Meet my girlfriend

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Max's POV

"Chloe calm down it's going to be fine." I try to confort her by putting my hand on her back.
She slaps it away. "Don't...Max I can't fucking control myself."
We are sitting in her car and she is holding her steering wheel.
Well holding, she's basically strangeling it. Her knuckles that almost healed start bleeding again.
"I'm so fucking done." She hits her dashboard and starts the car.
"Where are we going?"
"Anywhere but here." Chloe says determined. I'm not really the type to skip school but I think Chloe needs me right now. She's so scared of herself.
I want to help her but I don't know how.
"I need to get something from home and then I'm heading out of town. You can come with me It's just for the weekend."
"You want to go camping?"
"Exactlly just back away from everything here, I swear Max I'm going to kill someone if I stay here any longer." Her voice starts cracking and before I know it I see a tear rolling down Chloe's cheeck.
Chloe Price is crying?
"Hey Chloe don't cry please it's ok you were just trying to protect me."
She wipes away the tear and looks angry at me.

"I wasn't crying Max I'm just so fucking stressed lately. The stalker, Warren, Blackwell and now that video of you. This guy is going to pay for thid but I need to clear my head first."
"Ok I get it. You have been under allot of presure lately. So what are we getting from your place."
"Money, a tent and sleeping bags and I have to return David's keys."
"Sounds like a plan. I'm down."
Chloe looks so determined to leave. She needs me now more then ever. Somehow she is losing herself. I thaught my return should make it easier for both of us but to be honest it's been drama since day one me and Chloe officially started dating.
I hope she will pick herself up soon I hate to see her like this so... broken.
Maybe going away for a while will indeed help her both of us. We need a day of from this life.
Life is weird. 

Chloe's POV

I can't believe what I did back there. It was like something in me just took over.
A voice in my head kept encouraging me to strangle the girl.

I enjoyed it too and that makes me scared of myself.
Yes it was to protect Max but I could've handled it with a less violent solution.
How did I beome like this so emotionally unstable. So out of control. Crazy.
Max is the only person that can break me out of those trances.
I'm gratefull for her. I wish I could be less deranged and more civilized.
But then again I love the way I am besides the unstable part.
Suddenlly I think about why I attacked that girl. Why?
Because she was bullying Max. The video.
A vague vision of Max stripping flashes by and I shake it off.

One of the best moments I had with her just turnend into something horrible because it was no longer just between us.
How did that video get online. Shit who the fuck filmed us. Well Max, they couldn't see me in the video.
The person is only trying to hurt Max? Or me because they are trying to break Max.
This is to much to think about. I just want to get the fuck out of here.
But I want to know.
"Max do you have any idea who posted that video?"
"I have no idea. Kate showed me the video this morning. She said Alyssa could try to take the video down and track the guy through his IP." 
"Who would do this. You think Warren would be behind this?"
"No why would he do that?"
"To get his revenge on me."
"I know Warren he will hold a grudge but I don't think he would do that to us."
I fucked his face up pretty bad. Another moment I lost complete control.
Would he do something like that? Would I do something like that if I was in his position?
I might be crazy but to mentally break that person? No I wouldn't but then again I'm not Warren.

We arrive at my house. I lean backwards and look at my home.
Max looks at me and puts her hand on my leg.
I stroke her hair and give her a kiss.
"I'm sorry I freaked. It's just lately it's been hard. But now we are going to just forget about all that for a moment."
"It's ok Chloe. Let's pack our stuff and have our most stereotypical lesbian trip ever."
"You are the cutest lesbian I have ever met though."

She smiles," And you are the cutest gay punk I have ever seen."
I lean in for a kiss and she answers it harder then I expected.
Her kiss was full of love and compasion.
I smile when she presses her lips against mine. When we break up the kiss we head inside.
"Chloe? Max? What are you girls doing here." Joyce walks out the kitchen into the hall way where me and Max are holding hands.
She looks at our hands wich are intertwined. Why don't I let go? Oh yeah I don't give a fuck. My mom isn't the person that would disapprove of us. 
A long moment of silence. 
"I knew there was something going on between you two." She says with a little bit of triumph in her voice as if she won the lottery or a bet.
She smiles at us and walks towards us.
I start blushing.
"Well I guess there's no way to hide it. Max is my girlfriend now."
"So that bruise in your neck  is a hickey from Chloe then."
She points at the big spot in Max her neck that looks like someone hit her really hard.
Max starts blushing and tries to cover up the bruise. "Yeah I tried to stop her but she's pretty strong."
"I'm so happy for you guys. Don't worry I wont tell David. But what are you two doing here exactlly?"

She focusses her look on me and I answer her,"There was an accident at school and we got send away for the day."
She doesn't look impressed I used to get send home daily.
"We are coming to grab some camping stuff. I need to relax." 
I have never been this honest to her. But I can't lie not now I'm trying to better myself.
To be honest she's not the worst. She has been really patient with me, it's unbelievable that she didn't kick me out.
If it was David's call i would've been on the streets by now but she still sees the innocent little girl thats deep inside me somehow.
"Thanks for being honest. I will let it slip for once but don't get used to this ok."
"Thanks Mom."
She looks at me. I haven't called her mom in a long time. I always tried to avoid it.
But she's so chill about me and Max and it seems like she tries to understand me now.
"The tent is somewhere in the attic and the sleeping bags are under my bed. Do you want me to pack you guys some lunch for on the road?"
"Hella yes, thank you really I'm sorry I've been such a pain in the ass but I'm really trying I promise."
"I know Chloe."

She nods and goes back to the kitchen.
Max and I run upstairs into Joyce's room and grab the sleeping bags.
I stand still and look at Max for awhile. She looks at me confused at my sudden stop.
"Are you ok?" She asks as she slowly walks towards me.
"I'm more then okay Max I'm in love."
I put my hands on her face and kiss her.
I wish I would never have to break up this moment. Me and her everytime we kiss time just stands still. The whole world fades and my problems aren't even there.
I want to be like this forever. Happy.

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