She has always been such a fun and playful child. Always so happy, ready to make anyone's day with one of her million dollar smiles. My sister, Lena, is what keeps this whole family together. How is she right now? How is she dealing with the news?

"I should call them, " I say not meeting my mother's eyes.

"I'm sure they need some comfort right now," she said on the verge of tears. "Especially Daniel, he is taking it the hardest." I just nod and head upstairs to my room to make the call. Danny answers on the third ring.

"Hello?" he says. I can tell he is upset, his voice sounds muffled and its barely a whisper.

"Hey, it me," I say slowly.

"Oh, Jez! Thank God it's you." his voice became a little louder than before.

"Yup, glad to hear you too, how are you doing?" I ask.

"I've been better, " he says. "We were just outside playing tag when she just fainted. Dad and I rushed her to the hospital and they said her sugar was really low. And that's when they told us she had......diabetes."

"Hey, listen it's going to be okay. Gosh, I wish I was there." I said putting head in my hands.

" She's been asking for you," was all he said. Then there was a brief silence and right then and there, I made a decision.

"Hey listen, talk to you later, k? Something came up," I said quickly, eager to put my plan in action.

"Sure, bye," he hung up.

My sister needed me so I had to be there for her. I ran downstairs and into the family room, where my mom was watching, Big Time Rush, Lena's favorite T.V. show. She looked troubled and you could tell that her mind wasn't on the show.

"Ummm mom?" I say interrupting her thoughts.

"Jezebel?" she got up and looked at me. Her eyes were red and puffy and you could clearly see tear strokes from her crying earlier.

"I was thinking I'm going to go live with dad for a while," I said slowly trying to get her to take the news in.

"Have you talked to him?" she asked.

"No, but I just want to help Lena, so I don't see why he wouldn't let me come. If it's a problem I could get a job and pay for a small apartment or something." I needed to go to Boston. My family needed me. I would leave my life in Miami on hold and start a new one in Boston. I would do anything for Lena. If it means starting over at a new school, then so be it. I don't think it will be for a long while probably just for a couple of months, anyway.

"Okay, honey, if that what you want to do then I have no problem with it. Please take care of her." Mom said wrapping me up in a hug.

"Thanks mom," I said pulling away. I planted a small, quick kiss on her forhead before heading back upstairs to call my dad.

He answered on the second ring.

"Hey dad," I said.

"Is that my little girl I hear?" he said. I could tell he felt relief once he heard my voice. I even sensed a small smile forming on his lips.

"Hey dad," I said happily back. My dad always knew how to make me feel better.

"What's up?"

"Is it okay with you if I go up there for a while?" I asked shyly.

"Of course, you know your always welcomed here. This is your home too you know," he said.

"Great! Thanks Dad, I'll see you tomorrow," I said. I planned on taking the first flight to Boston early, tomorrow morning. That gives me exactly half a day to pack and say bye to all my friends.

"K, sweetie, see you soon, love you!" he said before hanging up.

I started packing immediately. The sooner I was done with this the better. I invited Aleah to come and help me out and also to spend some time with her before I leave. I would miss my mom and all my friends. I would miss my home. Miss the heat and the sun that always seems to shine here, no matter what season it is. That's Miami, I smile to myself. I was pulled away from my thoughts when the door bell rang.

"Jezebel, Aleah is here!" my mom called up to me.

"Tell her to come to my room!" I called back.

A minute later, Aleah was in my room. She was dressed in black jeans and a black Hollister tee, with black sandals. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail, her usual updo since she claims that her dark, curly hair always looks puffy.

"Who died?" I asked surprised by her choice of wardrobe.

"No one did, its just a sad day when you have to say goodbye to your best friend for who knows how long!" Her big, brown eyes were on the verge of tears and I pulled her into a hug. I couldn't help but laugh to myself though. Oh, Aleah, such a drama queen.

"Why are you laughing?" she asked me, hurt in her voice.

"Nothing it's just that I'm going to miss my drama queen of a friend so much!" I said, she elbowed me in the ribs. "Ouch! What was that for?".

"This isn't funny!" she practically yelled at me.

"Calm down A! You can come visit me during winter break and I promise I will Skype you every night!"

"You better!" She nudged me. "Now let's get packing!" I couldn't help but laugh at her change of mood.

Once Aleah was gone and I had packed everything I needed, I made my way over to the piano, in the living room. Music always helped me when I was feeling stressed, frustrated, or even sad. I loved playing the piano it helped me express my emotions in a way words couldn't. Music was the way I bonded with Lena. My sister is a violinist and always accompanies me when I play the piano. Danny does sometimes too. He knows how to handle the guitar pretty well. As my hands start exploring the keys, I can't help but think of them. My playing gets louder and I let out all my anger and frustration. My feelings turn into music. I loose myself in the song making the world around me invisible. When my fingers hit the last key, my therapy session finishes and away go all the feelings that were trapped inside me yearning to come out. I feel so relieved! I scream in my head. Now off to a get a goodnights sleep to rest for what tomorrow brings.

"Now boarding all flight 77 passengers, Miami-Boston," the fight attendant says. I turn around to face my mom. "Well this is it," I say sighing.

"Please be careful, Jezebel," my mom says hugging me. "Tell your sister and brother that I love them very much and that I will come to visit as soon as possible." Her voice cracked at the first part. Tears were slowly streaming down her eyes. I know this must be hard for her. Not being able to fly up to take care of her little girl. She can't just leave her job here she has to give a two weeks notice in order to get some time off.

"It's okay mom, I'll be fine and I'll pass on the message."

"Thank you sweetie, I love you! Please call me once you land or I'll be worried sick!"

"Okay mom, I will," she gave me a soft peck on the forhead and started picking up my bags. I made my way to the flight attendant and handed her my ticket. Before I boarded the plan I stole a quick glance back. Goodbye Miami, see you soon, I thought. And with that I got in the plane and started my journey to Boston, expecting a peaceful and drama free couple of months. Boy was I wrong!


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