Chapter 11: The Last Thing On My Mind

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Jez’s POV:

 “Channing what are you doing?” I said quickly pushing him away from me. I turned to Austin to see his reaction but he was already gone. Where did he go? And why did he go? It’s not like he hasn’t kissed other girls before. He has made sure to remind me of that every time I walked passed him in the hallway. But now he was completely gone, taking our only mode of transportation out of here as well. Great, now how are we supposed to go home? After that awkward moment with Channing I don’t exactly want to be with him right now.

“I’m sorry Jez, I wasn’t thinking straight,” Channing said scratching the back of his head.

“It’s fine,” Was it? Was I okay with this?

“It is?” he seemed shocked by my answer.

“Um yea, I think so,” What a great answer.

“So…” he started rocking back and forth slowly.

“So…” I responded, pleasing my lips together, and doing what my friends call, a “bunny twitch” with my mouth.

That awkward moment.

“Um how are we going to get home?” I broke the endless silence.

“Well, we obviously can’t walk since we are on the other side of town, so maybe we could call a cab or something,” he shrugged.

“A cab? In Boston?” I shake my head at him trying to prevent my laughter.

“Why not?” he said clearly amused.

“A cab is sort of the ‘New York’ scene you know?” I say putting emphasis on the words ‘New York’.

“Your point being?” he stated with a straight face.

“Whatever, It’s fine I’ll call Kaylie or Blake and see if they can get us,” I say as I scroll through my contacts. I dial Blake and my phone rings about four times until her voicemail comes up. She must be busy or something. I dial Kaylie and silently pray that she answers so things don’t get any worse.

“Hello?” A sleepy voice answers on the other line.

“Kaylie?” I ask.

“Sup Jez” she yawns on the other line.

“Kaylie were you sleeping?” I laugh quietly.

“Yes I was in the middle of my power nap actually,” she quickly recovers.

“Well sorry to bother your beauty sleep, but can you do me a favor?” I say.

“Sure girlie what’s up?” she sounds all chirpy.

“Well um” how do I say this? ‘Hey Kayles so Channing tried to kiss me and then Austin just left so can you please take me back to Starbucks so I can get my car and go home?’ Um no. “Can you come pick me up please and take me to Starbucks to get my car?” I rush out.

“Sure! Where are you?” she says happily. Always a positive one that girl.

“The Boston Massacre sight,” I tell her.

“Are you alone?” she asks.

“No, I’m with Channing,” I say sneaking a peak to see him staring at the ground awkwardly looking like a little boy as he changes weight from foot to foot.

“How’d you guys get there then? Did you walk?” she says curiously.

I sigh. “Long story Kayles.”

“Okay, but I do want you to fill me in later. And don’t try to avoid the subject when I ask you.” She states on a more serious note.

“I wouldn’t dream of it,” I say sarcastically.

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