Chapter 20: Swim

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So hey, it's Erin of course :) and I just want to say July 1st I am switching this account to a new one called erinjostyles

Hopefully it works but you never know. If it doesn't I will post on this accounts wall so make sure you switch with me to get my updates :) 


I tried to talk to Harry on the way up stairs but he wouldn't budge. I don't know what's so bad. He talked about a second date but never did he ask me out or ask to take me on one.

"Harry? Please talk to me? I don't know what I did." I say knocking on his door.

"I told you that I liked you."

I sigh. I don't know what else to do. But then I think if he has his bathroom door open then I could go through there.

"I'm sorry but last chance to forgive me." But he still doesn't answer. I walk to my bedroom and threw his door.

"Harry, honestly. If you don't want me in your room shut the bathroom door that we SHARE." I say and he laughs.

Thank god I thought I was going to see his mouth in a smile.

"I told you that I like you. And then you get asked on a date buy my best mate and you agree. It just hurts."

"There are plenty. Of girls out there?! Right?! Why do you and Liam like me? "

He shrugs. "I don't know maybe because your beautiful and funny and smart and your a good cook which makes Niall feel good."

(Said no one ever...)

I look at him with wide eyes. No one ever said that. No one ever.

"Oh shoot I said that out loud didn't I?" I mod I'm embarrass meant.

"I have to go. I need to eat with Liam." I say and he looks hurt.

"Can I at least have a hug?"

I laughing and nod. He gets up from my bed and hugs me. Kissing my head a few times.

"Thanks for giving me a chance at least." He says sarcastically and I play punch him,

"Technically I went on a date with you." I say.

He shakes his head. "I wanted you to be more than just my date for one night. I'd love another chance and i want to be more to you but Liam might fill up that spot."

I sigh an hug him. As right as I can. And I don't let go. He is a nice guy. He is a wonderful guy. I don't want him to stop loving me but yet all of this is so weird. I feel like its a dream. I never have had 2 boys in the same famous band like me. But I love that they do. It makes me feel better about my self and them too. But I hope they won't just use me.

"You can let go." He says. But I shake my head.

"You might not like me later if I do" I say back.

He smiles and laughs.

"So how bout you go get prettied up for Liam and I wait for you to be done. Then we can go to a movie or something."

I smile and say that I'd enjoy that and head back downstairs.

"So is he fine now?"

I nod and sit down.

"So I was the girl? I was the one the whole time?"

He nods and grabs my hand.

"Well I like Harry a lot and don't eat me wrong your on my list too but god this is so hard to take in"

"Well then let's eat. I heard you got a date with Harry so."

I nod and laugh. "Well it's just a movie but we are fine"

We eat and break the rule if waiting an hour before swimming again and actually go swimming.

"Oh god Liam the water is so freaking cold!"

He laughs. "Give me a hug ad you will be warm enough to go get pretty for Harry."

I hug him and give him a kiss. Just because I can.

I walk up stairs and I mean all the way upstairs to go get a swimming dress.

Then I walked down stairs to meet Harry outside.

"So I didn't wanna go overboard since it is just Ice Cream." He laughs and grabs my waist.

"That's alright. You pretty enough as it is. You could wear rags and I'd still like you"

I laugh too. We walk to the corner ice cream shop. Not saying just nice people there but it was the corner after all.

You get the picture :)


I lied it will be transferred to harrylove404

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