Goodbye Arcadia Bay

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Max's POV

New year's eve is in five days.
Me and Chloe are packing my stuff for our trip to New York.
We are going to watch the fireworks on timesquare. Chloe always dreamed about going there.
Because of all the recent events we decided to both take a leap year to travel the world. It just didn't feel right to go back to school and pretending everything is ok.
Thats why Chloe just wanted to go away for awhile and I agreed.
After New York we are heading to Europe.
I've always wanted to go to Italy or Spain.
It will take us 3-4 days to get to New York. We are taking stops along the way to enjoy, we don't want to rush anything.
My parents and Joyce agreed that this would be good for us.
They are even paying for our trips.

"Max you need to bring your guitar!" Chloe yells with excitment.
No fuck no.
"But Maaaaaax!! Why noooot!!"
She starts pulling my arm like a six year old. I take a step forward.
Our noses touch and we stare deeply into eachothers eyes.
"Because I said so." I whisper.
She wraps her arms around my waist and I swing my arms around her neck.
After a long and passionate kiss she annoyingly responds,"You are such a lame hipster."
She winks at me. I playfully push her backwards but she falls on the couch.
She grabs my arm and pulls me in for a hug.
"Can't escape now Maximus."
"We'll see about that."
I try to escape. When I'm almost free she wraps her legs around me too.
She's hanging on to me like a sloth.
"Wanna try again?"
"When did you become this strong."
"Maybe I am stronger or maybe you are just weak"
There it is. The smug smile I have missed. I smile and kiss her.
Her grip looses up a little bit and I'm able to wiggle my arm out of her embrace.
"It's tickle time" I whisper.
Chloe her eyes widen when my fingers start tickling her side.
She releases me and starts kicking with her feet like a fuzzy baby.
Laughing uncontrolably she tries to speak.
"Hahahaha Ma...Max ..p-please hahaha stop ha."
I continue. Adventually she gets a hold on my arms and pins me down on the couch. Normally this always ends with sex but we don't have time for that now so we need to control ourselfs.
She kisses me. Fuck how can I control myself I mean look at her. And the way she kisses me it's magical.
She breaks up the kiss. She tilts her head and keeps staring at me.
"You look cute when you are helpless."
"I'm not helpless, I just like beeing under you."
She raises an eyebrow and looks at me as if she wants to rip of my clothes.
I want it but we can't there's no time.
I can see here thinking but adventually she realizes we don't have the time.
"You are going to be the death of me if you keep leading me on like this."
"Don't worry I'll try to control myself"
I plant a kiss on her cheek and she releases me.
She stretches and grabs my bags.
I see her looking at the guitar.
I push her out of the door. " Not taking it with us." I say as I lock up the door.
"Booo you're such a buzzkill."
I roll my eyes.
"Watch out they'll fall out of your skull one day."
"Ha-ha You should watch out or no sex for a week."
She puts her hand on her chest as if she just got shot.
"Ouch. I felt that one but we both know you wouldn't survive a week without these."
She wiggles her fingers and I start laughing.
"Fine you win."
"I always win Max you should know that by now."
"Not always."
"Don't you even dare to bring that up again!"
We both start laughing as we make our way to her car.
I am so lucky to have her. She has fully recovered. Her jokes,her laugh, her confidence. It's all back.
It's weird but this is the Chloe I fell for.
Welcome back Price.

Chloe's POV

"Ready to rock Mad Max."
She salutes me and yells.
"Hella ready Captain Chloe!"
I narrow my eyes. She looks at me with an evil smile.
"You are on thin ice first mate."
She leans closer to me.
"What are you gonna do about it."
The way she says it made me shiver. She has become so much more confident. It's pretty hot when the innocent hipster turns into a horny sexmachine.
"Don't steal my slang Caulfield this is my final warning."
She starts laughing and gives me a kiss.
"I love you." She says hanging on to my neck with her arms. Our heads against eachother. It's moments like these I tresure. It feels like the world is just gone allong with all the shit we've been through. It's just gone.
"I love you too, Hipster."
Another kiss. I start the car.
Well here we go. I can't believe I'm acctually going to New York.
Goodbye Arcadia you wont be missed.
I think to myself as I see the sign saying that I'm leaving Arcadia.

We have been on the road for a couple of hours now.
Mom made us some sandwiches.
I swear I have never eaten a better salmon sandwich then the one my mom makes. To be fair I haven't really been outside Arcadia much. I found my quest. Find a better Salmon sandwich then Joyce's. That's going to be fucking hard.
Max fell asleep ten minutes ago. She looks so peacefull and cute. Still can't believe she's mine.
She starts shivering and I stop the car on the side of the road.
I grab a blanket out of one of our bags and cover her up.
"Thanks Che, I love you." She says with a grogy half asleep half awake voice.
I give her a kiss on her forhead.
"I love you too."
While walking to my side of the car I light up a cigarette.
I promised Max to cut down and adventually quit.
It tastes disgusting. This is my first smoke in weeks and it tastes like this?
I throw it away and look at the package.
"For Max." I say underneath my breath and drop the package.
I look at Max sleeping peacefully and clutching the blanket.
She has always believed in me. Always been there for me. Time to return the favor and start working on my addictions.
I'll give up the cigarette's. Small sacrafice compared to beeing able to wake up next to her everyday.
Ofcourse we have our fights but we always find a solution.
Dealing with the alternate Max was the worst. I started to mix them up causing me to freak out against the real Max sometimes. Yet she stayed. She loves me so much and I love her.
I can't imagine life without her anymore.
Life is hard but hella worth it when you find someone to share it with.

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