Chapter 4: Start of Something New

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My alarm clock woke me up early Monday morning. First day of school at Monroe High. I hope it isn't that bad. Danny told me he enjoyed his high school experience there. But then again, Danny was popular in the school being in the track team and all. He also did date the head cheerleader for a while. How cliche. Ugh! Who am I kidding? It's my senior year! I should have finished it in Miami with the people I know! STOP, I told myself, you are doing this for Lena. You are being a supportive sister. Let's just get this over with.

I dressed in casual, skinny jeans and a yellow flowy top. My hair was ironed and my make up done naturally. I had a couple of pancakes before I made my way to what was supposed to be the most awkward school day of my life.

The school wasn't as big as I expected it to be. However it did have that old and rusty look. It resembled most of the buildings in Boston actually with the red bricks and historic feel. The people were what caught my attention though. Well some anyway. Most people were dressed like me, some girls though weren't as nicely dressed. Where they allowed to show that much skin? And what is it with that makeup? Wow some people are just plain scary.

I made my way over to the main office quickly;it was in the front of the school so it wasn't so tricky to find. The receptionist welcomed me with a sweet, warm smile and handed me my schedule for the rest of the year. First off, calculus. Great! I thought sarcastically. Anything related to math and science really wasn't my thing. I mean of course I passed the courses, it just took a little more studying in those areas. Lucky for me both classes were in the morning so I could get them over with quickly.

I grabbed my math textbook and got out the school map to try to find the classroom. I know I said the school wasn't as big as I expected it to be, but it was still pretty big! After asking a couple of people I was able to make my way to class only three minutes late. Of course, I had to walk in to find everyone staring at me like I was an alien or something and the teacher obviously got upset since I interrupted her class. You know same old, same old. After handing her the note from the office saying I was new she gave me a small welcome and made me sit in the back of the class near a girl with shoulder length brown hair wearing a green top and jeans. She was reading a book oblivious to my whole awkward walk in scene. When she finally notices me she glances in my direction and whispers, "Haven't seen you around, new?".

"Yup," I say popping the "p".

"The name is Kaylie," she says.

"Jezebel," I reply.

"Well, that's an original name, but kind of a mouthful don't you think? Got a nickname?"

"My brother and sister call me Jez"

"Okay Jez it is,"

Turns out she is really funny and sweet. She loves to read and listen to music although her taste is certaintly "special" I should say. She is super chill and really easy to talk to. I sat with her during lunch and she introduced me to a couple of her friends: Janelle, Natasha, Angie and Arielle. Kaylie and I talked on and on about different types of books and music. Nerdy I know, but it's a good conversation starter, for us anyway.

After lunch, I made my way to my locker and got out my binder for creative writing class. I was actually excited for this class. Writing has always been something I enjoyed. Something about expressing your feelings on paper made it one of my favorite past times. Just like playing the piano I can quickly become absorbed in my writing and just loose myself completely in what I'm doing.

As I made my way to class, I passed by a couple of lockers where some boys were laughing loudly. Not wanting to be late I just ignored them and continued walking to class.

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