Chapter 4- Just Go Out Already!

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I couldn't stop thinking about the almost kiss that I had with Toby. I keep wondering what if it actually happened? But it looks like he's acting normal, according to Tori, he's doing his everyday routine.

"UGHHHH" Tori shouts as she puts a pillow over her head

"What? Did you drink to much" I say while laughing and she gives me daggers. "Why do you keep asking questions about Toby?" She shouts

"I'm not!" I shout back purposely so she will get a migraine.

Toby's POV
I couldn't stop thinking about the what ifs of our almost kiss last night. If I would have kissed her then what would she have done? I can't risk doing that again, not until I know for sure that she likes me.

Ty walks through the door and I smile. "Ty, my man. How was your night with Hadley?" I ask and I see his face is stunned but I can't figure out why so I look up at what he is looking up at. A very angry Avery

Avery's POV
"YOU SLEPT WITH HADLEY?!" I shout and he shamefully nods.

"How could you!" I shout and his head just goes down. "After everything we have been through, you do this to me?!" I shout while slapping his arm

"I'm sorry?" He says and I slap him and walk out the door. "After everything we have been through, this is going to be the thing that tears us apart?"

"You bet, but you should have thought of that before. Tell Tori that she can come over later Toby your invited too" I say and he nods I slam the door shut and speed walk home.

When I get home I slam my door shut. "Honey, can I come in?" Mum says and I open my door

"What's wrong sweetie?" She asks and I put my head on her shoulder.

"Ty slept with my enemy and wasn't even sorry. Mum, after everything we have been through this is going to tear us apart. Hadley dumped punch on me the night of the dance and showed a video of me from last year. I went off crying and upset and he didn't even come to find me, he went and slept with her. Mum, he's supposed to be my best friend and he betrayed me" I say while crying and she strokes my hair. I hear Ty come through the front door

"Avery?" He shouts

"Up here" mom says and I get mad at her. "Why would you do this?" I shout and she smirks

Ty walks through my door and I automatically see the guilt on his face when he sees me. "Look Ave, I didn't mean it-"

"You didn't mean it?! How can you sleep with your sisters enemy when she is in a time of need and not mean it?! I was mad at you for going home with a girl when I was crying in that park. But you didn't care did you? You slept with her. How could you!" I shout with tears falling down my face

"I can explain-"

"There's nothing to explain Ty, I thought we were passed all of our foolish ways! But I guess I was wrong. You never changed and I hate that" I shout and a tears falls down his face

"Now get the hell out of my room and go think about the damage you caused!" I shout while pushing him out of my room and into the hallway. My phone starts ringing and its from an unknown number


"Hey, it's Toby. You okay?" He says and I sniffle

"I'm coming over" he says while hanging up the phone.

A few minutes later, Toby comes barging through my door with chocolate. "Hey, how ya holding up?" He says and I hug him which he returns tightly.

"I brought you chocolate because I like to pig out when I am sad or feeling down so I want to bring you into the tradition" he says and I smile

"I must look like a mess right now" I say while fixing my hair and wiping the mascara off my face.

"No, your still pretty don't worry" he says but I think he realized what he just said so he immediately changed the subject.

"Alright, let's go out and do something. But first let us eat chocolate!" He says with excitement that makes me laugh

"I like your laugh" he says and I smile. "Well since we are dishing out compliments, I like your eyes" I say and he smiles

"Do you want to hear a poem that I wrote?" He asks and I nod.

She  was there to keep him from falling
But all he did was drown
Drown in his sorrows and unhappiness
But what he didn't realize was a simple little thing could change his life forever.
She lifted him up from his storm of emotions and made him see light
The New Girl changed my heart and I will forever be in her favor

Once he is finished, I am blushing and smiling. "Wow, Toby that was... Beautiful" I say and he smiles

"I'm glad you like it because it is meant for you" he says and I smile bigger and push a strand of hair behind my ear

"Well, I kind of figured. The new girl part gave it away" I say and we both laugh he grabs my hand and intertwined her fingers.
Two days later...
We are now at lunch and the guys and Tori and whispering. "Hey guys, whatcha talking about?" I say and the all smirk

"You actually" they say and Toby comes and sits next to me. "What about me?"

"What's going on with you two?" Adam asks referring to me and Toby. "Nothing is going on. We are just friends" We say in unison and they all laugh

"Something is going on between you two and we are going to get to the bottom of it. What happened two days ago before I came over?" Adam asks and I smirk

"Nothing, I was just upset about the Ty thing and he same with chocolates to cheer me up" I say and Tori scoffs

"I bet it was to cheer you up" she says and I give her daggers "what's that supposed to mean?" I say and she rolls her eyes

"It means HE likes you, YOU like him. Just go out already!" They all shout and we laugh

"One day..." Toby says and I smile

"So your still not talking to Ty?" Adam asks and I shake my head

"Nope. I'm not talking to him until he sincerely apologizes" I say and they laugh

Once school got out, we all went to the park and played around like little kids.
And that's how my day went

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