Chapter 7: I Really Need To Get A Grip On Life

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"Everyone please settle down and take a seat please," our creative writing teacher says to us.

The whole class takes a seat and waits silently as Mr. Collins goes to his desk and shuffles a couple of papers on his desk.

"So I decided that I'm going to assign you guys a project for the semester," Mr. Collins speaks after a couple of moments of silence.

Well that's not so bad.

"I have assigned everyone their partners already".

That's just perfect! Sarcasm.

"This project will count for a little more than a quarter of your grade and it is an essential part to pass this class."

I hope my partner is responsible. Who am I kidding? I'll probably end up doing all the work.

"And effort from both partners must be shown in order to get the full grade. If one of you fails, it will affect the other. So please keep that in mind when you are working. If you decide to slack then I would sleep with one eye open if I were you." He chuckled at his own joke although none of us were laughing.

This keeps getting better and better.

"So the requirements for this assignment are that you must take a picture of historical sites all over the city of Boston. Both you and your partner must be in the photograph and before all of you start thinking about how easy this is, let me just warn you that I have a friend who's profession requires for him to spot photoshopped pictures! Apart from this you will turn in a story about your experience. I want it to be insightful and include everything you did. I wish you the best of luck and please remember to have fun!"

Wow. That's all I have to say to this. Wow. Just wow.

"Listen for the names of your partners"

"Lindsey and Andrew"

"Beth and Wilson"

"Blake Anderson and Blake Winters"

I don't know what exactly is wrong with me but that sounded incredibly cute! I really need to get a grip on life.

"Jezebel and Austin"

Woah. Woah. Woah. What? No this can't be happening!

"Hey partner," I heard his voice. I wasn't going to turn around though. I knew this was some kind of trick.  This sounds like complete bs to me. It seems too perfect, too planned for it to seem real.

"Get away Summers" I bark.

"A bit bipolar are we today? You were so nice and sweet to me a second ago."

"That was before they told me I was going to have to depend on you for a huge part of my grade!" I almost yell.

"What you don't trust me?" He smirked.

God, I want to slap it of his pretty little face!

"Did you just call me pretty?" He chuckled.

Well that 's great! I just said it out loud!


"Funny cause it sounded like you said you wanted to slap the smirk off my pretty little face" he continued smirking. Oh Lord.

"Maybe you should go get your ears checked," I say.

"Admit it Knight, you think I'm hot"

"You wish," I try to put confidence in my words but my cheeks betray me by blushing.

"It's okay, I don't blame you, if I had to look at me all day I'd prob act the same way too".

Cocky much?

"No matter, lucky for you I'm in a good mood," he kept talking nonchalantly. 

"And why's that?" I try to sound like I'm interstested but I'm actually not.

"Well, I don't know if I should tell you since it seems that you got the word 'bored' tattooed on you forehead".

Oh good he noticed too.

"No really, I'm fascinated! Please do tell," I continue.

"I doubt you are, but if you must know, today is the day that I get know for a fact that I will get an A+ on a project," he smiles but it's a sinister one. I just keep staring at him curiously and that makes him continue. " You're in charge of this project Jez, I want absolutely no part in any of it".

"Are you deaf? Did you not hear the part where Mr. Collins said that we had to be in the pictures together?" Is he really that stupid? I am serioudly curious to know if he was dropped as a child.

"Don't worry JJ, I got all of this figured out," his signature smirk appeared on his face again. "I have a twin brother," he winked at me. What? 

"First of all don't call me that and second of all are you joking? Or..?" My confused face must have looked funny seeing as how he started laughing.

"No I'm not actually," so what? am I just suppose to trust him? What if his brothers worse?"

"And how do I know that I can trust your brother? How do I know if he is responsible or not?" I voiced my thoughts.

"Oh trust me Channing's responsible, that's not an issue," he smiled once again and with that he stood from his seat and went across the classroom to sit by a blonde girl that was currently laughing with one of her friends, he made himself comfortable before he started flirting with both of them.

I just remain in my seat thinking to myself, what just happened?


"Hey, I can't help to notice how confused you look," a redhead approaches me and sits down in Austin's seat.

"Um no, I'm fine actually....I think," I look at her and she seems amused.

"That's what I thought," she gives me a friendly smile and I can't help but notice that I like this girl already. "I'm Blake by the way," she pops the gum bubble that she made, and I laughed at her carefree ways. "Jezebel, but my friends call me Jez," I continue the conversation.

"Well Austin calls you JJ does that mean that you guys are..." She sends me a wink then bumps my shoulder playfully with her own. Completely caught off guard I feel my cheeks turn a dark shade of crimson and I playfully swat her arm, "Ew NO!" With that we both look at each other for like five seconds and then we double over laughing. I don't know what's funny exactly but her laughter is contagious and the moment we just shared seems like something out of a movie. Wiping my laugh caused tears from my face I turn to face her and ask her if she wants to have lunch with Kaylie and I along with out other friends. After agreeing and swapping numbers the bell rang and I can' t help but notice how quickly class time flew by. We were supposed to be discussing our plans with our partners but oh well.


Later that evening I recieve a text from an unknown number.


Channing's number . Have fun planning ;)

I throw my face on a pillow on my bed and scream as loud as I can possibly muster, so thankful that the pillow can muffle my screams.


Hello :)

I know it's short! But I figured that a short update was better then no update at all.

FIrst update of the new year!

And introduction of a new character! Blake :)

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