Chapter 11: Forgive Me

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'Well that's good but I mean your full name, Erin'

I look at the clock and it is only 8:47 pm. Which sucks.

I crawl upstairs. No literally I crawl because hey... I'm tired.

I take my day clothes off and lie I'm bed. It's super hot outside so why bother putting pjs on. They suck.

I text thee fucking Harry Styles back.

'Erin Jo Lee Acknel, I would ask about you but I kind of already know.'

I laugh and send it.

I walk over to my laptop and a notification pops up that someone had looked at my profile. The stupid thing is, unless I pay, I can't see who it is.

I crawl back in my bed and throw my duvet on the floor cause I hate it.

I groan because I can't sleep. It sucked ass.

My phone lights up again.

'So I'm guessing your like a little fan girl... Huh?'

I laugh again and hear a knock on the door.

'No I am not Harold I am 17.'

"Come in!" I shout.

Everybody that lives in my entire house walks in... Even my fish... Well only because Anneka was carrying around my fish bowl.


They look from one to another.

"You were laughing... No one is up here with you" Madison says.

That's because I was texting thee Harry Styles and he called me a little girl! I shout it only on the inside though.

"I didn't laugh."

"Yeah you did babes."

"Adam, if I did it was because Harold freaking Styles called me litte."

My phone lights up.

'Well 17 is definitely not a little girl... How did I mix up your number from Jacks?'

I laugh again and throw my phone at the wall.

"Oh shiz. Not again."

I get up and walk towards my wall.

"Are you guys still here?" I asks md turn around.

They stay silent.

"Okay fine then... GET OUT!" I yell.

The all run out and go to their own bedrooms. Mine is the first one up the stairs. Then on the left to the end it is my parents. Then Madison,bathroom, Guest Bedroom, and Kimberly's.

Then on the right it is Anneka's, Adam'a bedroom he stays in when he does stay, then Justin and a bathroom. Across the hallway. Is a bunch of rooms that we have that I never use and Bayleighs . Except for the hot tub room and like this excerise room.

I shut my door and my phone lights up.

'Are you awake?'

Oh it is my mother.

'Yeah mom, why? What's up?'

I walk out to my balcony and see Justin is also out there.

"Hey Justin."

He looks up from his tablet and smiles.

"Hey. What's up."

I sigh.

"We'll I was going to maybe take a swim but I'm texting a pop star and my mother."

He chuckles. I may hate the rest of him but seriously I'm some lights he looks like Zac Efron so it's like I don't know... Sexy haha.

"Well, what are you talking to them about. If I may ask."

"We'll my mother ask how I was doing. And Harry Styles called me little sooo."

He laughs and swims over to me.

"I heard you like this Harry Styles." He says.

I back up till I touch the wall and look to my right.

"Well yea. Aren't you a little to close to me?"

He shrugs.

"Only if you want me to be, then I shall back up." He smiles.

"Well your gone right now but come closer and I will kick you." I say and laugh.

"You have got to stop lieing, you know you like my company."

"I do but sometimes I wish you weren't such a creep." I say.

He comes even more closer and I smile.

"Your a perv." I add.

"But a sexy one at that" he grins.

I look past him. Then back at him.

"Would it bug you if I gave you a hug?" He asks.

"Actually, I wouldn't mind at all. I need a hug..."

He wraps his arms around me and embraces me. I eventually wrap my arms back around him and lower my chin into his chest.

"You give good hugs Justin." I say and he smiles looking down at me.

I look into his eyes as he does mine, I know I call him names but I really want to kiss him right now. Which would be rationally very wrong and just die. Right stupid.

But if no one saw would that make a difference.

No. I still might or may slip it out to Anneka and Madison or worse... Adam.

Justin must be thinking the same cause he leans in for a kiss and I try to pull away but it is too late.

If Anneka saw me right now she would call me a slut.

If Madi saw me right now she would not talk to me for awhile.

And if Adam saw me right now... He would break up with me.

But I don't know why I'm not pulling away!!

I even kiss back too. Harder then Justin kissed me on the first place.

I pull away and he smiles.


I crawl out if the pool and grab my towel, climb my balcony and open the French doors to reveal Adam asleep in my bed.

I throw my towel across the room and throw in some pajama pants and a tank top.

I crawl next to Adam and look at his closed eyes. I place my hand on his cheek.

"I'm sorry Adam. I love you."

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