The Stripping Hipster

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Max's POV

Still staring at my phone me and Chloe don't dare to speak a word.
My whole body is just stuck, in shock maybe?
Chloe puts her hand on my back and slowly rubs it.
"Max who ever has been watching us I swear we'll find him"
She says. Her consernend look makes me doubt if we will ever find this creep.
It's not a secret that we are both scared but we can't go to the police, then we would have to confess about breaking in in Blackwell wich could get both of us suspendid. Just when Chloe tries to come back. Fuck.
I shake my head and put away my phone.
I turn myself to Chloe she seems to be thinking about it all probably trying to figure out how we are going to catch this asshole.
"What are we going to do Che?"
She looks at me. I can't describe her expression but as soon as she meets my eyes she smiles. A real smile.
"Today we are just going to act like nothing happend. Ever since we've been together we have been under pressure and stress. I just want a normal day with my girlfriend."
My cheecks start burning. I probably have the colour of a fire hydrant right now.
She grabs my hands and we swing our arms a bit.
"Girlfriend?" I ask, hearing the shyness in my own voice I blush even harder and even Chloe her cheeks start turning red.
"Don't make it weird Max, yes you are my girlfriend" She lifts me up and I put my legs around her waist.
We slowly kiss eachother untill someone knocks on the door and enters. Seeing me and Chloe in this position Kate just freeze's and seems like she doesn't know if she should run or stay.
Chloe puts me back on the ground and we are both blushing like crazy.
"I'm sorry for interupting Max I... I didn't know you and Chloe? What?"
She shrugs her head and seems really confused.
"Max is my girlfriend"
Chloe says spontaniously. She grabs me by my shoulder and pulls me closer to her. Giving a smile to Kate.
Kate smiles back. She seems genuinly happy for us.
"You guys are too cute but Max can I talk to you for a second. It's uhm let me just show you."
Kate her voice sounds serious and sad at the same time. Was the Vortex club bothering her again?
I give Chloe a kiss and tell her I'll see her at math in an hour.
I follow Kate outside through the dorms hallway and into her room.
"Max... I have no idea how say this so I'll just show you." She doesn't even look at me. She opens her laptop and plays a video.
It's me. When I was stripping for Chloe. I can feel my eyes widen I look at the view count. 300 views.
The title. The Stripping Hipster.
How fucking original. You can't see Chloe only me. First I thaught Chloe did it but she would never do something like this plus the angle doesn't match up where Chloe was sitting. I'm not sad or ashamed atleast not now. No now I just feel pure anger. This must have been the creep from the text.
"I'm sorry Max I just had to show you. I already reported it so did Dana."
"Thank you Kate really you are a good friend" I hug her and continue."Any idea who did this?"
She shakes her head and closes her laptop. "I don't have a clue maybe Warren could find him through the IP or something like that."
I stare at my feet. Warren is probably not in the mood to see or speak to me.
"I can't go to Warren things are... complicated"
Kate sits down on her bed and gestures that I should sit next to her.
"Is it because if Chloe?"
"Yeah he didn't take it well. He kissed me infront of Chloe and Chloe just snapped. She hit him in the face. I don't think he wants to see me anytime soon."
"He shouldn't have kissed you. You made it pretty clear that you wanted to be just friends."
"Apperantlly I didn't." I sigh.
Kate looks at me and I know she wants to ask a question about the video.
"You can ask Kate, I'm not ashamed just freaked out someone filmed me."
She looks at me with guilt but adventually she asks," So who were you stripping for Chloe?"
"Yeah we had a rough day, she stole David Madson's keys he's her step-dad."
Kate shivers at the sound of David's name.
"He's so mean"
"I know yet he can be nice. He's just difficult."
"I don't really like him."
"Me neither but owell I guess him being in Chloe's house has it's perks. Like his keys to the pool."
"What happend at the pool?"
Kate her eyes are keeping me in sight. Why does she want to hear all this? She's probably just trying to be good friend. I tell her about how Chloe asked me to be her girlfriend and that we enjoyed our night swim untill the creepy voice called.
"Someone is watching you? Max are you sure we shouldn't get the police?"
"I don't know I just don't want to cause chaos for a stupid video and some blurry threats."
Kate puts her hand on my shoulder.
"I stand with you Max no matter what. I'll get Alyssa to delete the video before anyone else sees it."
I hug her again. I am so happy withs Kate she's a sweetheart I don't understand why Victoria and her bitchsquad would want to hurt her.
"Thank you so much Kate, I owe you big time."

Chloe's POV

I'm so nervous. My hands are all sweaty. I keep rubbing them off on my jeans but it isn't helping at all.
I'm sitting infront of Wells' office and count the seconds.
I'm going crazy what is he doing in there that takes so hella long.
I seriously love the word hella.
Hella hella hella hella.
Dude what the fuck are you even thinking now. Ok I'm stressed.
Keep calm think of happy places.
Max. I can't wait to see her again but first I need to get through this evaluation of my behavior.
If I pass I can come back to Blackwell. I habe to pass for Max certainlly when we are about to go on an adventure to find our stalker.
Nathan walks out of Wells' office with an angry look.
When he sees me his expression turns even worse.
I follow him with my eyes letting him know he should not fuck with me.
He's the reason I got suspendid and I'm totally going to get my revenge now I'm back.
Maybe he's the one that had been following us?
No he's too chicken shit for that.
He had this silly crush on Rachel he would never hurt her atleast I think so.
"Chloe Price"
Principal Wells his deep voice breaks me from my line of thaught.
I stand up and nod well here we go.

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