Chapter 8:You'll Like Her Trust Me, She's Different

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Austin's POV (During Creative Writing Class)

Okay so I was suprised as everyone else when Mr. Collins assigned the project. I didn't show it though, or at least not as much as Jez was showing it. You could see it written clearly on her face that she didnt like the idea of this project and frankly neither did I, but was I gonna do?

"Lindsey and Andrew"

"Beth and Wilson"

"Blake Anderson and Blake Winters"  Ha. How ironic.

"Jezebel and Austin" I blinked twice and looked at Mr. Collins to make sure that I had heard right. I looked over at Jezebel who was sitting next to me and it took everything I had in me not to laugh. She looked so pissed off. Her brownish green eyes grew wide and her mouth was a little open in the form of an 'o' it looked like she had found out that someone had run over her cat with a bus. Her hands were clenched into tiny little fists and she was so occupied processing this new information that she didn't even notice. She had a strand of hair that had slipped out of her ponytail and I had the sudden urge to extend my hand and put it behind her ear. But of course I didn't do that becuase that would look weird. Although her new demeanor amused me, it also made me a little disappointed. Did she hate me that much? The thought bothers me but I push it away and put on the my signature smirk. 

"Hey partner" I start playfully.

"Get away Summers," she barks at me. Ouch. Two can play at this game.

"A little bipolar are we today?" I'm having too much fun bothering her. "You were so nice and sweet to me a second ago".

"That was before they told me I was going to have to depend on you for a huge part of my grade!" She was trying her hardest not to shout although I could see how much she wanted too.

"What don't you trust me?" Is it weird that making her mad amuses me so much? I mean I'm still bothered by the fact that she was walking with Mason today. I mean him out of all people? Everyone knows how much of a douche he is. Could she not sense it? Is she blind? I was thrown off my thoughts when I heard her say or should I say whisper, "God, I want to slap it of his pretty little face!"

She thinks I'm pretty? I smiled. I think she's quite beautiful too. Wait hold up. Why did I make that sound so passionately? I don't like her. Not at all actually. I can't picture us together. I mean sure she is pretty but many women are beautiful including that blonde across the classroom. Maybe I should think about talking to her later. Snap back to reality.

"Did you just call me pretty?" I chuckled still amused by her. Her cheeks turned the slightest shade of pink. Aww she's embarrased. 

"No," sure.

"Funny cause it sounded like you said you wanted to slap the smirk off my pretty little face," this is way too much fun.

"Maybe you should get your ears checked," Well, maybe you should get your eyes checked. Really again Mason? Oh I know exactly how to make her blush now.

"Admit it Knight, you think I'm hot," That came out just how I intended. 

"You wish," she appeared to sound confident but I could see past her walls. But of course that wasn't so hard when her cheeks were as red as an apple. It suited her though. I really loved the glow it gave to her face. Here we go again, shut up Summers, and get a grip.

"It's okay, I don't blame you, if I had to look at me all day I'd probably act the same way too". I don't know where this sudden burst of confidence came from but I like it.

"No matter, lucky for you I'm just in a good mood," It's true. I am in a good mood. I don't know why but I have a feeling that this project might actually be fun.

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