Chapter 14: Not Backing Down

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"It's fine Channing! Really I don't care anymore," I say into my cellphone. Channing has been calling me non stop since Austin's explosion yesterday, apologizing as many times as he possibly could in a five minute conversation. 

"No It's not and you know that! He had no right to treat you that way!" he is obviously getting impatient with me by the sounds of his voice. 

"Okay whatever, can we please change the subject?" I say desperately looking for a way out of this repeatitive conversation. We are both going to get no where. It's obvious. He is always going to say that what Austin did was wrong and I am always going to tell him that I honestly don't care. And it's not a complete lie. I think. I mean yea sure I was hurt, but what girl wouldn't be? 

I heartless one, my conscience tells me. True, very true. But whatever, I'm over it, I'm pretty sure. 

"Okay fine, but wait can I say one more thing before we completely close off this conversation?" he pleads with me. One more comment wouldn't change anything so why not?

"Shoot," I say shrugging my shoulders, even though I know that he can't see them. 

"I need you to understand that you should not tolerate that kind of behavior from anyone and especially not Austin. You are way too beautiful and sweet to be having to go through that when you didn't even do anything wrong." I could feel myself start to blush. 

"Thanks Channy, you're a great friend," I say and truly mean it. 

"I know I am," I could imagine him smirking on the other line. He just absolutely killed the moment. That's one of the things I've noticed about these boys, both him and his brother. They are way to over confident about themselves. It's definitely an attribute they share.

"Aren't you suppose to be the shy one?" I ask laughing to myself. "At least that was what I was told anyway".

"I am the shy one," he says. 

"Clearly not, if you're willing to be so open with your self confidence," I say back. 

"I only open up to the people I think are worth it," he says softly almost whispering. I blush madly now.

"Hm, hey Channing I need to get going, I need to get ready for school," I say. Wow now I just killed the moment but I don't mind things were getting a little to flirty for my liking anyway. 

"Okay I'll see you at school," he replies into the phone. I could sense a little hurt in his voice. Then the hanging up of the phones. Well that's just great! I hope he isn't that offended by it.

So today I decided that It's going to be a slack day. I put on a pair of navy blue sweat pants with writing on the side and then a yellow V neck top with my hair up in a messy bun and no make up. Not that I wear that much anyway. As usual I get my small messenger bag and my cellphone and car keys and many my way to school. And as the daily routine continues I see Channing waiting for me by the door, and Austin is nearby but was liplocking with another girl, a blonde girl from I could see and wearing a pretty little skirt too. Go figure. I step out of my car and drag myself to the door. With a quick 'hey' from Channing we make our way to class, making small talk along the way. 

"Hey um can I ask you a favor?" he says to me. 

"Yea sure, what's up?" I reply. 

"I need you to go with me to the drama department and help me script prompt a couple of scenes for a play they are doing today during lunch." 

"I would love to, but I have to meet again with Austin during lunch to continue that stupid project,"I huff sadly. 

"Stand him up, it's the least he deserves after the way he treated you yesterday," he shrugs. A part of me tells me to do as Channing says and just cancel the lunch meeting. But another part of me tells me that maybe I should go with Austin and see what he has to say. I look up at Channing and see that he is looking at me almost nevously. Why do I feel that this decision might determine something important? It's like I'm picking which boy I like better and the answer there is obvious I mean what has Austin ever done for me?

He saved you the day those boys were attacking you, my conscience hits again. Okay yes, but what else? I think to myself. Silence. That's what I thought. And so my decision was final. 

"Sure Channy, meet me by my locker?" I ask and see that he lets out a breathe of relief. 

"Yea sure, okay see you later," he gives me one final glance and goes on his way. I do the same and as I walk I feel someones gaze burning deeply into the back of my head. Sure enough I turn around slowly and try to look back without looking to obvious. I failed, but as I did I see that Austin was down the hallway staring at me, with an annoyed and hurt expression. I don't understand this boy I really don't. What did I do now?

Austin's POV

It was starting to be a pretty shitty day so far. My alarm clock didn't go off, which I'm guessing was Channing's doing. I had to rush through my morning to get to school to find a blonde girl was parked in my parking space. She was pretty hot, but no one was allowed to park in my space it's like a school rule.I'm surprised she didn't get the memo. At first she wasn't willing to park anywhere else so I decided to turn on my perusasive charm to convince her to leave. That was when Jez arrived to school and saw me making out with some random girl. Shit. I still haven't apologized to her about yesterday, and I really didn't mean to snap at her, my inner hulk just happened to have controlled me for a couple of minutes and I couldn't grasp control until she left. I must have looked like a total jerk to her. I don't know why I care so much about what she thinks of me, but I just need her approval of me. I want to get close to her, it's like a need for me right now. And I have been, I've talked to her here and there, but Channing is always there to interrupt the moment I try to start a conversation with her. He is like her guard dog, never willing to lay off. If he doesn't soon I will make him. A little harsh I know, but I don't have many options left. 

The only brigh tside of my day was meeting her for lunch to continue working on the project, but eventually that was ruined too. As soon as I had persuaded the blonde girl, whose name I think was Aimee, I parked in the space and walked inside to see If maybe I could catch Jez by her locker and maybe tease her a bit. But, of freakin course Channing was there obviously trying to get her full attention. But, I knew that wasn't going to work. She knew she had to meet me today. I kept watching them, and if got Channing's attention he didn't show it. But I am almost sure I did because when he asked Jez if she wanted to help him with that drama crap he looked at me from the corner of his eyes, as if to challenge me. Okay brother, challenge accepted. I smiled mischeiviously at him and waited for Jezebel's response. It took her a couple of minutes to answer, It looked like she was actually thinking about this. Please choose me, Please choose me. That was what this whole thing was about anyway. Who she would choose, whether it was me or Channing this decision was the first step to seeing who would be closer to her. 

"Sure Channy, meet me by my locker?" she said to him with a finality tone.  

At that moment Channing smiled at me and my smile disappeared off my face. I stayed there though, watching them making plans to meet. What did you expect? I think to myself. Did you really think she would come running to you after all you have done to her? I guess not, but there was still a piece inside of me that hung on to the hope. I watch as she dismisses him and and makes her way down the hallway. She turned around at the end of the hall, and her eyes locked with mine. It didn't take her long to turn her head back around and keep walking towards her next class. 

She might have chosen Channing, and Channing must think that he won but one thing he should also know is that I never give up. And this time I'm not backing down. 


hi :)

excuse the mistakes 

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