Supermax and Captain Chloe

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Max's POV

Finally we arrive in Amsterdam.
Chloe is sleeping on my shoulder she's lightlly snoring and is still holding my hand.
I softly shake her."Chloe wake up."
I whisper. She groans and continues sleeping.
"You are such a pain in the ass!"
I whisper and kiss her. She returns the kiss and opens her eyes, looking more awake then me.
"Really you just wanted me to do that?"
"Yep can't believe it worked."
She says while walking over me into the isle of the plain grabbing our bags from the cabin above us.
I slap her butt when she turns around.
"Keep it in your pants Max well get to the hotel soon."
She silentlly says putting a hand nect to her mouth and grabs my hand while giving me a wink. I turn red.
Why do you do this to me Price. Why torment me like this. We aren't even close to a hotel but I want to bang you like now thanks to your comment.
"You're a filthy liar."
I try to pout but fail miserably. How does she do it?
Chloe catches a glimpse of my failed pout and chuckles.
"Why am I a liar Max."
"You said the Hotel was close. We've been walking for ten minutes already."
She laughs and looks at me.
We are standing still as she gazes into my eyes I feel the urge to kiss her.
"Look around Max."
I do what she says. What's to see there's some coffee shops and restaurants. Oh shit she wants to smoke.
"You said you wanted to try sooooo..."
She stares at me with those puppy dog eyes and pouts. How do you do that Chloe teach me. I finally give in.
"Ok ok fine let's do it."
Chlow jumps in the air with her fist pumped as a sign of her victory.
I'm in love with this weirdo.
She drags me into a shop where a big man with rasta'a greats us.
"Eeeey what can I do for you to day."
His voice sounds calm and chill.
"I'll have whatever you are having."
Chloe says while hanging over the counter.
"Aight mon purple hazeee how much?"
He answers. Dude I actually want to try some now.
"Five G and some filters please."
"I need to see some ID though."
"Here you go."
Chloe pulls out her ID. The rasta guy takes a quick look and nods. He then turns around and puts a green and purple plant in a bag.
"Enjoy your evening ladies and don't forget Love is the answer."
He says while Chloe packs up the goods. We both laugh and wish him a nice evening.
Chloe and I hurry to the hotel. I'm not in a hurry because of the weed, I'm in a hurry because Chloe got me in that special mood.
God damn your attractiveness Chloe.

We check in and get to our room. We don't even pay attention to anything we throw our bags on the floor and start making out. Finally fucking finally. I guide her towards the bed by slowly pushi her to it between kisses.
I take of Chloe's tanktop and push her on the bed. She looks at me and bites her lip. I'm sitting on top of her and pull of my shirt before kissing her pasionately.

Chloe's POV

Max is laying against me with her head on my chest.
"That was...wauw."
I try to say. I'm still regaining my breath after that. Holy shit Max what got into you.
"I didn't even know I could bend so far."
Max kisses me and gets out of bed.
"Where are you going?"
"The shower."
She says leaning against the doorpost of the bathroom almost completly naked.
"Not without me!"
I get out of the bed as quickly as I can and run towards her. She starts the shower and before we know it we are making out again.

After our shower, there actually was some cleaning this time, we decide to get some food.
"I'm thinking pizza you?"
"Yeah pizza is fine now where did you put it?"
"Put what?"
I ask while texting my order to a pizza place nearby.
"Mary jane, the grass, that green stuff."
I snap my fingers and get the bag out of my jackets pockets that was laying in front of me.
Max claps her hands and jumps on the bed landing right next to me.
I start rolling a joint and Max observes carefully.
"Now Max it is tradition that the one that roles gets the first hit."
I say with a school teacher voice.
Max chuckles.
"You're a dork light that thing."
"Fine fine" I roll my eyes and light the joint. I close my eyes and inhale.
Oh yeah this is the life.
Max is staring at me. I can't quite explain her look.
"Here you go"
Max takes the joint and looks at itwith a confused look.
"How do I?"
"It's like when you come back above water amd u gasp for air. You need to do that to inhale try it."
She takes a big hit oh god thats gonna go wrong.
She starts coughing and her eyes mover everywhere.
I take the joint from her and pat her back laughing like a maniac. She regains her ability to breath and stares at me. I take another big hit from the joint and put it out for now.
"Holy shit... is it normal that your head feels like how a cloud looks."
She makes these gestures as if her mind is blowing up.
Oh yeah Max got high.
"Yep I have it too are you feeling alright?"
She stretches out her arms and keeps them above her head.
"I'm hella fine che oh shit I can't say hella ssshhht don't tell Chloe."
"I wont say a word." I put my finger against my lips and wink.
"You have beautifull lips Chloe!"
She says while falling onto me.
She looks at my lips and grabs them with her thumb and index finger.
"I want to kiss you."
She begs.
I lean in for a kis and she hapilly answers it. She throws her arms around my neck and pulls herself closer to me.
"I feel so Super oh my god I'm super Max." She says with a surprised look.
"And you are captain Chloe we are a super hero duo! I'm batman and you are robin."
"Wow wow hold it there supermax. You are the sidekick!"
"Im batman." She says in a deep voice and nailed it perfectlly. "Besides if you want to continue our sexy adventures you better agree."
She whispers near my ear with that confident sexual voice.
I pull her closer to me.
"Yes my supermax." I say as I put a stray lock of hair behind her ear.
"I love you Chloe I really do."
"I know Max I love you too."

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