Chapter 13: Ice Cream

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Madison as been a great help. She helped me have the nerves to call Harry and show him my singing voice. He told me it was beautiful and he is jealous but I seriously doubt it because... Well I'm not the one selling out arenas.

'We need to meet'

'I love your voice'

'I am not a flirt'

'Well just with you'

Are the last messages he has sent.

I replied to all of them but I wouldn't have been able to with our Madison.

She is like, a huge sister. A big part of my life. No... A huge part. And with our her... I would be lost in this nasty as world.

"Thanks Madison, I really appreciate you and Justin's help both. It has been the most help ever. And I'm starting to really like Justin but then again, Harry told me he likes me."

She smiles and take the bowl of soup away.

"First of all Joey, your fine. I will do anything for you. And I mean anything. And second, you just need to wait. See who comes for a date first. Then give the second one a chance and see who's was either better, sweeter, and they weren't all you know 'boyish' and trust me they can be that way." She says sweetly.

I roll my eyes and pull my duvet over my head a little ways.

" confused, really confused. I am I mean. I wanna kiss Justin but I wanna meet the Harry Styles"

She laughs and looks at me.

"Its not about who is better though. It's about who you like."

She walks out and Justin texts me also so does Harry.

Justin: Wanna go on a walk or for a drive?

Harry: we should meet sooner. Don't you think it sounds fun right?

I laugh. And set my phone down. Slip on some sweat pants and a hoodie.

I walk down the hall and knock on Justin's door.

"Can we still go for that walk?" I ask sweetly.

He set down his book and gets a smile.

"Of course we can Erin, been waiting for your reply."

I laugh and sit on his bed.

"Erin, before we go. I think we should you know. Friday night there is a movie premiering and I was wondering if you would like to go see it with- you know- me?"

I smile.

"Of course I will." I Say and smile.

I help him off his bed and he changed into running shorts and a manly tank top.

"So where do you want to walk to?"

I think. "Let's go for some ice cream."

He nods and smiles. My phone goes off and I answer it.


"Hey it's Harry."

"Oh... Hi" I'm screaming inside but in reality I'm just smiling this goofy ass grin.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go see a movie with me maybe Friday afternoon?"

I look at Justin and give him the "give me a minuet" finger and walk to my balcony.

"I'd love to but a guy asked me to a movie that night. But just as friends you know so ours should work out. Definitely."

He laughs. And I can tell he is smiling.

"That's great love, see you Friday then. Finally."

"Yea, bye."

I ended the call and walk out my room and downstairs where Justin is waiting.

"Bay we will be right back. Going for a walk."

She looks up from the living room Xbox in disgust.

"With him?"

I nod and wave goodbye.

When we got out of my house we hooked a right and landed on Woventon St. Then took 2 Lefts and a right and we landed on Grefont St. Where the ice cream place is.

"Finally we are here." I say and he takes my hand.

"Um what do you want Joey?" He asks me as the cashier is turned around.

"Chocolate cone I guess." I smiles and grab his arm and look up at him.

"Two chocolate cones please."

The employee turns around and I instantly notice who it is.

But he doesn't look up he dimly says: 

"That will be $2.50"

He brings us our cones and finally looks up.

"Oh hey."

At first he looks angry but then sees Justin and kinda feels a bit happier.

"Uh Hi Adam."

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