The choice

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I KNOW I KNOW! I keep saying I'm not gonna write for a while because of school but to be honest i'm fucking addicted to this fanfic. (send help pls) So I'm not gonna say it anymore and just let it go (yes that was a pun about Frozen). Anywaaaaaays enjoy the chapter :D yours truly {BluePunkRockRebel}

Chloe's POV

I wake up next to a sleeping Max. She looks so peacefull as if nothing happend yesterday.
Yet allot happend yesterday. I beated the shit out of Warren and I was threatend. Well not  me but Max. The voice said she would be joining Rachle soon. Rachel.
I've been trying to get her out of my mind for ages because I thaught she just left Arcadia.
But now I know something acctually happend to her. I don't want to think if she might be dead.
That would mean they were planning to kill Max. 
I shake my head. It's to early for this bullshit.
I focus on Max and how she silently breathes. Watching her I notice she was starting to have trouble breathing. I lean over her trying to see if something is wrong when she suddenly shoots up screaming giving me a headbutt with the sudden awakenning.
My nose starts bleeding. "Aaah fuck are you ok" I ask Max.

She looks at me holding her hands infront of her mouth. The shape of my nose has printed itself in a light red colour on Max her forehead.
"I'm so sorry Chloe shit let me get you some tissues!" She starts laughing while she searches her room for tissues.
"You find this funny?" I was squeezing my nose to prevent getting blood all over so my voice sounded a bit nasal wich made Max laugh even harder. Adventually I couldn't hold it in any longer and started laughing myself. "What were you doing anyways? You were hanging right above me." She finds some tissues and throws them to me. I catch them with one hand like a pro.
"You were having a nightmare I saw you had trouble breathing. Care to share?" I explain while getting the tissues out and stuffing them into my nostrols.
She grabs her arm and looks at the ground. I know that pose it's the "I want to but I can't" pose.
"Max you can tell me everything." I stand up and walk towards her.
"I...I know it was just intense."
I put my hand under her chin and lift it so she looks me into my eyes.
"Max I'm serious what did you see that freaked you out this much."
She sighs. We walk towards the couch and drop ourselfs on it.
She lays her head on my lap and I start playing with her hair.
"So I barely slept, after you fell asleep I was just laying there thinking about that message. I started thinking who would want to hurt me or you and the list is acctually longer then I thaught."
"Did you make a list?"
"Yeah but the thing is that those people would indeed be willing to hurt us but not Rachel so it doesn't add up."
"Who is on it?"
"Nathan, Victoria, Brooke and even Warren. I could go on but I think these are the most dangerous ones." I start thinking ans she's right it wouldn't add up. Rachel was basically best buds with both Nathan and Victoria. Warren and Brooke didn't even know her. 
"After that I finally went to sleep. It started off innocent you and me just watching a movie."
She stops and stares at me.
I continue stroking her hair, resting my arm over her chest.

"It's ok go on."
"Then a black shadow entered the room. It had Rachel, she was bruised all over and...
The shadow had the same voice as the person that left us the message. He told you to make a choice.
Me or Rachel."
Max her eyes are focused on mine. I can guess what happend next. I probably choose Rachel instead of her.
"I would never..." She cuts me off. Shaking her head she says.
"You didn't make a choice. You tried to attack the shadow. But it had a gun.
He shot you. I wanted to go to you but my feet were stuck. Molten to the carpet.
Then the shadow tried to take me. I started screaming and thats when I woke up."
I stay silent for some time processing Max her dream. I died trying to save both.
It might acctually happen and I can't risk trying to save both and die. I would need to make a choice.
Ofcourse I would choose Max but Rachel means so much to me. I hope I'll never have to make that decission. I wouldn't want to see Rachel's face if I picked Max over her.
A part of me really wants to see her again but a feling deep inside acctually wishes for her to stay away.
"Again I'm sorry about your nose" She smiles lightly but I know it was staged. 
This was clearly something she took very personal.
I pull out the bloody tissues from my nose. it finally stopped bleeding.
"Max I would never want to have to make that choice but if I had to... I'd choose you."
I feel a sharp pain in my chest. Regret? No I don't regret saying this it is the truth I would choose her!

Max's POV

I look at Chloe with big eyes what she just said, it must have been so hard for her to acctually think about choosing. A small part of me is really happy but the other part is sad. Sad for Chloe, her making that choice, I can't even imagine how hard that would be. She and Rachel were so close. I guess I have Warren but that choice would be to easy. Chloe comes first and after Warren's stunt from yesterday I decided it would be the best if we would stop seeing eachother for a while.
"Chloe you don't need to say any of this... we shouldn't be thinking about this I think that's what that bastard wants. To make us insane."
"Your right let's get dressed you have classes and I'm going to have a talk with principal Wells."
"What?!" I sit straight and look at her.
"I'm coming back to Blackwell."
I can't help but smile. Now I can be sure nothing happens to one of us. We would be together even during school that really makes me feel save.
"I thaught you were suspendid."
She leans back on the couch and grins.
"Well today that suspension ends. I'm officially back baby."
She puts her arms in the air and then attacks me.
She pins me down on the couch. Her face is so close to mine I can see the exhaustion in her eyes.
I put the hair that was hanging infront of her behind her ear.
"Will you promise to be good." I say more sexually then intended.
She raises and eyebrow and comes even closer.
"What kind of Punk would I be if I would obey the rules." She whispers in my ear.
She looks at my lips and then quickly back at my eyes before striking.
She kisses me passionatelly and sliding her hand under my shirt. Her cold hand makes me shiver but I don't stop her. Before she reaches her goal my phone starts ringing. It's my alarm. Shit 8 already.
I break up the kiss and roll with my eyes.
"So close" Chloe says. I chuckle.
"We'll continue this some other time. We need to get dressed or would you like to go in your undies."
"You see that sounded like a bet."
"Get dressed smurf"
She chuckles "Did you just really call me a smurf."
"Yep and it will be your new nickname if you don't start moving that fine ass of yours."
I stand up from the couch and Chloe slaps my butt.
"You are such a child" I say rolling my eyes.
"What you have a nice butt!" I blush and throw Chloe's clothes at her.
"Get dressed we'll talk butt's after you get back into school!"
I take of my shirt and start to dress myself for school. Just my normal attire, my Jane doe shirt some jeans and my grey hoodie. I cover my hickey up with a scarf. Chloe left a big mark on me she better not do it again!

Before heading out I check my phone for any missed calls or messages.
One text from an unknown number.
The message reads;
"Seeing you strip was one of the hottest things I've ever seen."
My stomach turnend around. "Chloe did... did you send this."

I show the message to Chloe and her eyes widen. She looks at me as if she just saw a ghost.
"I didn't send that Max I swear." I know she's speaking the truth her reaction couldn't have been staged. My heart starts beating rapiddly.
Whoever send this was in the gym with us.
Someone is watching us.

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