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Max's POV

Chloe is laying in my arms breathing heavily. She started coughing up blood 5 minutes ago.

I gound my phone in Warren's pocket. The corpse of my best friend is laying in the cornor. His eyes are still open and I could swear he's staring at me.
Who would do this. Chloe holds my hand and squeezes it from time to time. The police have my location. they are tracking me through my phone and are on their way here.
The only door in this room is locked there's no way out without the keys.
I checked Warren but he didn't have them. The woman that shot him closed the door when she ran out. Chloe starts shivering. I take of my jacket and put it over her.
"Max. If I..." I cut her off.
"You are not dying tonight Chloe!" I spit out. She can't leave me not like this. I can't loose her too.
She closes her eyes. I stroke her face and say her name. She opens her eyes again.
"Chloe please stay awake."
"But I'm so tired." She pouts. She's dying and still she wants to make me laugh.
I chuckle while tears form in my eyes. "Please don't go to sleep jet."
I kiss her forhead. Stay awake Chloe.
I hear sirens and sigh of relief. Thank god they found us. I hear heavy boots running down stairs. We where underground? They start kicking in doors and adventually kick in ours.
Chloe her eyes are closed again. She isn't breathing. My ears beep and everything seems to go in slowmotion. Paramedics rush in and carry Chloe outside while 2 cops walk towards me. I stare at Chloe her lifeloss body beeing carried into the ambulance. She's...dead?
I bury my face in my hands. No no she can't be dead. She's Chloe hella Price She can't fucking die on me. The two cops start asking me questions.
I can't hear them. I can only here myself crying. Chloe.

Chloe's POV

" name is Chloe Price." I mumble.
"Good a few more questions to ensure you don't have a concusion." The friendly nurse says.
I nod as a sign she can ask the next question.
"Ok where do you live."
"Arcadia bay."
She writes some words down and asks me another question.
"Do you remember what happend yesterday."
"I was captured by Warren Graham. He tortured me and then everything went black."
"And after that."
"I was laying on Max her lap. Warren Graham was dead."
"Well that seems to be it. There are some police men here to talk to you about the murder of Warren Graham."
I nod. The friendly nurse leaves the room and let's in two cops.
"Hello, miss Price." The two men take a seat next to my bed.
"How are your injuries?"
Really? Just get to the point man I don't need to reminded of my pain. Ass.
"Three broken ribs, some stitches and a bruised lung. But I'm alive I guess."
The cop with the mustach smirks. What are you laughing at asshole.
So many things I'd like to say but it will only seem suspicious.
"So Warren Graham. Friend of yours." Hell no.
"No, he was the best friend of Max."
The cop with the sunglasses starts writing down everything I say.

"Maxine Caulfield. Were they close."
Warren was always close in a hela creepy and stalkery way. I shouldn't say these things he just died.
The fucker diserved it though.
"They were best friends Warren wanted to be more then that but that never worked."
"Because miss Caulfield is your girlfriend." He says followed by a creepy smile. I'll just pretend he didn't smile.

"Yeah." I narrow my eyes. Fucking creep.
"It says here that you hit mr. Graham a month ago."
"He randomly kissed Max and I reacted with violence."
"Ok kid I'm going to be honest with you.It's not looking good for you. Your fingerprints where all over the gun and Graham's body. You have a motif."
I just stare at him. Fuck this isn't helping but I can't say anything either. Fuck!
"If I weren't bleeding to death on the floor I would've shot the fucker myself."
The cop with his shades stops writing. He throws away his pen and paper and grabs me by my shirt.
"Listen here you little bitch that boy was my fucking son, show some fucking respect!"
The other cop pushes him away from me.
I give the cop with sunglasses a death stare and yell.

"Your precious boy was a fucking creep! He stalked us, posted videos of us on the internet. He was fucking insane, it's good he's fucking dead!" I should not have said the last part. The cop grabs his gun and points it at me. Tears flow over his cheecks. Fuck the crazyness runs in the family!
The pornstage jumps infront of me and hits the gun from the other cop's hand. The cop that just threathend me runs out and smashes with the door.
The other cop runs his hands through his hair and turns to me.
"You only made it worse on yourself but i'll act as if I didn't hear any of it."
Where is he going with this.
"Listen kid I want to help you I really do so give me your full statement without being sarcastic."
"I'm sorry I just lost it." I look at the cop.
He nods and grabs the pen and paper form the ground.
I tell him everything.

Max's POV

Chloe called me yesterday after she woke up.

She was alive. I cried when I heard her voice through the phone. She told me that she's doing fine and had some awesome new scars she wanted to show me. It's unbelievable how she can still joke like that after almost dying.

I have already been questioned by the police. I told them about the mysterious woman, the video and even our break in. I don't care if I get suspendid. Our lifes were at stake. Both me and Chloe had to get stitches. The cut Warren gave me wasn't deep so it only needed to get stitched. It still hurts like hell. He's really gone. I think to myself.
I was sent home after the hearing. I'm heading to Chloe tommorow. I need to see her. After almost loosing her like that. I don't know It made me realise what I almost lost.
A life without Chloe. No I don't even want to think about that.
I get a text from Chloe.
"Thank you for saving my life. You have once again proved you are Super Max."
I start smiling at my screen. I wish I was layed back like her.
"No problem Chloe but you owe me one!"
"Fine when I get out of here we are going to that movie you really want to see.

what was it mockingbird?"
"Mockingjay! Yes you will Love Jennifer Lawrence."
"I would never love her more then I love you Max."
"I love you too Che."

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