Chapter 9: You'll Just Have to Prove to Me How 'Amazing' You Truly Are

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Jez POV (Next day)

I don't know why but I feel like I need to make a good impression. I decided to put my hair down today instead of its usual ponytail and put on a green loose top and a pair of cute fitted light jeans. I put on gold sandals to complete the look and added just a tad of mascara and blush. I'm not one for make up if you haven't yet noticed.

I arrive to school a couple of minutes earlier than usual and made my way to my locker where Kaylie and Blake were waiting. 

"Hey girlies," I chuckled.

"Hey JJ," they both cooed. What the hell? Where did that come from. Kaylie wasn't even in the same class as us. 'Blake must of told her,' I thought. 

"Oh shut it," I look at them with a serious face, but they saw right through it and we burst out laughing. Being with these girls was just an amazing feeling. They always knew exactly what to say to make you laugh. You just can't stay mad at them. It's impossible.

"Are we meeting up for lunch today?" I begin speaking as our uncontrollable laughter settled down. I needed to let them know of my plans so they wouldn't be expecting me.

"About that..." Blake shyly looks at the ground. This was so unlike her, she was just a explosion of energy all the time. I don't know what has gotten into her to make her get this timid. "Blake and I are getting together to talk about the project." Well it all makes sense now.

"You like him!" I beamed at her, she seems taken aback by my sudden outburst and a blush overcame her face immediately. "I do not! We are just meeting to plan this freakin thing out and that's it!" her face was so red it was hilarious. But I decided not to bother with her with that for now. She seemed really embarassed already. I'll harass her about this later. 

"No worries because I have to meet Channing at the library to dicuss ours too,"  I tell them.

"Channing?" Blake asks curiously, "isn't your partner Austin?" she continues.

"Yes, but he doesn't want to do this project so he told Channing to do it with me and he agreed so yea," I explain.

"Wait, hold up, is your partner Channing like Summers?!?!" Kaylie's eyes widen, making both Blake and I look at each other and then back at her curiously.

"Yes?" I say unsure of where she is going with this.

"Wait, isn't he Austin's nerdy brother who like never goes out?" Blake asks Kaylie.

"Twin brother," I interject to emphasize on the word 'twin'.

"Yes, but he is also unbelievably hot!" Kaylie squeals. I laugh, I think someone may have a little itty bitty crush.

"Still, no girl really chases him, they all go after Austin..." Blake continues. 

"That's because Austin uses girls as toys that he can just play with and throw away! Channing on the other hand is a complete gentlemen!" Kaylie barks, quickly defending him. 

"Woah, calm down, no need to get on a defensive mood I was just giving Jez some background information," Blake is quick to apologize before things get heated. She must have a bigger crush on him than I thought. 

"Any who, so yea I'm meeting up with him and won't make it to lunch," I finish explaining my thoughts.

"Lucky ducky, well I guess I'll sit with the rest of the girls then," Kaylie says.

"Yup, so see you guys later k?" I dismiss quickly so I can get to class. After some quick goodbyes I close my locker and make my way to my first class.


Time seemed to pass painfully slow as I waited for lunch to come. So when the bell that announed lunch rang, I quickly jumped and almost ran to my locker to get to the library. Almost. After closing my locker I realized that it would be rather pathetic to get there so early and wait there by myself. He would probably get there in like five minutes and if he saw me there already he would think I was desperate and I didn't want to make that impression. I went to one of the school's vending machines to get myself a bag of chips or something as a snack and slowly made my way up the stairs to the second floor where the library was situated. I fought every nerve in my body that was telling me to stop caring about impressions and to just run to the library. I don't know what is wrong with me, but I'm just so anxious to meet this boy!

When I finally get there I see that I made it exactly five minute late. I look around the library looking for a similar version of Austin. What awaited me was something I was not expecting. 

He was good looking. Scratch that. Really good looking, and the exact replica of Austin. I didn't expect them to be so alike, I mean sure they're twins but still I was expecting for their to be a major difference that could make you tell them apart easily. From where I'm standing the only slight difference I can see is that Austin has a stronger build than Channing. Don't get me wrong Channing's buff, Austin is just buffer. As if on cue he looks up from the book he was reading looking around the room quickly until his eyes landed on me and scanned me slowly. All of a sudden I felt self conscious. 

He stands up as I approach him.

"Jezebel?" his bright blue eyes stare deeply into my own.

"Jez," I give him a small smile and he extends his hand for me to shake. He's proper, so far I like him more than I do Austin. 

"I'm Channing," he genuinely smiles back.

"So I've heard," I look at the table.

"Oh?" he raises an eyebrow.

"Well Austin has said a couple of things about you and the entire school seems to know you too," I shrug casually.

"Good things I hope?" 

"Uh yea," Austin chuckled when telling me about Channing, I'm going to take that as a good sign for now.

"You don't so sound sure," his eyebrows crease together and I wanted to chuckle at the almost worried expression he had on.

"Whatever the case is, you'll just have to prove to me how 'amazing' you truly are," I give him a casual look while challenging him. Then he smirked and that's when the resemblance between Austin and him hit me hard. That smirk I would recognize it anywhere. But now looking at him up close I can see how I can tell them apart. While Austin has green eyes, Channing has blue ones. That just made my life a whole lot easier.

"That's not gonna be a problem Jezzy," Another nickname. Perfect.

"Okay so what do we do first?"

"Well we could go to Faneuil Hall and the Boston Massacre sight?" he starts.

"Okay sounds good, I'll do research at home and I'll text you." A small hint of red was appearing on his cheeks.

"Um I kind of already did a little research, but if you want to look for more be my guest," I couldn't help it, I gave him a full blown grin. He really is the complete opposite of Austin, he wasn't kidding when he said that Channing was responsible. I'm starting to believe the rumors.

"It's okay, that's great though."

"So, on Saturday I'll pick you up at around one o' clock? We can grab a bite around that area and maybe even hit a library or something to start the paper."

"Sounds great, but one problem," I say. He just raises an eyebrow. 

"Your eyes are blue and Austin's are green, Mr. Collin will see that."

"Oh, well I can always just wear colored contacts or something," he chuckles. 


The bell rang announcing that lunch was over and I headed out of the library to continue on with the rest of my day.


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