Pillow Fort

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"Come on Max it's time for a bet" Chloe said with a big smirk on her face.
"What's the challenge?" Max asked. She knew Chloe would come up with something good and since she was drunk it should be easy to beat her.
Chloe looks around to think of a fun challenge. Her eyes lead her to the couch in the living room and she instantly rememberd they always used to build a fort with the pillows.
Chloe looks back and smiles devilish to Max, " We are going to build a fort. But if one wants to build his or her fort they shall need supplies."
" Where are you going with this Chloe?" Max looks confussed at Chloe.
"The first one that builds an awesome pirate fort wins and gets to choose a dare for the other."
Chloe holds her hand in front of Max and says," Do we have a deal miss Caulfield?"
Max grabs Chloe's hand and shakes it," You are too nice when you are drunk"
The two girls line up at the stairs ready to race and raid Chloe's and Joyce's bedroom from all their pillows and sheets.
Chloe chugs her last beer and starts counting down, "3..2...1GO"

The two best friends race upstairs and split up in seperate rooms.
Max takes Joyce's room and pulls off the sheets of the bed and throws it over her shoulder.

She then puts 3 pillows on eachother and lifts them. Chloe tries to grab everything at the same time and surprisingly it works. They meet eachother again in the hall and give eachother a quick look before rushing to the stairs. Chloe grabs Max's shoulder and pulls. Chloe takes over the lead and is the first one to arrive at the couch. Max arrives later and gives Chloe a mean look for cheating.
Chloe gives an evil smile as response and starts building her fort.

She attaches the sheet from the couch to the tv and uses the couch's pillows to build a small wall.

Max tries to do the same but it fails. When chloe is done with the inside of her fort she sticks out her head to see how Max is doing.
Max makes eyecontact with her bluehaired friend and starts laughing about her collapsed fort.
"Seems I won? I hella owned you!" Chloe says while holding her arms up in the air as if she had won the olympics.
"You cheated." Max says while walking to Chloe's fort.
"I didn't cheat we never made any rules."
"No fair I really thaught I was going to beat your ass this time"
"You are Super Max but not that super"
"I'll beat you next time Chloe. What is my dare." Max says somewhat nervous.
Last time when Chloe got to choose she dared Max to kiss her. Max did it and now she developd a small crush on Chloe.
Chloe thinks for a few moments and then finally says,"You are going to text Warren saying you and me are in a relatioship."
"Really? he's going to freak!"
"Exactlly" Chloe says with a big evil smile on her face.
Max takes out her phone and Chloe scoots over to sit next to Max.
"Warren I need to tell you something"
He instantly responds
"What up Maxaroni"
"I'm gay"
No response. Untill suddenly Max's phone starts buzzing.
It's warren. "Ignore" Chloe says to Max.

"I can't do that he must be freaking out right now."
Max takes her phone. Chloe quickly quickly grabs it out of Max's hand and ignores the call.
"Give me back my phone Chloe."

"No way Max come and get it."
There was something about Chloe's shinning confidence that made Max's heart do loops little did she know Chloe also started to feel things for Max.
Max launches herself on top of Chloe and the duo struggles for the phone.
When Max realizes she's on top of Chloe she stops.
Chloe looks into Max's eyes and drowns in them.
The two of them lay there for a few moments untill Chloe lifts up her head a little and pushes her lips onto Max's.

Hey the writer here please let me know what you thaught of this small chapter.
I will continue writing and I will also try to work you guys ideas into my fanfiction.

Thank you so much for reading.. {BluePunkRockRebel}

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