Vivid Dreams

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Chloe's POV

I'm blindfolded. My arms and legs are taped to the chair I'm sitting on.
When I try to scream my mouth hurts and my lips wont come from eachother.
I try to stick my tongue between my lips and feel small threads.
My mouth is sown shut.
I panic and start moving in all directions trying to get loose.
A sharp pain runs through my neck and I feel a substance going through my vains.
I start feeling numb but I don't fall asleep. What kind of drug is this.
I can think but my body isn't working. Nothing will move. No matter how hard I try nothing budges.
Suddenly someone rips the blindfold from my head and my eyes get blinded by a bright white light.
My eyes take some time to adjust and then I see myself in a mirror.
I look around in search of the person who ripped of the blindfold but there is no sign of life.
The room seems to fall apart in some places. I glare at the mirror.
My blue hair is gone and replaced with a blood red color. "It's not hairdye that's real blood miss Price"
A deep voice whispers. I sounds like he's right by my ear but there's no one in this room with me.
My mouth is stitched, not carefully it has been done fast and painfull. My mouth is full of blood and seems to be infected. "I should've been more carefull. The needle wasn't clean" The same voice explained.
I try to ignore the voice and focus on ym reflection. I'm bruised all over and have a huge bullet hole at the place where my heart is supposed to be. How am I not dead?

"You can't kill something that is already dead miss Price"
I close my eyes. This must be a dream right? Am I dead?
When I open my eyes again Max is standing infront of me.
She's holding a gun and her eyes are full of tears.
"I'm sorry Chloe" She puts the barrel in her mouth and shoots. My ears stop working. I scream. Forgetting about the threads they ripped and I can't describe the pain. I start screaming even harder.
Max her body was laying infront of me. Drops of blood fell on the ground as I tried to bend towards Max.

"Chloe! Chloe wake up!" I open my eyes and see Max her face without a giant hole in it.
"You... I. Where am I!" She hugs me. "It's ok I'm here you're safe."
When Max releases me her eyes turn in her head. Her mouth opens and blood starts running from her mouth. The world falls apart. It's pitch black. I'm alone. "This is how it will end. It's only a matter of time before you loose her! Start getting used to being alone Price it's your fate!"
It's not the voice from the room no it's my own voice. It's not real. It's not real.
I close my eyes. It's not real! I claw my hands at my ears as the voice starts repeating it's sentince.
"She will leave! You'll be alone FOREVER!"
The voice gets louder and louder. I can't take it anymore.
"Stoooooooooooooop!" I yell clawing at my ears trying to get the voice out of my head.

I open my eyes. I'm in the woods, laying in the back of my truck with Max in my arms.
I let out a sigh of relieve.
That was so sureal. I can barelly even remember what happend.

A mirror and a voice screaming I will be alone. No not just a voice. My voice.
Was I scared of being alone. What am I saying ofcourse I'm scared of that. Or am I just going insane.
I can't even put reality apart form my dream world right now.
Max starts waking up. She gazes into my eyes.
This moment. The feeling I have now it's, it's like wherever I am as long as I'm with Max it feels like home.
"Goodmorning beautifull." I say with a groggy voice. Shit I sound like I have been screaming all night.
In a matter of speaking I was screaming in my dream. I didn't scream in my sleep did I?
Max rubs her eyes and smiles. "Good morning Che."
I clear my throat. "Did you sleep well?"
She swings herself on top of me. Seriously she doesn't weigh anything.
"I have never slept so good in my entire life" She leans forward and kisses me.
Her warmth and passion makes me forget about the horrible dream.
Our kiss feels as if we are both finally where we are supposed to be. With eachother.
Max lays down on my chest and puts her head on my heart. I stroke her hair with one hand and hold her close to me with the other.
"It sounds so peacefull." She softly whispers.
"My heart?"
"Yes. You really like it out here don't you?"
"What's not to like. The freedom, the nature and ofcourse my hella cute girlfriend laying on me."
She smiles and we stay in this position for a long time untill my stomach starts growling.
Max chuckles,"Sounds like the Punk is hungry."
"Fuck yeah let's see what my mom put in that basket."
Max nods and we get out of the back of my truck.
I grab the picknick basket out of the backseat and open it.
Crawling back into the back of the truck Max sits between my legs.
I hug her from behind and lock her arms so she can't move.
"I wish I would never have to let you go."
"Chloe..." Max her voice sounds serious and cold.

I release her," Max?"
"I heard you talking in your sleep."
What? Oh fuck my dream or well nightmare.
I remain silent. I don't know what to say since I don't know what I could've said.

"Are you afraid of losing me?"
That question hits me right in the face.
"I... I had a nightmare and you. You had a gun and shot yourself. I freaked out I'm sorry if I woke you up."
"You were screaming my name and moving uncontrolably."
"I'm sorry did I hurt you or something?"

"No but. You opend your eyes. I tried to talk to you but you weren't responding."
I look at Max with confusion? Did I wake up? If I did I certainly don't remember any of it.
"I can't remember waking up. What did I do."

"You whispered my name and then just hugged me. I was half asleep myself but it felt to real to be a dream."
Pieces of the nightmare start moving infront of my eyes again.The mirror. My sown mouth.Max taking the gun. The gunshot rings in my ears. I can't feel my body. My head pounds. I want to grab it but I don't have a body. I slowly feel myself slipping away from reality. Hearing Max screaming my name in the distance. My body feels light and falls backwards. Flashes of the nightmare continue to take control of my sight. Everything goes dark.

Max's POV

"Chloe! Chloe fuck wake up CHLOE!" I shake Chloe's lifeless body.
Shit she had some sort of attack.
I put my ear on her mouth. Thank god she's breathing.
I grab my phone and dial 911.
"911 how can I help you?" a soft voice answers.
"My friend fainted I need an ambulance!" I'm so glad that I have full control over my voice right now.
"Where are you miss."
"The GreenPlace camping site just outside of Arcadia Bay Oregon."

"We have your location a unit is on it's way. Stay where you are miss."
An ambulance pulls up at the campsite. I run towards the medics and take them to Chloe.
She's still breathing only way faster then before. They haul her onto the stretcher and roll her into the ambulance. I lock Chloe's car and jump into the ambulance with the medics.
I hold her hand and lean over her lifeless body. Did she have a seizure or a heart attack?
She's stable so there isn't much the medics can do.

I'm sitting in the waiting room. the ticking clock makes me go insane. It just reminds me of the seconds Chloe is still unconcious.
I keep trying to figure out what happend. We were just having an conversation then her eyes rolled into her skull and closed.
"Max caulfield!" A doctor adresses me.
I walk towards the doctor. He's young probably mid thirtees, very handsome and he has this trustworthy charisma aorund him.
"We found traces of lsd in your friend. We discovered a needle mark in her neck. She was drugged.
She is going to be fine but there was allot in her vains. With a dose like this it's possible she will get these halucinations out of thin air."
Chloe was drugged? When? We were asleep. Did someone drug her when we were asleep?
I need to see her.
"I... I don't know what to say. We were alone in the woods."
"She hasn't been the first teen this week. A few others have showed up aswell with the same dose of LSD in their body and a needle mark in their necks.The police will do anything to find this guy."
"Where those teens by any chance Blackwell students?"
"Every single one of them. How did you know? You go to Blackwell?"
"Yes I heared stories of some students fainting during class."
He puts his hand on my shoulder.

"We will find him. Now let's take a look at her shall we."
I nod. He leads me to Chloe her room.
She's asleep or well halucinating? I have no idea what she might be going through right now.
I just hope it wont be permanent.

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