Road Trip

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Max's POV

With me and Chloe's statements combined the police was able to find a dark room under and old farm shed in the middle of the forest. They found several drugs. Including the ones Chloe got injected into her. There were binders with blackwell girls names on them. Kate Marsh was amongst them. There were picture of her being totally spacing out as if she wasn't there anymore but she was still awake. The same goes for all the other girls. 
Chloe and I needed to look through one special binder. The one tittled "Rachel Amber: Angel on earth."
We were expecting to see similar pictures of a Rachel spacing out but instead these pictures were posed. There were even little texts written with allot of the pictures. "Forever in your heart xoxo R.A."
Was the text written under a picture of Rachel in her bra.
Chloe confirmed the handwriting. She was crushed. 

I have been staying with Chloe for the past week. School has been put to an early stop so that everyone could stand still with Warren's death. The other victims have been getting therapy.
Kate is one of them. Poor Kate she was finally starting ot move on and now she has to relive all of it. Atleast people know the truth this time.

I look over at Chloe. She's laying in her bed staring at the picture of her and Rachel.
Deep down I hate it that she does that. But I understand her. We both have seen our best friends turn into monsters. 
I lay down next across her. She puts away the photo and pulls me closer to her.
She holds me tight against her and whispers with silent sobs," I don't want to loose you too Max."
"What are you saying you are not loosing me Chloe."
She releases me and looks deeply into my eyes. Her eyes aren't full of color anymore they are dull and red from all the crying. It's like staring into a body without a soul. She's still looking bruised all over and rough from the kidnapping. I put my hand on her cheeck and brush my fingers through her hair.
"You're not loosing me Chloe, never." 
She looks at me and gives me a smile. A true smile.

Her eyes lighten up and she seems to be glowing.
"Max." She says full excitment.
"Yes" I answer nervouslly.
"Will you go on a roadtrip with me. Across the country."
"What Chloe we can't just leave." Her smile turns into a frown.
"Why not we aren't save here at all!" 
She grabs my hand and pouts. "Max think about it! We haven't had a normal day ever since we started dating. I want to take you out to some fancy restaurant or shit. I want to have sex with you without having to be scared that we are beeing filmed or kidnapped. I... I just want to be with you."
Every word she said. Every fucking word is true. We haven't had a moment of rest since we started dating. I want to go. I want ot be with her.
She stares at me waiting for an answer. When she's about to say something I interupt her.
"You have a point. I'll go with you." She gives me a quick kiss and jumps off the bed. She grabs her side. "Watch out you are hurting yourself!"

"Sssht don't be bossy Max  I'm fine." She starts frantically looking for something in her desk.
"What are you doing?" I ask looking at Chloe ripping out papers from her drawers.

Chloe's POV

Where is it. Where is it. Where the fuck is it. I could swear I put it in here.
Wait. I stand still and think for a moment trying to remember where I put that damn thing.
Suddenlly a vague picture of me holding a box infront of my closet appears. 

"Aha found you." I mumble.
"Found what?" Max asks she's so fucking impatient.
"Just wait geez you are so impatient." 
aah fuck. A sharp pain goes through my side. My ribs shit ugh.
"Look at yourself Chloe let me help you please." Max jumps of the bed and walks towards me. She helps me to sit on the edge of my bed. Fuck it hurts.
"Now where is the thing you are looking for and what is it."
"It's in the closet and secret!"
"You have the attitude of a todler." She walks towards the closet.
"Well this todler thinks you have a nice ass."
She flips me of but I can see her blushing. I love making her laugh. Whenever I see her smile I just can't help it and start smiling too. I want to have that for the rest of my life. I want her by my side for the rest of my life. Shit illegal here. Fuck it we'll marry on hawaii. Nothing classier then marrying in a coconut bra.
Max throwing clothes at my diretion breaks me out of my fantasies.
"You are going to put those back right?"
"Why it blends in so well with the other mess. Like a chameleon." She has a smirk on her face.
"What are you trying to do Caulfield." She smiles devilishly.
"Get you to undress me."She says seductively.
 She throws a shirt at my face and when I finally get it off she's gone.
"I' m going to hand it to you you are fucking fast." 
I want to stand but Max tells me to stay  right there.
"I know you are in the closet if this is a comming out the closet joke I will slap you."
"Don't worry I'm not you miss Price." She says while laughing.
"What are you doing there come out already!" I'm starting to get impatient. 
"You want me to come out, well ok so I always felt a little diffrent. As if I wasn't normal because I like girls instead of boys."
I throw one of my combat shoes at the closet door and hear Max scream silentlly.
"I swear to god Max..." I can't finish my sentence. She walks out of the closet with only her bra and underwear on.
I stare at her. Since my injuries making love hasn't been happening. But fuck do I want to bang her right here and now. She puts one of her fingers behind her back and unhooks her bra. The look on her face is screaming pure lust. It feels like she can see right through me with that sexual stare.
Swinging her bra around one finger she slowly walks towards me.
My heart is raising so fast. I might acctually die. Seeing Max like this so confident it's a serious turn on.
She crawls on top of me and starts kissing me pasionatelly.
My side hurts but fuck it this pain is hella worth it.
"Glad I came out?" She asks with a smirk on her face.
"You really need to cool it with the gay puns. Come here you!"
I grab her and press my lips against hers.
" I love you Max Caulfield."
"I love you too."

Woohoo finally I can give them some rest.
The next chapters will be mainly Chloe and Max's roadtrip across country trying to really connect and get away from it all. 
Once again thanks for all the reads, likes and the comments.

You are the reason I want to continue this fanfic. Seriously you guys are hela dope.
I hope you enjoyed see ya soon ;)

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