Something New

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Max's POV

Chloe stopped in a small town.
We didn't pay attention to the sign so I acctually have no idea where we are.
I'm waiting in the car while Chloe is getting Starbucks and some muffins across the street.
Suddenlly my phone starts buzzing.
The message reads.
" Missing your cute ass."
I roll my eyes and respond.
"Just get the damn muffins -.- "

"Now you aren't getting any!"

"What the hell why not! Would you really let me starve!"

"I would if you continue using those hella ugly emojiis."

"Focus on the food Chloe!"

"This line is taking foreveeeeer!!"
Another message comes in with a picture this time.
It's a picture of Chloe's middlefinger to the line of people infront of her.
You can see the barista looking angry at Chloe.
" Can you believe this shit!"

"Don't worry you could always eat me ;)"

"Ok that was emojii worthy gg Super Max."

"Are you gonna make it! Or should I start finding a gun so we could hunt."

"You have never even held a gun. ITS MY TURN!!"
I decide to not text back and wait for her to get back with our drinks and food.
I see my Blue haired rebel running to the car holding our food and drinks.
Don't fall. Don't fall. Slow down before you fall!!
She makes it to the car in one piece.
I open her door for her and she gets in.
She gives me a quick kiss.
"Here's your food and your Frapachino. Starbucks is such a hipster spot you should've been in that line it was torture!"
"The next time we have to make a supply run I'll do it."
After sipping from her coffee she chuckles.
"Great I'll let you get condoms then."
I nearly choke on my muffin.
"Fuck you!"
I manage to get out between coughs.
Chloe pats me on the back trying to help.
I sip from my drink and regain my ability to breath like a normal human beeing.
"Didn't mean to shock you like that."
She starts laughing. I give her a death stare and she tries to control herself.
She tries to apolagize again.
"I'm sincerally sorry I didn't know dicks scared you that much."
She was so close and then she ruined it.
If I had taken a bite I would've choked again!
"Just shut up!"
I lean in for a kiss and she hapilly answers it. She smiles against my lips.
"Let's finish this and hit the road again. Maybe we could find a motel to stay at and have some alone time."
She wiggles her eyebrows.
I know that stare it makes me bite my lip.
"I would kill to sleep in a bed tonight."
She gives me another quick kiss and we continue our breakfest.

Chloe's POV

Instead of leaving the town we saw a Motel just before the border and decided to stay the night.
I have been driving for two days now and had some power naps but no actual sleep.
Me and Max drop ourselfs on the bed wich is surprisingly soft and just gaze into eachothers eyes.
Everytime I look in those eyes I drown in them. The way she looks at me I know that it's true love. It's the way my dad used to look at my mom.
"How is it possible that I can't get enough of you." I whisper. I sorta hoped she didn't hear it but it's true. She's my adiction. I hate being away from her. All those years that she was gone there was this emptyness and i tried to fill it up with drugs, alcohol and Rachel. Don't misunderstand me I loved Rachel I really did but the way I love Max. It's diffrent it's pure.
"I can't get enough of you either Che."
She silentlly says.
"When you came back. It didn't feel like you ever left. Even after all those years the bond we had didn't change."
"I still feel bad about never contacting you. It was a real dick move."
"Hey that doesn't matter anymore. Look at us. We've been through hell and still we keep finding strenght in eachother. If this isn't love then I don't know what is."
Max slides herself closer to me and gives me a pasionate kiss.
I know where this is heading.
"Let's try something new." I say after our lips part.
Max gives me a confused looks mixed with curiosity.
"I'm heading in the shower and let's say if Maxine Caulfield is feeling adventurous today she might join me."
She puts her head against mine and gives me a daring look. I can feel the sexual tention burning in both of us.
"Are you suggesting shower sex miss Price."
What she didn't yell at me for calling her Maxine? She is either really sexually starved or up to something.
Please let it be the first one.
"I may have suggested such a thing."
She kisses me. We open our mouths at the same time clearly we were thinking the same and start dancing with our tongues. Max is seriously a natural at french kissing.
"Does that answer your question?"
She whispers near my ear with a real sexual voice.
That made me shiver. I don't know what it is but whenever Max shows of so much confidence it makes me feel even more attracted to her.
I smile and jump off the bed.
I take of my shirt while walking towards the bathroom door.
I lean against the door post and turn around to see Max staring at me.
"Well come on what are you waiting for." I say.
Max snaps out of her trance and follows me in the bathroom.
I already let the shower run for a while so that the water can heat up.
We start to undress eachother and adventually go into the shower.
I pin Max to the wall and she shivers but ignores the cold wall and starts kissing me.
"Before we start I have one more piece of advise." I say with my serious voice.
Max raises and eyebrow and looks confused.
"Don't drop the soap."
I say as I put a piece of soap in her hands. She rolls her eyes and throws it away.
"Just shut up and have sex with me!"
She throws her arms around my neck and kisses me with fire.
Simply the best shower I have ever taken.

20th chapter already 0-0
So I need to know. I really love writing this story but I'm afraid people will stop reading if it gets to long so my question to you guys is should I put an end to it soon or just continue?
I'd really love to hear your opinions and thaughts.

Thank you all for the lovely comments and support.
yours truly {BluePunkRockRebel}

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